Club News, August 1950


Club News LuciL)


TIke lIudson-engined P:tgora two-seater which we illustrated in Merrou Sewer before the war and referred to again not long ago resides in garage near booth IsIroligli, along with a smart Vale-Special. It is really rather remarkable how old ears continue to be unearthed, and promising too. for it seems as if tin supply will never dry-up. For example, a Woodrow two-seater with a Preeision engine llaS been found in a disused barn, badly rusted, but with. :t 11)21 livenee disc still in I he holder. The engine was running later on the day tat which the vehicle was discovered and it is to be thoroughly renovated by a reader ill Northampton. Can anyone provide ally data 7 lii recent referenves Oct Ill we have failed to designate the two products correctly. -these are the Oetol anti-knock agent and Alval racilw

fuel. Details are available from the Iligh-Flash Petroleum Co., Ltd., 40a. Parsons Mead. %Vest Croydon, Surrey (Croydon 7634). P. WItilehead 111 Worlhiner is bitting a 10-seater shoot ingbrake body to a 1925 ” Silver Ghost Rolls-Royee lie has recently aequired. It is to be used in conneetion wit It a loeal youth. chili and is one of the last” Ghosts ” made, haying been mann. fuetured in whereas the Phantom I was produced in May. after whirl’ we believe was available to

special order only. Ntackay. 31;33. Ilanover Street, Edinburgh. has 1929 )..Iv is wide)) he believes was raceel as one It the team-cars at Brooklands. Its Beg. No. is N’N 0424, engine No. 7585. chassis No. 11747. Can anybody confiruet its history ? John Mackay reports a few interesting cars in NVhins III Milton, Scotland. including a 1903 White steamer and a St anley-engined experimental st ealn car owned by a friend. Ile also reports building several specials_ including a 1930 Sunbeam modified at a cost tf I 5, with vatmunt-servo brakes, Hartford shock-absorbers, Rotax lamps, tuned Sunbeam Twenty Ongint, and stark sport’s two-sealer body. Although undergeared (5 to I top), this Sunbeam was capable of over 80 m.p.h. and 24 m.p.g., and had really good brakes and steering. 7 in, rear tyro.; were employed, to raise the overall ratio. At present Mackay is rebuilding a 1932 Talbot ” 75.” installing an o.h.v., I lutI gnition Anwriean Nash engine. Ile intends later to rebuild -a 1935-36 Sunbeam. shortening its eh.tssis, installing a Sunbeam ” Speed Twenty ” engine with Marshall lilower :mil increased compression-rat io, a 3.9 to 1 Bentley axle and sports body. Am bitious ! When ” Miss Lyons 1950 was elected at tt Lyons’ Club Sports Carnival at Sudbury she made a triumphal tour. in It bathing costume. on a 1900 de Dion. No doubt. the V.C.C. would kappl’OVc, hot. looking at a photograph tlie oecurrence, We 11)11reciate the

I emptation to which Ow owner of this veteran car was subjected ! In a certain pieturesque Ilanipshire village exists, ill a dismantled state. a 1907 Sixty Napier. used originally for hill-climbs and subsequently as a fast two-seater road car. Keeping it company is a pre-1914 four-cylinder de Dion, in process of restoration, early de Dion and

Fafnir nuttor-eycle and tricycle engines, and a 1911 750.e.e. Chater-Lea-.L.A.P, motor-bicycle. In another nearby Village is a veteran Adams pedals-to-push car. It. E. Aiken has acquired. a 1931 ” 12.430 ” ” beetleback ” Alvis and Lt. W. D. G.

Jacob, Ii .N.. has a 1935 l6.9-11.p.

Marentlaz-Special up in Fife about which he seeks information, while a nualel-T Ford has been diseovered in a field near Cambridge Jr anyone wants to restore one or needs spares. IL A. Kentp.4.11, of 33, Kenstella !toad, Newlyn NVest. Penzanee, has a 1936 I ‘1.75-lip. six-cylinder Wanderer, f’ ‘r which he seeks data, such aS valve and ignition tinting, etc. A Cooper 500 will be on show at this yeat’S ” Model Engineer Exhibition-surely the organisers haven’t mistaken it fin. a model 7 LSI/. thrct.-wIteeler mentioned in these columns recently turns ()Ilt to be an A.C.. Sociable, curiously with what appears to have beeii a single-seater body, and it is to be restored. Tliese

475 eyelecars WV re tiorittally two-seaters although a single-seater was built for an Australian in 1913. P. NV. Blazer sends two interesting cuttings, one front a recent issue of the Poithirirct anti Cuslleford Express (Ieseribuig in entlutsiastie terms a run in a 1912 Clieswold tourer put on the road recently by Major Oxley. and the either a cut I big from :t contemporary journal showing Inuttelmann, the flying ace. in the three-wheeler tie drove Ill the 1913 Hartz Mountains Vinter Trial.

Seen in London last montit -wellpreserved examples of F.I.A.T. 501 tourer and Iladfiehl-Ilean fabric saloon.


At the opening ceremony of Nuts and Milts (l)arlaston), Ltd.. at Trecle!tar nit .Ittite 6tIt, the lit. Hon. Anettrin bit-van was present, and Mr. A. C. lt. Owen, (1.13.F.,..t.;liairmail of The Owen Organisation, handed to Mr. Donald II. 31e(:1111eitt(di. Cludrinan of the RM.:NI. Trust, a cheque 1.01£10,0110 as a twitter contribution to the racing car. Mr. A. C. B. Owen has already been the principal benefactor to the and has given

all 11101111011S amount of his time, and the hue a his senior executives, to this venture, and this further contribution identifies his (INVI1 organisation still I ore closely with the 11.11.31.

liesearch and development work being earried out by the Trust at the permanent I’ll) tre t hey have e•stablislied will benefit from a recent appointment. Mr. S. S. Tresilian„ B.A., A.F.Ii.Ae,S., :q.S.A.E., for many years emmected with. the design of ears and airerall engines. is now assisting 31r. l’eter lierthon, the designer of the

racittg car. In view or references which have been made converting the similarity of v.triotts components on Mr. Raymond Mays’ sprout car tel those used on the 11.11.N1., it is as well tlutt the public should fullv appreciate the position, which is as follows

1. To accelerate 11.1! .711, researclt mat development, parts of the III! 711. front suspension. -and no other parts or cumpolients. -.were tilted 10 Mr. Mays’ sprint car. 2. No expenditure whatsoever has been, or will be. incurred toy the British

Motor Itacing Research Trust. or I). 11.71!.. 1.1 el., ill conneet ion with Mr. Mays’ private racing enterprises. NN’e have received t lie, following announcement abont the Brit ish Racing INIOtor As.sociation : Branches of the 11.1t.51..1. :Ire to be encouraged iI) motor elubs. motor-cycle clubs, sports eltib,„ private chubs, industrial concerns, motor agents. the Services_ etc., and district branches in arras not

rater…0 for by club 1011111 k’s.

%Vitilin each branch, the member who arcept,4 th.. task of organiser n secretary wit, It is hoped, aet as at, ambamador al 1103 Beilo,lile 10 create a following If real enthnsiast,, The members will be ill VOIli410, I hrongh the brand’ oreattiser, with the secretary at 113. Park Street„ London, W.1, front which tvldress bulk siipplies of literature tool badges will Is. obtained Ill SI pereentave basis tA the existins: club’s active membership, or on an estimate sttbmitted. Supplies w ill Inchills : Ntrtithers• tont asAwiate 1unit-wr1.’ haitur, (b)

(r) Books of receipts suitable for both grades.

(,d) ColOured 11.1t.Al, emblems for car windscreens which 1111 be 80111 by members (10s. per hook of (Ioar).

Is) I’hOIogrIJIIII Ill,M.

If) Car badges, etc., as they heeorno available. The ;11,111.1 01 proveillire in vaill ‘,novo ivoi11.1 he tell viitirel!. to Me liiiil.iis of the ttiii tlat atiaal aaork intoiteal iii enrolli11r meniber)( lit as 1,111(ars: (ii) 1:1:ttal 1114. inclillwr or ..1S.stPei,de his

lapel idso his It It. g,k1.1. 11,1 nand 11Itit or 1i1.I. a retiaital for flat sobserietion leaving the cooliab.b…1 eoalia email Ili die receipt boodi. 1)1 The completed 60(11, tit rereitd

I() be returned to London office; taaLeatlier sthlli sillagerlot loos. (a.6 Earl’ kraut’: still recce,. a Ind of IIletillierS enrollta, front the Lorton oniee, at the tin it. of neknovaltalanioanl iii e»,lt easinterfoils, elinliaratas alit toskina of roonls by Mt brawl’, In lb. ease of mettilwn), it meml(ershin eard still he formiantral from Oho, Is: Me tali receipt of taninterfolls foam brsorh. lii alit ease of attrutelate istvoilsars, tlio bodge sad rtreila for

titItnerijilin is the of )e(),(N’titti011. X bullet-it) still. In due iqairse. tar ellIaltual ii, ill bralielseii. It still corer braftell ;tent -Hies sthereser they may be situated. and WIll forla liflk latOraell all Illillibers,S0 10 erellle silt FAH/Are-wide motor racilat to Ito:

lartae111 of :all oorlteicaiing clubs. The ii:taie fa’ the Assoelanoo is •• Ibteing MI gorn .445siatiot) ” (11..reiltafter

•• Tlat. N.”). The objects of the stri. ii.S. (ollOirs In) To raise finals tor the brutittiNlotor [taring Trit)(1 to enable them la, protlittr, develoi,

anal nal team of It, KM. cart).

010 I,, itromole Jaren-4 iii batrrontioiaal ” I rant Prix ” ravine.

eilloinei. criaaatIge i.f Itnatt Ittitain is outatifsettirlaig nod aeioaarliog 11:4t ion. ‘I’lo• II.K.N1.4. will efooditt. of is president, viec-ntesi(l(IitS, members, -aMoriale menibent and laniorary Membent shall Is: persons Atha, subscribe. one galloon per :Lamina to tht Mails of Ole Assigdate ntellitiers shall txt.iseritons %Out sakteritie

.5s. per :1111111111 10 Illy faarols thi! 11.11.NI.A. Hotatr(try fotoilaers orty itla.lo be created in epe(‘ial eircionslances. Member% will reeeive : In) A lajwl badge and card of (Ill .4 ealoy of the 1.01(10

.(e) .4 …apy it1 cavil issue of the bidtet in.

lit) A votty of tile rites. .1ssocinte members will reeeive :

tit) A lapel lodge.

(b) .1 copy of the boot:let. Xl()t))1».n. and 11.ssOviali. members Will receive sorb further ;aria:Hew:dam! faellailt:a. oarticabirb :al raritnt event,. as May front time to time be obtained be the vommittee and, as mid sthen Oa. right 14; IOW ;alit las. lie, sear( soil lootor-tar

1,4.1;!ca. ’11).• affair; of the Itit.M.A. Allan be iiillitatied liy a • ointolit ls’, it lap SI171111 tof flit’ sit, t ire-president , aloe nod .0,, oitaiiber. Stertlary. 1Srit ash Itsting I rt, Si reel, bullion,


Chi .1ttl?;Tllstud ‘ilk Ili’ It. .F. ininilvrcit 10 the isir-iitinth.t1 svit It is Iil Earillairough’s vast airfield lasled. for over seven hours. Selo salhoys had the time of I heir lit cs telling I he pilots of tsvo Boohoo Paul ” Itailliols what aerobatics; to perform. The Cooper Trophy rarli Was W011 1O. I, 1). I, N. I taselwood’s Nietetir IV of 900 Squadron which finished one second ahead of F.. It. Smith in 501 Squadron’s 11.11, Vampire I, xvil FILE .1. E. Stcallard. I ).E.(‘., t laird in a Spit fire of 90:1 Squadron. I uh ‘dual aerobat ivs %veer 1teelorttu)(1 liv 11).1I. Goblin Vampire, a Spitfire 19, It ilawk,,t. /as!. a 1).11, venom. a

rmslrong 510, an ..V$. NIelcor II and the exceedinglv graceful and impressive Canberra bomber

so skilfully. !town by. II. 1′. lie:noon!, . Gloster Itersvent trivia. Intil I rttable. lanvever. and, in titotor-raeing parlance, ” did mil start.All frve veterans went aqa. 1101V(I’Ver, arid that alone Wati VOri II the journey-1.I.-Comdr. .1. I:. Quill. (1.11,E„

(1901) lthariot II), IVing-Cutialr.

‘I’. I). l’altran (1910 Deperthissiii). Sfp1.1.dr, G. Banner, I).F.C, (1919 Illackburn), (;roup I,. S. Snail It, A. (1919 ,Avro 5t).1. :toil Group-Capt. JI. NVItt-elc•r, 0.11.E. (1919 Sotust’ lilt l’ap). This gained :4 Stnafity P.apress headline, ” 1916

‘ Steals Show f ‘VIwt•ler looped. sotatit (lid era,,y-itying and later I he I.Zing asked for the to be taxied in front of I he Itoyal Knelosure, Itevarist. Its’ recognised it, as I In. aeroplane in witielt he was taught to Ily. Besides these es.ents there wen. immortals thrilling set-pieces, valiant:dingiii the 1bisuilitil attack osi Amiens Prison and a inliss Ily-past by variants aircraft.. •VV. It.


tivietwr is allied svit It eltaticc in motorracing. whielt, perhaps, is -what makes It such an all-embracing. sat ist? ing pursuit . IftuMan viashed IO lie It st.i(TIIISI Ile ‘t.ottid dedieatc his life to tesi -tubes nuil latliseit burners I ir Chance ahilai appealed lo hint he svould go over Niaeara Falls in a barrel. NIotor-racing provide.: the midstay viiiirse :Mil that is wItV We have no time for thitst. leelatieiaits who estimate the ehattees or 111.W fiat’s; la’fIlre 1 tleY 11:1•Ve

1.111111. 111 1111′ Mr ?TIM Scowl prefers Ill W.tIl and si.f. . . .


In 11)27. we believe it was, the 1,/utly .S’kett* thonghl up the idea of a veteranear run to Itrigh.lon and :it oiler. the searelt for suitable s.eltieles svas on. 1Vell-known racint.! driVerS Vert aimingst those vim songhl sailable cars, which turned all in barns, hedges, (natant-4es anal I fa. like and changed hands for very ‘,mall stole, Then came the :aditionot

rum a imi.Oigaling the ” deciding Row hes1 to make il worlt :old al tempt Mg Iii gel it inlo roall-storllay condition Ily Iii,’ day of I he event. Snipe then, or course, the animal II right on run for pre-1905 ears IlaS become an established event and we wouldn’t miss it rm. woods. The Edsvardialls, IUD, lease I Ixeir es.ents and vintage ears arr. aide to ritt•e quite frenttfttitly at Silverstone. Bat fanciers or the early sioall cars or the 1919-11125 c.ra are seart.ely catered ho’, save for It Itisley 1tally lir INTO. The Wa occurs, why not re-mmel. one of the early Exeter or Land’s 1.;011 runs ? Before the war I here Was sfalll• 11111011 ndiellter (ht’ II., .C. maid grant a permit for ari event of this tutture. Ititi it is unlikely that any great tibicel ion would In. raised today. wit Ii 1111′ illyrt’aiit• ill road eVell1S for oV1.11 4)111yr clit’S I ally 1.:IT that is la.Xelt 1110.. lo have t hird-parly insurance and 111 get I hat it has to be in road-ss.orl Ily condition. Sit ally I’1111/ Whielt Want S (ti strike an original note might do worse than VialSitler 1 hiS SliVg1.Sti011. The NI.C.C. scents the obviotts 1111.1 Will probably find iIs hands fall organising I he reit, longdist:trier Massie trials now that Iwt rid is oft Illy eat intt :IN I hese trials 1111W call for plenty or mod :11141 show to (lefeat modern trials-sputa:its, it 4yould seem, imprael ical to run ail old-car section mcitrivi,1 Tile 1101ot or it ran of t his nature for 1919-1921 small car; would he 1 lac fall Of looking for ilt111 preparing SlIiIithle S. Nil 11011111 GOIITITy Would In e vatted upon to dividge G.N. hints and lips. and those svil It a ‘WOrki11141:11111,0edge 111 11.0W Ii, Maki’ V.K. friet 11,11 I rimsmission fame! ion would be equally in deb:void. .11oreover. I Ile prices of suclt est1(.1iially it wookt-he competitor, restore.’ them themselves. should be 4 halt I’ (l ii’ whereas a pre-1905 car fetches it Ilia sum 311111 nmst needs lie really sat !Ti t> turned ont, and 1….d5vardiatis and the later 1/11AT. it VOIISIIIITithlt. Ilie less-practieal

pre-1926 tars are tiol re:alily saleable. Taking the 1923 M.C.C. LondonLand’s End as a yard-stick we find that car entries, limited to a maximum of 12 rated It.p., numbered 122 and, apart front the G.P. Aston-Martins, connkrised nmstlyIttaltble vehicles. –G .N., Palladium, Rhode, Morris-Cowley, A.B.C. and the like. The hills were Porloek, Beggars’ Roost, Lymnoutit and Greymare—-there is tuagie in the very manes. -and the route Slough to Land’s End. It seems to us that it, knight be fun to go over the same or a similar route to-day in the same sort of ears. Indeed, why wait for a Club to organise the thing ? Couldn’t a few vintage small-car owners band together and go just for the Iwil of it ? Any comers ‘:’ [Since writing the above 1 have had a letter from A. .1. Fisher, of the Lagonda C.C., telling111.0 that they hope to muster all the ” 11.9 ” Lagondas at it Rally and Driving Test to he held in the Thame area on August 27th. They Maid he glad lo avt host to other early snadl ears if sufficient were likely to arrive to justify this—in which ease it prize for them would. be offered. This is advocated in lien, for the time being. of’ the ” Wisley thtt Rally ” suggested in the July issue. Early light carists lutil better mntact Mr. Fisher at once, at Ansley Cottage, Kingston Blount, Oxon.-End

750 CLUB

This Cluh caters for 11w sport lug-minded Austin Seven owner and is on a flourishing basis. A monthly bulletin lists -members’ ” sales and wants ” and, publishes Austin Seven hints and tips and racing under the 750 Formula is encOuraged. The Club will hold driving tests at Ite(thill (01 September 10th and its Wroth:tot Trial on th:tober 8th. Membership stands at. 172 and Austin Seven owners desirous of joining can

obtain details front the I hin. Sec. : Bickle, 4,, Pelham Court, Staines, Middlesex.


.1. C. C. Mayers points out that the !dower belts did not detach II it’iiiselves from his M.G. during (litMans Cup Race,

as we suggested, for tile e:kr mkt superelkarged ! The trouble applied to Jacobs’ M.G. Rupert Instone’s time at SindsleyWalsh -42.43 see:was omitted front out: report..

A. OF N.C.C.

The Thirteenth Meet ing of (In’ Associat 1011 k-kf’ Northern Car Clubs was held at t lie Royal Victoria Hotel, Sheffield. The Sheffield and Hallamshire Motor Club provided the Chairman and made all t he arrangements. The following matters were discussed : North v. South Cltallengc Trial. The North v. South Challenge Trial which should have lwen lutil on Sunday, March 12th, had unfortunately to be cancelled as an insufficient number of Southern

Competitors were able to make the journey north. It was agreed that the Southern Association Ike approached with the suggestion that the date fixed for the return leg, October 29th, be used for a Challenge Trial to be held on neutral ground in the Midlands.

New Mettdwrs. TIte Iludderstield Motor Club approaciked the Association to determine if t Ikey were eligible to make an application for membership. The Huddersfield Motor Club is mainly a MotorCyele club which has just started to run car events again. It was suggested to the Huddersfield

Club that tiny apply to the for recognition as a motor club running car events and :tpply to the ..sstwiation at its next. meeting. Midland Association. It was reported that a Midland Association of Car Clubs had been rormed in the Birmingham district on the lines of the Northern

.‘ssoeial ion, Mr. ‘Woodhouse of the SutIon Coldlicia and North Birmingham Automobile Club is the 11011. Secretary.

Election of New Member. The I fart lepools and Distriet. :Motor Club made an application to join the Association. After due el oisideration they were unanimously accepted as mendkers. it AC. Circular ” 1950 Competitum Season.” This circular Was discussed alld it. WaS felt that in their efforts to provide a loophole to the regulations requiring :01 competitors to hold National

Competition Liconees, the It had courited their cireular in an incomprehensible tnatmer. The next meeting of the ion will be held on Wednesday, September tith, at 11w Grand Iiiitel, :Ma netkester, at

7.30 p.m.


‘Ve have received I lw following report of the North Loudon Enthusiasts. C-C’s kkmbitious Radeap !tally

rally started at midniglit on July Sth and carried on through the night, finishing in the early hours of Sunday nuwiting at Ilythe in Kent. The route involved six timed sections, whiclk had to Ike covered at set averages or within times, kind six observed hills off the metalled remit in the I ack hint’s of Kent, kihri IIkere was idso an acceleration and braking test on Detling Airfield during the small hours of Sunday morning en route,

II aying arrived at Ifythe, breakfast Was consumed, after which there followed a driving test oil the ride range road belonging to the Small Arins Wing. School of Infantry, Ilytite.

The llotel Imperial were at pains to ‘VeleOhle us to the full and we owe the manager a debt of gratitude for coping with us so hospitably. Likewise Car Mart Ltd: –they saw to it that, we had our requirements in every coneeivable direction fully attended to. Down at I lythe the rifle range road was kindly le.nt to us by Capt. Benson M.C. WINNER: -A. I!. It (1:0tils), ROMER-cr. –I). 0. Render (Allard),

tootsT sm,00N S. lilar$11 (Morris), nod:±tone tool M.K. titesr-0,Ass AwAsns.-J. IL Ross (M.G.), Coodao 17. Westwood (FIAT,), Riley (Morris), Maki:401W 5, M.K.; 0. le, Maroon (Ford),