CLUB AFFAIRS, August 1950



The Bodutin and District Motor Club lut,s existed in the past mainly for organising motor-eyele grass track events, but with the advent of lite St. Austell Speedway, tins form of sport has been abandoned. Motor-cycle and car enthusiasts in the arca have had four meetings in as tuan2., weeks and the club will now eater for both, types of vehicles with trials, scrambles and social events. Enthusiasm is very high and a pravtice trial has been held in perfeet terrain in an area of 30 milesadjoining liodutin with I he idea of I aving an inter-elub trial very soon.

Car enthusiasts are particularly encouraged to join the Out) zit .t membership fee ()I 5s., plus Is. (l(1. for lapel Ott) badge. non. See. : It. S. (Aix, Itreart Par, St. Winnow, ‘Cornwall. * * * * * * The Citroen C.C. will be holding a Club Rally and Treasure I hunt on Sunday. September 2rd. The start will be at

1).111. from The Talbot, Ripley, on the Portsmoutht Road, and will finish at 7 p.m., covering approximately 100 miles.

The event is open to all Citroen owners and their friends and a handsome prize will be awarded tit ‘Mt fi the winner and his lady.

Details from the General Secretary, 103, Kingston Rill, Surrey. II* II*

The V.S.C.C. of Australia hits changed the name of its journal front Vintage Car to Vintage Regisier.

‘Ube terrible traffic jams which happen to and from present-day motor races emphasise the convenience of taking a caravan to the course. On the occasion of the Royal Silverstone Meeting Moron SPORT spent Ihe night in a compact-forhandling but spailous-to-live-in Berkeley ” Courier.” Its smart appearance was admired by many !nee-goers and we

thoroughly approved the practical interior arrangements and sensible fittings. ‘Me separate two-berth bedrooms and an end-kitchen arc provided. %Veighing 201 cwt., the ” Courier ” ean be towed by quite a small car. It is prieed at £450. The makers arc Berkeley Coachwork, Ltd., 175/1’77, Great Portland Street, VV.1 (Tel. : Innglatin 5211).