Le Mans Grand Prix d'Endurance


Le Mans Grand Prix d’Endurance

(0110 lap 5.(;$

I. 1,0111% Rosier and Cland Rosier (4)-lit a’ Taltmct 2-seater), 156 laps, 2.12-1.2 miles, 85.73 m.p.h. (race record).

2. Pierre ,Nleyrat. and Gay Malresse (4)-litre Talilot 2.seater), 255 laps.

3. 8. II. Allard find Tofu Cole (5.4-litre Allard 2-seater), 251 laps.

.t. A. P. It. It and Dimon) Hamilton (3,8-litre ‘Healey 2-seater), 250 laps. 5, G. Abeeassis and I,. Macklin

Mart ittsalism), 249 laps.

8. Reg. Parnell and Charles Itraekenbary (21-litne Ati(on-Martin tiEllO0/1), 214 laps.

7. Henri Louveita told P, .1 o’er (3-litre Deligge 2-seater). 241 laps.

.5. E. It. Hall (41-litre Bentley submit). 236 111iK. U. T. A 8. 0. Mathieson tend J. Stoop (2-litre Frazer-Nash). 2:15 laps. Ill. Miles mill sails (‘attillatt saloon), 233 MIK i I. Briggs Cunningham and P, Vatter (5.4-litre Cadillac 2,seater), 232

12. Peter /lark and N. S. Haines (3)-litre Jaguar 2-seater). 230 laps. 13. Alain. Morel ainl chanthas (43-litre Talbot),

2S laps. II, R. S. F. flat’ and II. limiter (-11-111.re Bentley

saloon), 225 hips. 15. Peter Vi’llit(-latail. and F. Ntarsluill (3)-litre

Jaguar 2-seater). 225 lalxs. In. T. fl. Wisdom and T. Wise (1,500-e.c. Jowett

er), ‘220 laps. 17. It. Lawrie and (3. II. Beeton (2.443-c,e,

210 laps.

IS. G. Phillips and E. Winterbottont (1,214-r.e.

Ml ii. 208 laps. 1(1,5. G. Mann and J. Morris Goodall (2)-litre

I tettley salr(n), 203 laps.

20. N. It. Calpan and P. Wilson. (2-litre FraserNash), 201 laps.

21. Gatstinidist find lIoosteveen (75)1-e.e, Aero Minor). 181 lips. 22. Mont rony and IleMard (612,.e.e. MOM/POW), 180

23. iiohlie) suil 111)5g4 ((/11-e.e. 0.1).), 175. Ina. 21. sandt Mal I’otstalegi (7611-r,e, Renault), 171 laps. 25. Local and (‘eins (760-c.e. Reiman), 170 laps.

28. Lachaize rust ISalille (611″…e. .1)Y0mPaullaril). 1118 laps.

27. Vernet. and Hekerlehl (7(U0-cy. Renault), 15$ laps.

25. (Milian! and Chancel (611-c.c. Dyna-Pariliard), 153 laps. 29. Eguen and Esegilt Isyna-Panhard), 151 law. •

Index of Performance Cup (Handicap)

I. Ti.’ Ixdween Al.eCaSSiS and Macklin (AstonMarlin), 1,278, Mill Montrengy and Iteinard (Monopole), 1,276.

3, Parnell and Brackentimy (Aston-Martin), 1,248. Mathicson and St4/011 (Frazer-Nash), 1,946. 5. lItzsier (Talbot), 1,245.

6, Bonnet.

Class Results

5 LITRES TO 8 1,1713ks

1. S. If. Allard and T. Cole (5.4-liire Allard) 251 laps, 2,101.2 Mile,f, 87.8 ni.p,h. 2. M. mid S. Collier (5.4-litre Cadillac (Maim),

233 laps.

3. Briggs Cunningham and I’. Walter (5.4-litre Cadillac, open), 232 laps. :3 Exams TO 5 LITRIii4 :

.1. 1.. and (:. Nosier (4 a -litre Talbot), 2,1414:3 miles, 256 laps, 80.73 m.p.h.

2. P. Meyrat and (3. Mairesse (11-litre ‘YANA). 255 laps.

3. A. P. It. Bolt and 1). Hamilton (3.8-litre lreitie3′). 250 laps.

4. -E. R.. Ball (4)-litre Bentley saloon), 236 laps.

5. P. C. T. clank and N. /UM% Jagaar), 230 laps.

6, A. Morel and Chambas (14-litre %dhoti, 228 laps.

7, It, 8, F. Bay and Hugh Hunter HI-litre Bentley saloon), 225 laps.

8. P. Whitehead and .r: mandadi (:31-litre Jaguar), 225 laps. 2 LITRES To 3 Li7k6S :

1. (I. Al)CINMS1S and 1.. Macklin 121-iltre AstonMartin), 249 laps, 2.(89.4 mile.% 87.2 in.p.h. 2. C. ilmekenbury and It. Parnell (2)-litre AstonMartin), 2.14 laps,

3. Louveatt and a/OVer (2.9.11)re I)etMO, 2•11 1.31/14.

4, It. Lawrie and G. Becton (2)-litre Riley seater), 210 taps.

5, N. Mann and Morris(‘ Goodall (2).-litre Healey saloon), 203-Lam. 1,500 C.C. TO 2 •.LmsES :

1. ‘I’. A. S. 0. Mathieson and J. tRoop (2-litre Frazer-Nash), 235 last, 1,968 miles_ 82.2 m.p.h.

2. N. Culpatt and L, Wilson (2-litre Frazer-Nash), 201 laps. 1,100 V.V. TO 1.500 c.o. : I. T. IL Wisdom and T. Wise (1,50((-e.e. Jowett

Jupiter), 220 laps. 1.515.9 miles, 75.5 m.p.h. 2. G. Phillips and Erie Wintertsatom (1,244-c.c.

” TC ” MU,), 203 laps. 7500.c. TO 1.100 cc.:

1. Sand(‘ and I.:mutton (76(he.e. Rennutt saloon), 171 laps, 1,134.7 miles. 60.2 m.p.h.


Semis’ and (iueill (11.1;, love): failed to

start engine .. Guyot ntiuii Atinant ( I), lt.) … 6 „ ‘Eliontpson and (4ortitta It’tstoil•Nlarthi): 8 Gaillard mid Caron (Siinea) : gearbox … 13 Gorilla’ and Silll011(S41111.0) • 14 14aboiti and Gay (Shwa) 22 Mine. Simon and Kasse ( Ferrari): old Gendron and N’iriatier (Renault) …. 32 amid Malizoti (Sines) ‘,summand ‘‘•yron … 39 1.1111.111:Sal (11.11.) .14

ItlIbirOAa rail Leygollie (Ferrari): clutch … hoyer rind Rehm (Shwa) .. 50 !Insult and PaiMpOl 75 Scaron and Pascal (Signets) : transmit:signs 77 Sommer and Sending (leerrigri) t dynamo mounting „.• ..• • • Ferry and 3 lailtle (Ferry) … 86 Savoye and [unisons (Monopole) .•. ••• Leroy and Joseph (Henault) : erali1101 …59 Pawl(‘ and 11(ms:tiles (15 Japchin and Plant haliN I Itylus-Paillittrd)…. 115 Rubel; 7111.1 Net usil (Skoilti) ..120 ItelettleZ31)elettrez)… … 120 Clainettl and ftelgli(Fernirl): differential … 121 Mahe :mil cord ine (iiiitett) • • • .• 126 Poch mid Mouche (ttero Minor) 139 Mmes. Routsult and (Moline (Simon) : crashed .. … 143 Blondel and Martin (8imen) : engine … 157 Schaltill and Lucas (Ferrari): crashed Pond and Flab:salt Melahaye) : radiator cap seal broken … 165 Johnson and Hadley (Jaguar) : trans micsion 221) Mpg