
Sir, I was very interested in the short article on the old s.v. Aston-Martin, published in MOTOR SPORT, as I have two of these cars, both 1925 Vintage. I bought the first in February 1938, a four-seater tourer with very heavy wings, high pressure tyres and enormous but inefficient head

lamps. The engine had twin R.A.G. carbs. which gave quite good acceleration and an all out speed of about 62 m.p.h.

After 15,000 miles the bodywork began to fall to bits and would have been very expensive to repair, so I bought a single carburetter job which was slower but had a first-class body with cycle type wings. This, also is a four-seater but is much lighter and I have now replaced the cylinder block etc. with the old one. I have had to change the back axles as well after cracking the differential casing beyond repair.

Six months ago I fitted new piston rings and I now do about 2,500 to the gallon of oil, and 22-23 on petrol. The latter consumption is rather high, no doubt owing to the twin carbs. All out speed is now about 68 m.p.h. although I think it would do 70 with encouragement.

I have found the cars very reliable, the steering and gear-changing being a revelation, but I have noticed that the back axles are apt to get out of true as the springs are hung on loose shackles at each end.

Incidentally I have a fairly complete assortment of spares and I shall be only too pleased to help any of your readers who have difficulty in getting parts elsewhere. I am, Yours etc.,

G. L. WEAVER. Highgate, N.6. * * * Sir,

In your March issue you discussed fast road cars, asking at the same time which was the fastest. If I am not too late I would like to enter a 1934 Duesenburg into this discussion. This car was a five-passenger phaeton with a supercharged engine delivering 320 b.h.p. It has been driven 129 m.p.h. in top gear and 104 m.p.h. in second. Acceleration from a standing start to 100 m.p.h. was accomplished in 20 secs.

I found these statistics on page 286 of the January 1934 issue of “Motor,” an American publication. I am, Yours etc., W. S. COMER. New Jersey,

U.S.A. Sir, In reply to Mr. A. J. Vicary’s letter published in the June issue, here are a few particulars which may be of interest

to him. If memory serves me right, the Diana was built by the Moon Corp., and bore the same relation to the Moon as Hudson did to Essex.

It was built in 1924/6, was of 28.8 h.p., about 4-litres (I believe it was of 76 x114 mm. bore and stroke) wheelbase about 10 ft. 5 ins, and was a fair specimen of the ” middle class” American car of the period. It was discontinued about 1926, and the later Moon eight-cylinder car resembled it in many respects, so if Mr. Vicary looks up the 1929 Moon eight-cylinder he will find it is basically a later version of the Diana.

I remember that the Diatto of 1927 was available as 15/50 and 17/70 models, the latter being the 85 m.p.h. version mentioned by Mr. Ballamy. Mr. Teasdale resents the emphasis upon the DKW and Fiat in your comments—he should try one 1 The DKW is undoubtedly an outstanding design and provides a lesson on efficiency to our designers. though undoubtedly the general finish is not up to English standards and the price is somewhat higher then equivalent English cars.

I wonder it Motor Polo comes under the heading of ” Motor Sport ? ” Some time ago, whilst “rooting about” in a pile of ancient magazines, I discovered a fully illustrated article on Motor Polo in the Strand or Harmsworth’s magazine of 1902-3. Unfortunately I have not been able to rediscover the magazine, but the photographs of ancient Lanchesters with the low front and engine-under-seat arrangement and tiller steering were exceptionally inter:sting, and the article pointed out the suitability of electric cars for this game—I should imagine that the tiller steering would also be a great help.

It seems a pity that no one owns an Isotta Fraschini sports tourer of 1926 vintage, for its maximum speed of 106 m.p.h. with heavy body and full equipment would surely give it a prominent position in the ” fastest road-car ” controversy.

Can anyone tell me what has happened to the Moveo car, a very interesting sports-car built at Preston about 1981-2? and I am also interested in the fate of the Aries sports-car, built about 1987-8. I am, Yours etc.,

K.C. Co. Durham. * . * Sir,

I am very interested in one or two articles and letters in connection with the construction of potent vehicles as using as a basis a Morgan three-wheeler chassis converted to run on four wheels, and using an 8/80 J.A.P. to provide the urge. At the present moment I am running a 1926 12/50 tourer and although she is a most exhilarating car to drive the drain on my very slender finances ought to cause many sleepless nights, and I am afraid the recent lapse on the part of the Chancellor of the Exchequer will necessitate her retirement.

Hence the interest, in converting three to four wheels. In the October 1938 copy of MOTOR SPORT you printed a letter from G.E.M. asking for details and snags which are encountered with a two-cylinder engine and chain drive. In February 1939 in an article you mention that Mr. Allard at one time used a converted threewheeler with a 1i-litre gearbox and back axle, and I wondered whether you have any further details of conversions which have been satisfactorily carried out.

The 8/80 J.A.P. seems to be the most suitable engine to use, if it is possible to get one in fairly good condition at a reasonable prize. I am, Yours etc., J. A. BRANGUY. Hollinwood, Oldham [We shall be glad to forward any letter to the above.— Ed.]


The Light Car Club was obliged to postpone its Brookland’s 3-Hour SportsCar Race which was to have been held on July 22nd, on account of lack of entries—we believe only four were received. This is a reflection on the outlook of the present-day racing man, inasmuch as lots of possible entrants agreed that they thoroughly approved the Regulations, and would like to have run, but went on to point out the lack of money prizes and the danger of suffering mechanical failure in this race which would render them non-starters in the T.T. six weeks later, for which race sub stantial money-prizes are offered. It seems probable that the Light Car Club will hold the race on September 16th— after the T.T. has been contested. They should then get a reasonable entry, and it will be most interesting, should the race be held thus, to compare performances with those set up in the most less

restricted T.T. At all events, we wish the L.C.C. every success with its September venture.