A LTA 1488 c.c. single seater racing car. Com

pletely re-built this season. Numerous modifications. Has been successful in practically every event entered. Records held include the Ladies Shelsley Record (Driven by Miss D. Stanley-Turner). Speed well over 130 m.p.h. Excellent braking and road holding. Self-steering towing gear. £295 or offer. R. M. Cowell, 84 Park Lane, Croydon.

A LTA 3060 c.c. two-seater super-charged comA-IL petition model. Registered May, 1939. Over 120 m.p.h. on pump fuel and 135 m.p.h. on racing fuel. Official Campbell circuit lap in 1 minute, 58 secs. 0-60 in under 7 sees. 4th in “Fastest Road Car ” race at Brooklands. Green and black. Indistinguishable from brand new. Suitable for racing, speed trials or road. 20 m.p.g. £350 or offer. R. M. Cowell, 84 Park Lane, Croydon.


AUSTIN 7, special 2 seater, 3 ft bonnet, reeellulased, new hood, new pistons, valves battery, Burgess silencer, special induction, 4-pipe exhaust, Z15, further details, write, G. Nicklen, Dibden Purlieu, Southampton. A USTIN 7, dropped springs and axle. Seta to undersling chassis. Ulster engine complete also 5.6 rear axle. Cozette supercharger. Special high compression heads. Twin Zenith downdraughts. 1938, chassis, Girling brakes fitted speedy engine, outside manifold, requires body only. Large crankshafts and rods. Other spares. Auto Conversions, 2, Belton Road, Willesden 3180,


1-LITRE Supercharged O.P. Bugatti Type 37a, believed the last of this series manufactured. First regd. 1933. Completely fitted out for road use by Bachelier including self-starter, hood, dynamo, etc. Maintained in Baron. Whole car in perfect condition, extremely reliable and capable of over 100 m.p.h. One of the fastest 14-litre road ears available. 1145. Deferred terms arranged. P. Williams, 87b, Lexham Gardens, W.8. Western 4487. 1926 Brescia Bugatti. Entirely rebuilt and remodelled. 3,000 miles since. Lorryload of spares all reconditioned. Genuine bargain at £60 the lot. No offers List of spares on request. Write to Richardson,112 Raleigh Street,Nottingharn


BEST rates for sports cars and other motor business. All classes of Insurance effected. A. G. Adamson, Insurance Broker, Mossfennan, Penshurst, Kent.