Empire Trophy asides


The public at Brooklands used to complain of the closely-spaced, high, spiked iron railings through which they had to peer. But at least large dogs were unable to get through the bars onto the Track.

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If you want to know the dog’s name, ask Jimmy Brown what he called it. It bit a marshal but the Silverstone Track Manager was undaunted and carried the errant animal to the security of his office.

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The I.C. drivers were paraded in a bevy of the new M.G. Midgets – one of which had a Sprite wheel name-plate

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Fangio watched the “old banger’s procession” from Copse Corner after starting the race. He seemed interested only in Moss and soon left his vantage point, but stayed to collect the results of all the races at the end of the day.

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Finest display of understeer was by the D.K.W. Junior.

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Not bad – Christabell Carlisle in her Mini-Austin lapped faster than seven men, including Cuff-Miller in his class-winning Sunbeam Rapier!

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A report of the B.R.D.C. Meeting by “M. T.” appears on page 670.