LETTERS from READERS, August 1950


Sir, I feel (butt the following should not pass unrecorded. Whilst driving NV. Buddy’s 1913 Ifispano-Sniza tic the start of the Kent Messenger Veteran Car lion, I had

the in to break It carburetter lug, a brisk lire ensuing. l’Ite time was late (‘vening, and the scene a p.trtienlarly arid port in of the Watford II) -pass, After the tumult and the shouting died I set out to obtain a tow, hut none of the garages or service stations were in the least interested, and were closing anyway.

Ilope had almost fled when I was befriended by the sales staff or ilillwocd Motors, of Mill Hill, to whom I Wind a complete and very dishevelled stranger, telling a somewhat inettherent tale. These good souls hauled me into their office, telephoned :ull likely sources of help, and, Wiwi) this prtived in vain, turned out dine of their showroom models and towed toe several miles to a place or refuge with every eVidellee or good nature. For these gooct offices they declined to :weept any rorot or paymcot. whatsopver. I Amu root Jolty lo reineinider this as one of the happiest of my motoring experiences. I am, Yours. etc.,

Mt admit,. G cPitE’c’ DEA so N.

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