

VINTAGE S.C.C. Meetings are always well conducted, but on July 15th at Lewes, there was more interest to be had in the Paddock than on the course, because no loud-speaker discoursed on the results class by class and few Wished to copy out the times from Eddie Wrigley’s little blackboard, especially as by staying here one could not see the ministerings to the machinery in the Paddockwhich had been moved to the top of the hill in an endeavour to cut down delays between runs, which this new arrangement did not altogether achieve. However, a threatening morning gave over to. a beautiful afternoon and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves at this lovely spot. G. H. Symonds, confused by the new Paddock location, waited patiently for some racing motors to arrive and then, when he had been directed to his R-type

M.G., found it still inclined to misfire, although improving as the day wore on. N. Green, with the one-time Hutchison Zoller blown Ford Ten single-seater oiled a plug when an h.t. lead fell off and later experienced mysterious fading of the urge. Stuart Wilton’s M.G. made best time of all, in 21.6 secs. Anthony Heal, in yet another pair of unique trousers, as usual upheld the Edwardians, and proved them no joking matter. Getting the 1910 Fiat in a cloud of oil-haze, so fast that the rubber dust on the road almost caught fire, he actually clocked 23.52 secs. on his fastest run. John Morris and Raphael shared the Benz, which didn’t much like starting, so that it had to be pushed along the King’s Highway, the Lewes police sportingly staying out of the fun, as they always do. It is towed by a Big Six Bentley , and has a Ford V8 as an addition al tender. J. Lander drove his 1899 belt drive New Orleans down from London and, front wheels juddering fearfully on the tick-over, got it off on a rousing climb

occupying 156.67 secs. Hampton also drove the 1910 Bugatti down, as did Windsor-Richards the Itala (on those useful red and white plates) and Samuelson his Peugeot, which is used daily.


Classes I and II: H. Stuart Wilton (M.G. 8), 21.6 sees. Class III (A) : Miss Dobson (Frazer

Nash), 27.08 sees Class III (B) G. Crozier (Bugatti, 25.57 sees. Class IV (A) : B. Burton (Talbot), 24.59 secs. Class IV (B).__.__• G. Batgra__todni (Alfa-Romeo 22.44 secs. Classes DI (C) and IV (0) G. Bagratouni (Alfa-Romeo), 22.24 see. Class V (A) •. 1). Silcock (Allard), 23.79 sees. Class V (B) : S. Allard (Allard), 22.12 secs. Classes V (0) and VI: C. Windsor Richards (Delage), 23.33 secs. Class VII Miss Wilby (Atalanta), 25.86 sets. Class IX (consistency) : Miss Dobson (Frazer-Nash). .02 sees. difference between first and second runs. Class X: H. Stuart Wilton (M.G.), 21.78 sees. Fastest time of the day : H. Stuart Wilton (M.G.), 21.6 secs.