CLUB AFFAIRS, August 1950



There has Ingat formed n.44.11113 in North. Staffordshire Ilw North Staffs 5Iotor Club.

Tit, chair…an is Mr. I.. It. Itoy ‘rat-lor and the Club luas rtycivcd official 11.A.1’.

recognition. It is ready lu, welcome any tunic’ as a member in North Staffordshire who is interested in motor sport.

The first ” closed event is in the process of Ining organised. butt not many events still be held (luring this year. The (flub IlOpeS Inc 1141111411a full programme for next. season. Anyone interested should get in 011ell Wit Ii I Ile t hal. Gen. tiVe…1. Ii, GreelINV0011 21, High. Street, Hanle3., Stoke-mu-Trent_ (Tel. : Stoke-on-Trent 5152.)

The Club will also be interested to hear from other neighbouring clubs. lo minan it hopes I41 eXtelld illVilatiOlIS to take part in open events next year. * * * * * * The Severn ‘alley M.C. held their Rally to Portmeirion uunc June 2.1.11i and 20111. The road section vas “11111110”1 br Only six ears successfully. ram and mist making conditions over Ille 1Velsli mountains. These six ears ‘were subject to special tests and a most searching ” Concours de I’ondit ion judged by Sergio Farina, scion of the It nulicmni roachbuilding and raying family, and Roger l’rasler of liolls-Royee. ()Wright NVillller Was C. F.. Entherton oni

a w-ho was the only novice to compete. The trophy ‘vius awarded by F.. J. Oakley, Presidt•nt. and the event jillintoted by Terry !Leath as .the Club social event: of 1930. * * * * * * l’he Sheffield & flallantshirt• 11.C. are organising a. SI,:ols Car Itaec irl.ceting at Ganist on Aerodrome, one mile from Markham 5buir, near Itel ford, uccc t lie Great North !toad, on Saturday. .kugust 19111.. commencing al 2 p.m. Invitations 10Lve gone otil lo six ollter dubs incvitirig them to compete and there mill be 10 raees. ilteluding Iwo races tor 500-e,c. Formula

III earS. The is 1.9 miles in length and. the eller Will he over five laps. * * * * * * The Sports Car G.P. of Valkins Glen is being, rum for the 1 luird 1 hue this year, and is for lhe lirst lime on the International Sporting Calendar. .‘ number of Ilt’i)ishm arid Vatropeati drivers are elliertql, ill 1141’Slie .101l11S011. .‘1111111 :Ohl 1,0rd Su:Isamu. The circuit is 6.11 miles long and ineltillcs a portion of the main street ()I’ the vilkige of 1Vatkins Glen, as well :is state, county, and lownsltip highAvity. It is (dosed for the occasion 1)3 ( he aut !Lorlies t he St:itc or New York , mid is policed by the New York State

lid uiji’c’.