

Mr. McGrath has my sincere sympathy, for ” faulty -servicing.” which be So honestly admits, has robbed hint of those experiences which make Citroen owners such enthusiasts.

The Light Fifteen is essentially a car that responds to faultless attention, but, alas, very few garages service this car efficiently. The. two grease nipples most needing attention are troublesome to get at, and consequently grease hands either ” give them the miss ” altogether, or only perfunctorily feed them.

The advantages and joys of front-wheel-drive do, inevitably. expose the universals to the elements and to the filth thrown back by the fellow in front, but adequate grease at correct intervals takes care of this. My car is 1947 and has covered 53,963 miles ; the universals are almost perfect.

” Heel and tot ” tyre wear can be eliminated by inflating to 24 lb. all round.

Starting, even in mid-winter, has always, with mine, been immediate, and I have heard no complaints on this score from any other owner.

Top speed is 83 and acceleration comparable ; is 30. Oil consumption is still over 200 miles per pint.

The change-down from second to bottom is tricky, but does Mr. McGrath fully depress his clutch pedal ? This is most important.

My sincere advice to Mr. McGrath is to put the grease-gun all over his Citroen himself every 500 miles, paying particular attention to the inner universal points. He will then know that the job has been done. If his car has not been too seriously neglected, it will gradually respond to generous servicing and convince its owner that his purchase was ahappy one. I am, Yours, etc.,

Tad worth. W. HOLLOWAY.