

S(-)”.mE of the fastest cars ever seen on the inner circuit at Donington took part in the Cambridge University A.C. meeting at the end of June. The lap record was broken several times, and racing throughout the day was most exciting, in spite of dull weather

and a bitterly cold wind There were fifty-two different cars entered.

Eventually the record was credited to R. Parnell with his 4.9-litre B.H.W., who was officially clocked by R.A.C. timekeeper P. B. Mayne in 1 min. 44 secs_ equal to a speed of 8(1.38 m.p.h. However, during the last race of the day Robin Hanson was timed officially to cover a lap in 1 min. 42 secs. with his E.R.A. (88.07 m.p.h.).

This last event presented a terrific spectacle, for it was a ten-lap handicap race, and twenty-five cars had been entered, so that the circuit was crowded. To clock individual laps for each competitor in this event was scarcely possible without a large staff of timekeepers, but R. Parnell, who finished third with the B.H.W., had the remarkable average for the full distance of 84.11 m.p.h., while Ian Connell with his Darracq averaged 79.96 m.p.h., to finish Sixth.

Parnell’s was the best speed of the day for a racing car, and Connell’s the best for a sports-car. The latter must have broken the sports-car record handsomely, and thus rounded off a good day, during which he had won several scratch races.

Robin Hanson had hard luck in tbk event, for, starting from scratch with the E.R.A., be was working his way through the large field splendidly, and has just passed both Parnell and Connell, when at the foot of Melbourne Hill his gearbox gave trouble, and he had to pull onto the grass, just as had occurred in the closing stages of the Nuffield Trophy Race.

There was another E.R.A. also entered for the meeting, that of P. N. Whitehead, but after some fast practice laps in the Morning the cylinder head cracked. Whitehead had another car entered, his Monza-type sports Alfa-Romeo, but it was not his lucky day, for after several good runs the Alfa’s gasket blew, and the engine was filled with water. Before this mishap Whitehead had done well in the 40-mile High Speed Trial which opened the proceedings. This event was not a race, but there was a cup for the fastest time. Whitehead led for half

the distance, but was then passed by G. Bagratouni on another Alfa-Romeo. The two continued to scrap furiously, while behind another great battle was being waged between the S.S. Jaguar two-seaters driven by C. E. Truett, C. J. Gibson, and C. Mann. Eventually Gibson’s car showed signs of seizing, and

he fell out. Mann and Truett passed one another several times, till the former gained the advantage. Fast running by the S.S.s was a feature of the day, and three of these cars, driven

by A. Goldman, C. E. Truett, and C. J. Gibson, won the Relay Race at the fine speed of 67.77 m.p.h., including two stops to change over the sash.

There was some amusement, since the limit cars, three ancient Austin Sevens, had a start of over 10 ruins., and kept manfully ahead till the closing stages, helped by very smart work in changing the sash from one car to another.

The handicapping throughout was very skilfully judged by P. B. Mayne, and the organisation of the whole event reached a high standard, under the guidance of the Cambridge Secretary, C. N. S. Pringle.

RESULTS Garnett Botfield Cup (fastest race : R. Parnell

Garnett Botfield Cup (fastest race speed) : R. Parnell (13.11.W. 8), 84.11 m.p.h.

De Rothschild CUP (fastest Cambridge resident) : C. L. R. Dennis (S$), 70.08 m.p.h.

Silver Cup (fastest sports-car) : I. F. Connell (Darratin), 79.96 m.p.h.

Silver Cup (fastest Vintage car) : D. A. Hampshire (2-litre Bugatti 8), 75.99 m.p.h.

High Speed Trial.—Silver Cup : G. Bagratouni (Alfa-Romeo). 73.39 m.p.h.

First-Class Awards : P. N. Whit eheati (AlfaRomeo); C. Mann (SS), P. J. N. Eve (H.R.G.), J’. P. Hill (Riley).

One-Lap Scratch (1,500 c.c. sports) : 1, P. J. N. Eve al .R.G.) 64.17 m.p.h. ; 2, Lady Mary Grosvenor (Riley) ; 3, I). C. Stenning (Lagonda Rapier). One-Lap Scratch (over 1,500 c.c. sports) : 1, J. F. Connell (Damien), 72.4$ m.p.h.; 2, P. N. Whitehead

(A ha-Romeo 8) ; 3, G. Bagratouni (Alfa-Romeo 8). Three-Lap Scratch (unlimited sports) : 1, I. F. Connell (Damien), 76.97 m.p.h.; 2, C. E. Truett (SS) and C. L. H. Dennis (SS), tie.

Three-Lap Relay : 1, A. Goldman, C. E. Truett, and C. J. Gibson (88.$), 67.39 m.p.h.; 2, Miss M. Wilby (Atalanta), Lady Mary Grosvenor (Riley), and T. Winstanley (Bentley). Five-Lap Handicap (unlimited sports) : Heat 1: 1, J. D. in Thurn (Bentley), 70.62 m.p.h. ; 2, A. E. Moulton (Austin); 3, J. B. Jesty (Austin). Heat 2 : 1, T. M. Gay (Aston-Martin), 67.55 m.p.h.;

2, B. Burton (Talbot) ; 3, I. F. Connell (Darnall). Final : 1, J. D. in Thum ; 2, A. E. Moulton ; 3, T. M. Gay. Five-Lap Scratch (sports and racing) : 1, R,. Hanson (E.R.A.8)„..83.80 m.p.h. ; 2, R. E. Parnell (H.R.-W. 8);

3, I. H. Nickols (M.G. 8).

Ten-Lap Handicap : (sports and racing) : 1, G. E. Lind Walker (Bugatti 8) ; 73.39 m.p.h. ; 2, W. .7. Watson (Alvis); 3, R. Parnell (H.R.W. 8), ; 4, I. H. NIckol.9 (M.G. 8).