

First let me thank Mr. Riggs for the information regarding the MaNhall blower. Concerning the speeds of the ‘F-type ” Musketeer ” M.G., I only remember seeing one reference in print, and that was

in the August issue of the Light Car in 1942.

In an art icle describing Macdermid’s 1937 T-type (A131.961) Mr. J. Reiss, who was then the owner of the car, claims to have had 101 m.p.h. at Brooklands and 104 m.p.h. at Donington.

It would be very interesting to hear from one of the actual team re the performance of a blown T-type..

In any ease, according to Mr. Clutton’s remarks, the ‘l’-type needs 70 1).11.p. per litre at 93 m.p.h.,. and it is this statement which I am endeavouring to prove false. I am, Yours, etc.,

Potter’s Bar. A. G. SA.NDERS0N. [Mr. Biggs’s further comments appear on page 172, following which Lt.-Comdr. H. A. Macdermid himself disposes of the Reiss claims. Why, oh why, are T-type owners such romancers ?—En.]