A Daimler discovery
In 1903 Col. Reynard, a Frenchman, showed his astonishing Reynard road-train at the Paris Salon. This consisted of a tractor coupled to six-wheeled vehicles driven and steered by a power-offtake…
• • • SACKC1.01111 ?
Sir, With reference to the replrl of’ the 500 c.e, final at Itlandford on Whit Monday appearing in the July issue of Morrint Scowl% I ludo that you deseribe me as appear ing to be ” a rather wild young man.whielt statement I feel to In. mints! died and is p-rhaps due to ,),.•our not being it; Intl possession or the rack or the incident which ;ire as follows : That tar engine burst (Si) VOIllpletCly as (Well to stiuisfi (lw engine bearers) and caught tire, moment arily locking the rear wheels before I was ;tide to let out the clutch. Reece, who musl have been 1/Illy about a car’s length behind, had no option but to (Task into me. MO Heccv not entslIed it1t0 my NU’ there would have twin itti incident worth mentioning, as in any east’ 1 coasted peaeefully on to the grass and the fire, which was of’ a Illi1101′ diameter, was extinguished long hcfore !he arrival of the fire-engine. I feel. therefore, that the wild young own remark was not merited, and I wOold ask you kindly to withdraw it in the IleXt MOTOIC
SPORT. 1 ant, VOW’S. etc..
!leading. I). N. IluAto.:. 1We do not base critieisms of this sort liii onc episode or I he sort Mr. Brake refers to.-E1).) —