Motor Racing at Ouston on August 8th


For the first time a motor race meeting is to be held virtually on Newcastle’s “doorstep” — at Ouston Aerodrome, on Saturday, August 8th.

Organised jointly by the Border M.R.C. and the Newcastle & Dist. M.C., this meeting will provide the North-East with an opportunity of seeing motor racing without the need for travelling to Scotland or Yorkshire. The nearest full-scale meetings to have been held previously were at Charterhall, just over the Scottish border.

Although still in use by the R.A.F., Ouston is being made available to the organisers and it is estimated that more than 30,000 people can be accommodated quite easily. Admission charges have been fixed at 5s. per person, with free car parking. The course to be used for the racing comprises runways, and perimeter tracks. A complete lap is 1½ miles.