CLUB AFFAIRS, August 1951



EPISODES FROM hiSTORY, No. 16.—Here is one of the all-enveloping tank-like 8.8-litre Type 57C Bugattis (developed from the Type 57S Which holds the sports-car. hour “record” at 135.42 m.p.h.), which won the 1939 Le Mans race at the then record speed of 136.8 m.p.h. This year the Type C 8i-1itre Jaguar won the Le Naps race at 93.5 m.p.h., covering 161 more miles in the 24 hours than the Bugatti twelve years earlier. Both Cars were able to ease up in the final stages, the .1 agant much more so than the Bugatti, and so a comparison, which nicely exemphfies the advance in design shown by the Coventry product,

can be made. those fortunate enough to own a Bugatti eligible for Membership, but they welcome

as members all who are in sympathy with the high standard of _design, workmanship and achievement represented by Bugatti cars, and ownership of an example of the marque is no longer a necessary condition of membership..

The Club also operate the famous Prescott Hill-Climb and welcome as members any who are interested in this aspect of motor sport. The subscription is now two guineas (no entrance fee) to all members, which includes the Club magazine It uga t cs and the right to take part in all Club activities. An additional fee of one guinea

entitles the member to entry and special facilities at Prescott events organised by the 11.0.C., including admission to the Paddock.


We give thank,; to lan Mackay of the News Chronicle’ who, unlike the majority of his Daily Press colleagues, recognises the prestige value of motor racing. In an article, ” It’s Old Mother England’s Year,” on July 12th, after paying tribute to the boxer Randolph Turpin. he continues ” . . . just look at what our boys and .girls have done this Veal’. Young Geoff Duke on his motor-bike has beaten the lot. Peter Walker and Peter Whitehead in a Jaguar ran away with the Le Mans 24-Hour Race . .” After this Mackay refers to British successes in golf, rowing, skating, athletics, cricket, dancing, etc. But first, motor racing. Good for you Ian Mackay ! Good for the News Chronicle! AUGUST QUIZ This month we are departing from a Quiz picture to ask a Quiz question. It is : Which production car had a slightly lower compression ratio for No. 1 cylinder

than for its remaining cylinders? Solutions on a postcard by Aitgust 10th please, so that. we can publish the Names of the Knowledgeable in the September issue. Incidentally. the Pictorial Quiz will be resumed in October. THIS MONTH’S CONTINENTAL RACES F.!. — Formula up to ti-litres tip to 41-liiree

P.M— Formula II car,. J.e., up to 2-litres non,s,Ic.,up to 710 c.c. e .

C. Pitymula Libre, i.e., any type of racing car.

ii.= SI207t5 ears.

T. Tourinu ears.

5th.—G.P. du COmmingeS, Albi (F’. I and II). ( th.—Cireuit de Senigallia, Italy ($)

12th.—Ostend Races (F. III).

15th—Cirettit de Pescara, Italy (F. I).

Erten Circuit Races, Switzerland (F. II. 8).

19th.—Course de Vitesse A Stockholm (F. I and HI).


The following wits remived on July I)th from the Allard Motor Co., 1.,t0:TIIP had luck which has followed Sydney Allard around this year continued when Tom Lash, white &Mpg Sydney’s Alpine Rally car to Marseilles for the event ran into a ditch, severely damaging the car hut not himself. 53 dray Allard did not run in the Rally and decided not to leave for the Conti tient as wa§.arranged.• An Austin Seven Club has been formed in Australia. The Secretary’s address is Flat 1, 34, Adam Street, S. Yarra, Melbourne. Affiliation with the 750 Club is contemplated. * * *

The Sunbeam Register is putting on an ambitious week-end at Wolverhampton (where the original Sunbeams were made) during the week-end of August Ilth/12th. Driving tests, talks, runs over the old Sunbeam test route, and a parade through the town with the blessing of the Chief Constable are envisaged. Details from Carmel, Wood Lane, Fleet, Hants. * * *

As last year, the Wokingliam Carnival, on September 5th, will include veteran and vintage cars, as well as early fire appliances., Stage coaches, tableaux, etc. Over 160 vehicular entries are sou:ght V.C.C. and V.S.C:C. members can obtain details from Peter A. Ruff, ” Hythe,” 101, Finchampstead Road, Wokinghann„ Berkshire. * * *

A meeting was held on June 22nd for the purpose of forming the Brent Vale M.C., covering Southall, Ealing and Hounslow areas.

A Scottish Sect ion of the Alvis Owners’ Club has been formed. The Secretary is. D. M. Gillies, 17, Dudley Gardens, Edinburgh, 6. * * *

The Inaugural General Meeting of the Morgan “4/4 ” Club was held at the.

Flying Horse,” Kegivorth, on Saturday, June 30th, 1951. Attendance was very, good and some members came from London. .1. M. Sparrowe and Mr. Mlarton, Who had been racing at Silverstone in the afternoon, ointe straight on to the meeting.

Officers elected : President, J. M. Spars-owe (Bournemouth) ; Chairman, R. G. Pritchard (Derby) •• Vice-Chairman,. L. A. Willsinere (Sheffield) ; Ron. Secretary, J. S. Atkins (1)erby) ; Competition Sec., D. Whetton (Derby).

Six Conunittee Members were elected from various parts of the country. Joint Organisers : d. Sutton Atkins, 3, Friary Street, Derby, and D. V. J. Whetton„ Rykneld Way, Littleover, Derby. * -* *

The Beatimaris Festival tar Britain Committee informs its t hat a carnival is to, be held in Beaumaris. N. Wales, on August 18th, the theme of which is Transport Through the Ages.” There will be a class for vintage cars whose occupants are in keeping with. tinperiod (a chance for wives arid girl friends In dress up as they do on veteran (N-ir outings in the States and dig out those Edwardian parasols, ay.) anti another–interesting this–for veteran commercial veldt:WS. There is a £5 5s. prize for each class winner, lietails front G. D. Clapp, Vern-Y-Wylan Hotel, Ileaumaris, Isle of Anglesey.

Esso ask us to state that in winning the British Empire Trophy Race Stirling Moss used Essolube mineral oil as well as Esso fuel—and does so in all the sports and production -cars he drives.