

Sports-Car Club goes one better than many in 111}.111;:vint-01.g.;Silverstonc race meetings per SeaSOII. This year

it held its second meeting.. on July Ilth, a day notable for a good attendance, a nu:eh-appreciated buffet and luncheon for the Press and officials, a fine, representative entry for the Seaman Memorial Trophies 100-kilometre. race., and rain only at the end.

The car parks were well filled with so many interesting ears that some people neglected the racing to examine them, and then no doubt went home to slap paint even on 4.Y2.(1 ” heaps,” an greatly do these V.S.C.C. meetings inspire enthusiasm for the vintage cult.

The meeting opened with some 5-lap handicaps. The first saw Burton’s 4i-litre Bentley come through the field to win strongly at 65.07 m.p.h., although fastest lap had been secured by McDonald’s scratch Bentley, which, declared as 4,6(10 c.c., lapped at 68.42 m.p.h., Coivin’s 41-litre Bentley came second, just. ahead of Crowther’s Frazer-Nash, a good start, to a -vintage day! McKenzie, Jim. for once gyrated in his 4i-litre Bentley, Griffin’s 1922 30/98 Vauxhall Was inclined to fire intermittently, and Marsh’s Alvis, Winder’s 30)98 Vauxhall and Ironside’a blown Austin Seven all ceased before the chequered flag was flown, the last-named with no fuel connection between tank and carburetter.

The next race Was led, at first, by a gaggle of Riley Nines, Beans’ 1929 tourer preceding Peter Binns’ 1430 fabric. Monaco saloon and Batho’s 1929 tourer, while Evans’ modified 1930 tourer was just behind Firkins’ sprightly 1914 Darracq tourer. Binus took the lead on lap three but right behind him was that astonishing Austin Seven ” Simplicity,” driven very determinedly indeed by its clever creator Jack French. The car is virtually standard except in the breathing department and now has a three-speed Ulster cogbox. It was well in front on lap four and won yet another race, at 59.1 m.p.h.. from Kellow’s 2-litre G.P. Bugatti and Binns’ astonishing Riley saloon. Fastest lap had been made by the scratch car again, Bailey’s 43-litre Bentley, at 68.91 m.p.h. West’s Invieta fell ill, Isherwood’s wonderful Mathis was out-handicapped this time, and Batho’s Riley came in making knocking noises. Two 22/90 Alfa-Romeos ran, of which Smith’s 1924 car is a short-chassis racing two-seater which is probably the ex-Coe SheLiffey Walsh car, although its owner admits honestly that he isn’t sure. The third race produced an exciting finish, for after Betty 11Mg had won at 61.84 m.p.h. in her desirable T.T. M.G. Magnette (see page 354 last month), Manning had to drive into the ditch, which awaits those who do not make Wnodeote Corner, to avoid Lawrence’s

re Bentley. Neither Manning nor his Austin) Jeffery were hurt. The Bentley was second, a 1.5-litre Bentley driven by E. Smith third.

Next came a handicap for chain-driven Frazer-Nash and G.N. cars. which produced sonic covetable ” T.T. Replicas” and two of the G.N. brigade, the fearsome blown G.N./Hardy and Grices 1921-4 G.N. Special, Arnold-Forster’s 1924 Anzani-G.N. Special failing to start. The Hardy car is called ” Riley’s Daughter,” which gives a clue to its engine, and has the crab-track to well end all crab.

tracks ! But Barratt’a 1932 Nurburg Frazer-Nash won, at 58.64 m.p.h., from Geoghegan’s 1928 car and Skirrow’s 1930 ‘Nash. Geoghegan made fastest lap, at 61.84 m.p.h.

Gahagan’s much-used 1926 Cr.P. ling,,atti, in spite of pre-race alarms about oil in the coolant, won the. fifth handicap nicely. at 58.57 m.p.h., from Momma in Barratt’s 1927 2-litre G.P. Bugatti, which also did fastest lap at 63.19 m.p.h., and Walker’s 1929 45-litre Bentley-what a lot of 4k-litre W.O. 13entIcys still ran as well as when they were delivered ! A wretch race of five. circuits confined to vintage cars followed,

victory going to Major Bailey’s 41. litre Bentley (what have we just told you!), at 67.15 m.p.h., after a lap at no less than 69.74 m.p.h. McDonald’s Bentley had duelled magnificently with the other Cricklewood car throughout, to finish 1.4 see. behind it, Burton’s Bentley occupying third place. Let us hope all 30/98 euthasiasts were in the bar ! Class platings were recegnised in this race, the winners being : 1,100 c.c. : Gibbs (Riley Nine), at 58.47 m.p.h. 1,500 c.c. : Crowther (Erazer-Nash), at 57.4 m.p.h. 3,000 c.c. Vessey (Lancia Lambda). at 56.73 m.p.h. Over 3,000 e.e. m Bailey (Bentley), at 67.15 m.p.h. To provide a breather before the big race of the-day, the care which

had competed in the Concours d’ Elegance now paraded round the track. They included a very fine bulbous-back Bolls-Royce tourer. Ellis’ vast Isotta•Fraschini, a delectable two-cylinder Wolseley Seven, Kent Karslake’s yellow Ilispano-Sitiza. and Laurence Pomeroy in his 1914 ” Prince Henry ” Vauxhall, which, no doubt to amuse passenger Jim Hall, proceeded to put in a very quick hip. The historic racing cars now lined up for the 30-lap Seaman Memorial Trophies Race, which is the highlight of the vintage racing season. The fieldcomprised Poore’s 3.13-litre ex-Seaman! Rueseh Alfa-Romeo, Graham Whitehead’s ex-Shawe-Taylar E.R.A., Powys-Lyhhe making a welcome reappearance in English racing with his 2.9 monoposto Alfa-Romeo, Wilkinson’s and Hamilton’s E.R.A.s, the former driven by Bentley pilot J. A. Williamson, Byrom’s and Jenkinson’S 2.3 G.P. Bugattis, Illondield’s ‘type 37 Rugatti, Green’s A milcar Six, Whiteaway in the Bugatti-engincd ex-Parnell 4.9 blown B.II.W., Marshall’s 4C1.. Masersdi, Lewis’ 2.6 Alfa-Rorneo, Goodhew’s ex-Comotti/Chiron Darraeq, Margulies’ Delahaye, -Sehillenberg’s ex-Dixon Riley Nine, Eminson’s blown. 37A G.P. Bugatti, Baxter’s sports 2-litre Aston Martin, and the Razor Blade and G.P. 16-valve Aston Martins of Attwood and Ellis’

With all this machinery on.thc-course the start was truly inspiring. Very soon Dennis Poore -was out in front, leading Whitehead. Both these drivers were given professional pit-signals and l’oore never lost his lead, Winning for the third year in succession, at the rousing average of 76.16 m.p.h., after lapping at 77.81 m.p.h. Only once, on lap 23. did the E.R.A. get really cloSe to him hut it was baulked on the next lap by the Darraeq and thereafter fell back to a discreet six lengths behind. As the race wore on some of the historic racing cars sounded very vintage. Powys-Lybbe held a firm third place from lap four until lap 26, when. his Alfa-Romeo, after a spell on Seven cylinders, developed an expensive-looking trouble. The 13.11.W. lasted a mere three laps„lenkinson was in early, so was Green, whose Amilcar thereafter crawled round pathetically. The old Maserati stopped at Copse but eventually continued. Hamilton held fifth place for a while, only to fall back, but the Darracq and Delabayelapped steadily until the fortner came in with three laps to go, when in fourth place. In the end, after Poore. Whitehead and Williamson had been placed, only Hamilton, Margulies. Lewis, Schillenberg, Byrom, whose Bugatti covered 36 laps to take the Vintage Award, Green, Eminson, Blomfield, AttwOod and Baxter were still circulating. We now had a happy instance Of what fine family gatherings these V.S.C.C. meetings are, as two prams were escorted across the course

Two 10-lap handicaps followed, the first won by Lewis’ limit Riley Nine at. 53.29 m.p.h. from Rawcliffe’s 11.11.G. and B”rratfs Frazer-Nash, all of which caught Hill’s abbreviated 12/50 shortstroke Alvis on the last lap. The second race was a victory for Lawrence’s oddly-bodied Bentley, which averaged 64.18 m.p.h. to win from Hamilton’s E.R.A. and Smith’s Bentley. The rain now fell to some purpose, but Briggs Cunningham, who had opened the course in a Bentley Continental, went along to Copse to see some hectie change-overs in the Relay Team Race. Starters ranged from Jeildere-Fisher’s 1913 5-litre Lancia Kappa coupe, on which valve bounce can he mistaken for piston slap, to

Waring’s not-quick Lago Talbot. The Peter team of 30198. O.M. and Monaco Riley won fret’: Vesscy’s Lancia team, the 30)98 chaps being placed third. Alas, Dr. Ewen’s 1908 Iola for once objected, discarding its universal joint. On the following day eighteen vintage light-carists underwent a test, devised very ably by Jeddere-Fisher, to discover the car of this class most suitable for touring. A course through beautiful Buckinghamshire byways, of 62 miles, had to be coVered, at an average speed declared by the individual competitor, and each car had to conic at least 40 miles to the start, so that a initainums mileage of 102 WAS involved, although many ears came much greater distances. During this run the competitors were observed, by a rather sparse bunch of marshals, for hill-climbing, noise and observance of the Highway Code., and, in addition, quick-starting from cold, downhill braking, Width-judging and comfort were judged, while petrol consumption was checked over the entire event. Consequently the light cars Which presented themselves in Thame Market Square in the filthy weather of July 12th had a tough task ahead of them. First of all, Marcia Fisher rode in each one to assess it for comfort on a little ride round the-square. So busy were drivers in conducting their carriages over the (um,’ and hoping that Marcia was comfortable

that many of them failed to see an obscure ” Halt ” sign. the Editor or MOTOR SPORT included, and each lost marks in consequence. There followed the quick-starting test. Mrs. Marsilen’s 192-3 Gwynne Eight ” hipbath ” proving obstinate and an 8/18 Humber having to he pushed. During the wet afternoon further troubles arose.

A 1926 back-braked Clyno tourer failed on Kop Hill, although a 1928 Clyno tourer ascended strongly, and John Vessey’s bulbous. back 1921 A.C. tourer disappeared altogether. Boddy’s 1922 Talbot-Darracq Eight was troubled by a blocked jet on its first outing since 1948. althringh Kop was just ascended safely, and it achieved 36 m.p.g. In this quite arannus event Milton’s 8/18 Humber proved the ” most suit able ” light car, the runners-tin being Wrigley’s 818 Talbot and Wood’s 11 h.p. Iiiley,