Club News, August 1951


Club News


The Editor, while using his 1926 10.8 Clyno, discovered one of the earliest Clyno Nine saloons in his Own village, and later met a 4 seater Clyno Nine On the Victoria Embankment, During the V.S.C.C. Light Car Trial last June a non-competing flat-twin, aircooled Rover Eight arrived at the lunchstop,to the surprise of the assembled competitors. Sam Clinton hopes to improve the braking of the. 10-litre V12 Delage by fitting Altin drums. While we deplore the fact that the passing of the piston-engine may be in sight, it is only fair to our gas turbine conscious readers ii. t;tte theta Festival survey book ” The Si iry of the British ‘Gas Turbine ” ,,ht ainable from SidneyBarton, 1,i II., 27, ()Id Bond Street, W.-1. -Derek Jolly,

whit very sticcessfully raced a three-beam L; A Ica in Seven in Australia, is now ill England. Peter Thomas, Hermitage. callow, is about to restore a 1906. Royer and would like to contact V.C.C. members and others who might be able to help him with details of original ignition, Clutch niceltanism, etc. Basil Davenport,. of G.N. .” Spider” fame, !searching for a long time for a really early veteran car, unearthed one the other day, or rather his mechanic did—in a shed,400 yards from his works in Macclesfield ! It is a Century Triear, which will require a good deal of restoration.

Out in Adelaide I. L. Robertson has unearthed a 1920 Le Zebra of about 960 c.c., and seeks to learn more about it.

The back-braked, circa 1925 “11.4” Standard tourer, driven by a lady and mentioned in these columns last year, is Still going well in Hampshire. S. Kilham, who drove Mrs. Thekla Duncan’s ” 35.7 ” Mereed& at BroOklands in 1914, now conduct’s an Armstrong-Siddeley taxi in Aldershot.

Ron Barker. Editor of the rs.c.e. Bulletin, has added a Clyno motor-cycle to his twoand four-wheeler stable, comprising a 1923 ” 40/50 ” Napier and 1928 Velocette. Mention of the V.S.C.C. reminds-us to praise this Club for offering competitors at the recent Silverstone Meeting their race times in return for a stamped envelope. We hope other clubs keep such records, especially the BA.R.C.

all Goodwood lap times, so that they are available for the edification of coinpetitors, tuners and future historians— as were the Brooklands lap times, which Boddy was thus able to quote throughout his three-volume ” Story of Brooklands.”

The 750 Club, for Austin Seven fans. now has nearly 340 membem Sec. : K. 13ickle, 4, Pelham .Court, Staines, Middlesex.

Ian Munro is restoring a 1925 Model-2 8.9-It.p. Swift and R. If. Mitchell a 1921 G.N. and both seek hints and in the ease of Mr. Mauro, a photograph of the Swift. as it. was when new.

A few veterans turned out to support. their special class in the Camberley Festival Carnival and the Editor of this paper awarded first prize to O. Soloman’s 1904 Swift.


On August 18th the final round of the 1951 MOTOR SPORT lirOOklaRdsi Memorial Trophy contest will be fought out at. Goodwood, on the Occasion of the Third B.A.R.C. Members’ Meeting. As J. M. Hawthorn, who has analysed points with his 1,100 and 1 Hitre Itileys, ties with Tony Crook (” Le Mans Replica’ FraserNash) with 13 marks and Guy Gale’s Darracq is only 3 marks behind (a race win secures 4 marks) some exciting racing should be seen. Note the date–August 18th, at 2 p.m.


Vickers Overseas News for Spring, 1951, eontains a photograph Of X Viscount aircraft taken at 13rooklands and the caw ion under the photo reads as follows : ” The symbol of future air -travel : the turbo-proli Viscotutt. In the background can be seen the grass-grown BrooklandS motor track, made obsolete by the increasing speed Of ears.”


This ambitious event will take place at Silverstone on August 25th, each team consisting of up to six sports cars. If entries are over subscribed . priority of acceptance will be given to ” Formula ” Austin Sevens, one-make teams; teams definable by make, region, .etc., ‘and teams with the most ears, in that order. Teams will be handicapped by C. Bulmer, On a credit laps basis, 750 Club Austin teams all going off to a scratch race of their own, as they will be on the “limit” posit ion.

This race should be splendid training in driving, pit work, pit control and the team spirit will prevail, as in these excellent L.C.C. Relay Races of pre-war mentor. The race is open to 750, Bristol, Sheffield and Hallamshire, Aston-Martin, S.U.N.B.A.C., Maidstone and Mid-Kent, W. Hants and Dorset and V.S.C.C. members, but speeial 5s. membership of the 750 Club can be arranged for present nonmembers who wish to run. The entry fee is £6 per 750 team, £9 for other teams. Practice will take place frOm 5.30-8 p.m. on August 24th and 9.30-11.30 atn. on the 25th. The race will start at 12.30 p.m., end at 6.30 p.m. Awards will be given to the first three teams home sad a system of compensating drivers who experience expensive ” blow-ups ” is to he ‘tried : 750 members will be marked for the GOodacre Trophy. Entries close On August 13th,. to IL Birkett, 8, Pondtail Road, Fleet, Hampshire.


The Bugatti Owners’ Club wish -to announce that as from July 1st the secretarial duties of the Club will be undertaken by the Hon. Secretary, Mr. E. J. Newton, ” Squirrels,” Little Aston Park, Streetly, Staffs, and that financial matters will be dealt with by the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Kenneth-Nightingale, Crescent Copper Works. Edmund Street, Parade, Birmingham.

Although the Bugatti Owners’ Club was originally founded to eater only for those owning Bugatti cars, of recent yearsthe Club has very considerably widened the scope of its activities, and not only are.