Club news, August 1940



The Junior Car Club has brought out an issue of its “Gazette” for April-June. It contains some cyclecar reminiscences by A. Percy Bradley, a reprint from “Flight” of an article by A. Frazer-Nash on power-operated gun turrets, and plenty of humour. Also news of members —Professor A. M. Low is at the Air Ministry, Lieut. J. A. Davies, R.A.S.C., “checked-in” from Dunkirk; Leonard Baynes drives an L.C.C. ambulance; P. W. Marriage is in the R.E.s; Mrs. Molony is an ambulance dicer; Mrs. C. A. Dennett in the A.F.S.; Hudlass a captain R.A.S.C.; Harry Edwards, Dixon-Spain, D. H. Murray, K. N. Smith and Jimmy Simpson are all R.A.S.C.; B. Blackford is in the R.E.s; H. Wood and L. H. White are L.D. V., and Nancy Lines drives the L.N. Special on farm work. Capt. Beachamp, R.A.S.C., has recovered from wounds received in France, and is driving an Aston-Martin, R. J. Hughes got away from Dunkirk, and E. H. Carson, invalided out of the R.A.S.C., is recovered and driving again.

The idea of a social event has been abandoned, pending our promised Invasion, but another “Gazette” will come along about October. Members whose subscriptions are overdue are requested to settle up now—large cars 25/-, small cars 20/- for the war period, and a possibility of reduction if you are laying up your car for a time. Club ties at 3/6 each, and brooches, button-hole badges and beret badges at 2/6 each, are still available. The spirit of sports motoring doesn’t die easily! Hon. General Secretary: H. J. Morgan, 14, Lime Grove, Ruislip, Middlesex.


The E.R.A. Club was “at home” to members at St. Stephen’s Tavern, Westminster, on the evening of July 12th, by arrangement of A. Rivers Fletcher, its able chairman. Sam Green, the secretary, was absent, being in the R.A.O.C., but Philip Turner, who is L.D.V. until the R.A.F. send for him, came along, and Tappenden, now in the R.A.F., introduced his race game to those others who were present, played on a big scale map of the Crystal Palace circuit. It is hoped to get a better attendance next time. Hon chairman: A. Rivers Fletcher, 35, Oakleigh Gardens, N.20.


At the Club run to Gerrards Cross for lunch, Gregory, who used to handle a Big Six saloon at J.C.C. Members’ Day Brooklands meetings, took the secretary’s request to come along as best you could literally, arriving on a penny-farthing bicycle, in spite of the rain. R. W. Seys attended on his S.2 Special Royal Enfield motor-cycle.


The Midland A.C. announces that on December 31st membership stood at 624, compared with 685 the year before. Sir Francis Winnington has very generously waived the rent on Shelsley Walsh for the duration. The 1939 meeting represented a loss as the September climb was cancelled after organising expenses had been incurred, but on other workings the Club shows a credit balance of £156. Useful A.R.P. and leave transport is being undertaken by members.


In more peaceful places, veterans have seen recent exercise. The Apex and Sporting C.C. of Adelaide held a rally for pre-1914 cars with a trial, tests and concours thrown in. A 1911 Newton Bennett covered longest distance with 150 miles, a 1904 De Dion won the beauty prize, a 1902 Oldsmobile the parking test, a 1914 Ford the figure-of-eight test, a 1910 Daimler the adversity prize, a 1906 Speedwell the pre-1906 trial award, and the 1914 Ford, the 1906-14 trial award. The event drew in some £300 for charity. The I,einster A.C. held a veteran run on June 29th, which drew an entry of twenty-six. The 1900-3 class went to an M.C.C., the ’04-9 class to a De Dion, the 1910-12 class to a Ford and the 1913-14 class to an Austin.

WE HEAR. . . .

We hear that John Morley still runs his 12/50 Alvis, and has the late Sir John Bowen’s ex-Doreen Evans’s M.G. and Maserati stored at his home, including two Maser. engines. The supercharged Black Hawk Stutz once owned by Dr. Benjafield is believed to carry a grey two-seater body these days, and to be owned by an Army officer in Dorset. Near Witney, lots of fast motors continue in use, including a straight-eight Delage saloon, a Wolseley Hornet sports tourer driven by an R.A.F. sergeant, R. M. B. Mason’s trials 328 B.M.W., an open Alfa-Romeo, an open S.S.1 driven by an Army officer, and Rolls-Royce and Bentley cars. R. W. Seys, who wrote an article in the last issue, has his M.G. and Bentley stored in a barn near Witney. At a breaker’s yard near Oxford is reported a 30/98 Vauxhall, a f.w.d. Alvis chassis, Schneider tourer, “Redwing” Riley, and a Salmson—military personnel looking for fast motors, please note. A tiller-steered veteran is rumoured to be amusing the troops near Burford. Massey, of the Bentley Drivers’ Club, sold his 3-litre Bentley on the outbreak of war, and is a capt. R.A.S.C.

Robertson-Roger has become engaged to Miss Eve Somerville—congratulations. A 1926 7.5 Citroen Cloverleaf has arrived at a breaker’s near Hollow, which has had only one owner and possesses unmarked paintwork and almost brand new all-weather equipment and actually had petrol in the tank. Someone might like to save it from destruction, especially as its 5 h.p. (French rating) makes it very economical. Aircraftsman N. W. Newbatt of the 750 Club is stationed at Henlow, where MOTOR SPORT is displayed in the R.A.F. reading room. Radford has laid up his Bugatti, and runs a very fine bicycle. Benn is selling more petrol than ever, and Lambert is still with him.