

I entirely agree with Mr. Joseph Bayley that an organisation should be formed to co-ordinate sprinting and hill-climbing in the car world. I am thinking principally about dates.

I am very fortunate to be closely connected with the hill-climb at Wiscombe Park in Devon. You may know that certain clubs select their dates and then apply for the use of the hill. Strictly speaking, therefore, the dates selected are not my concern. However, I have been climbing hills for a few years and I am dismayed if I find that we have clashed with another climb. After all, as Mr. Bayley says, these events only exist because certain people “like doing this sort of thing,” and it is a crying shame if two venues should discover too late that they are pulling against each other instead of the opposite which is so desirable. It is equally tiresome for competitors.

I realise that events of high category are spread out but in my limited experience I find that category has little if any effect on quality and quantity of entries. The only real solution is for the fifty-odd speed venues in the country to pool their plans as early as possible in the preceding year and work out a calendar to the benefit of all and the Sport in particular.

There seems to be an ever-increasing demand for hill-climb and sprint venues and the need for co-ordination is becoming urgent.

I am, Yours, etc.,

Mortimer. – Charles Lambton (Major).