Vintage postbag, August 1958



The current correspondence in MOTOR SPORT regarding Cubitt cars reminds me of an incident might be of interest.

In 1946 or 1947, when calling at a filling station at Weeley, Essex, I was very surprised to see a Cubitt two-seater of the type illustrated in your last issue, and in remarkable condition, drive into the forecourt.

I could not resist enquiring of the driver, a gentleman in his sixties, the history of the car. Briefly, he told me that it had been in storage from new until only a few months previously, and had since covered only five thousand miles. He, the owner, had been an executive (I forget exactly what) of the manufacturers, and when the concern closed down, he had stored two of the cars of which this was the second.

The condition was really remarkable in view of the age of the car, and I well recall the as-new coconut mats on the running beard, and the unworn “herring bone” Dunlop tyres … a timely fascinating vehicle. Unfortunately was in rather a hurry, and did not collect on further details, but it might well be that other readers know more of this car or its companion.

I am, Yours etc.,

C. F. Thacker.
Windsor, Berks.