

Iniring a debate in the flimsy of Lords on July 1811i, the Duke of It ieliniond cool Gordon. aveording lo the Ihtily Telegruph, St rocigly S11111■orted a proposal 111:11 a certificate of roadtvorthitiess should be carried im vehieles. his Gr:tee said many drivers were on thy roads iii ” moth-eaten uutil jallopics.” It is disappoint itto to hear the man who ii‘Vils

(.11011W10111 and %OW is President. sidy against the less affluent motorists. although ‘ve suppose I at driving a Mishit must make low hooter:lot or lesser fry. The KI1g,1114.1-E’s Itepori litsitranee Companies demand lwfot•i. they teal issue :t certificate of insurance for the older ears, and the

which the ‘toilethave the right to institute in respect of any (billions car. have the same effeet as tt (add a displayed veil Weak. of roadworthiness. lost of the old cars on oltr roads have been restored 10 good. roadworthy order, but the last thing any motorist %%lints, whether lw drives cI Itristol or a 1900 de 1/ion. is to by int olved in further restrictions and red-tape before he is allowed to Ilse his i’XI’I’S;Si‘4.1y a ell Otte ean intaglio. the dillictilly the owner of on as-nctv vintage

Might 1111Ve GOVI•111111011. orris or its rointworitiitiess! ‘ve rattier reel dint tete. or thousands of metiers of the ” odder” ears mint pay g01111 111011ey hu I1’101’11 1110101′-l’aVillg ad (.00111%’111011 will consider that thy Inike is against them in thus Itressing for further moloriog restrictions. It is nice to know %Otero your friends arc to be found and pleasant 10 li.:1 thud l Earl to VC ‘Was 011 Mil’ Silk. during I he debate. Ily pressed for a revision or I lie laM 1’011(41 1/1.111’Nt ricict el’ONNillgS. SO that 1111. S111111. 1.1111•S N11011h1 atoldy 10 all road nsers. .ks for Lord I.It•■■ellitt’s suggestion for eurlitivates tit roadworthiness, would this not lead to ci ” rayket.asked mitre, it for issuing ccrlilicatcs

was placed mi garage ?

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