

In a so far poor summer, rain was not unexpected at the Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. Backwell Hill Climb, and it fell in heavy showers, never allowing the road to dry. Which was a pity, for the crowd was extensive and the organisation first-class.

Several cars crashed at the top bend. Uglow (H.R .G.) found the bank but continued, but Burton had a front wheel slide in the Talbot and smashed the off side hub and brake, cursing his car right heartily, E. G. M. Wilkes slid right round in The Wilkes J.A.P., and though handling the situation exceedingly well, clouted the bank hard. The off rear hub snapped clean off as he attempted to drive away. Sydney Allard made fastest time in his sports V8 Allard, experiencing, considerable power-slides soon after starting, but looking complete master of the situation. He clocked 26.6 secs. on his first ascent and 26.2 secs. on his next run, winning both racing and sports car categories, and so taking 225 and the Sports Car Cup. Incidentally, he drove down from London unaccompanied by mechanics and almost immediately after the event left with Mrs. Allard on a 120 ‘Mile pleasure run, so The Allard can justly claim to be a useable road motor. It made its ascents mostly in 2nd gear, reaching a maximum of perhaps 60 in.p.h. in a run averaging about 43 m.p.h. The sports car record, established on a dry road, remained intact by .1 of a sec. and no one approached Bolsters absolute recond of 23.0 secs., set in 1938. Second fastest was Bagratounis sports 2.6 AlfaRomeo, in 28.5 secs. and 27.8 secs., and next best was Neale with the A.C.N., which, now weighted at the rear by a body, climbed in 28.1 secs. on both runs. Burleigh’s special late-type blown Morris 8 did 31.2 secs., Joe Fry’s sports Delahaye clocked 31.0 secs., and mm Thurn did a nice vintage Bentley ascent in 29.6 secs. The Boulter-Special, with 700 c.c. Douglas-type light aero motor, was not

on form, and the veteran class produced only Lawson’s Turner 1VIiesse steamer, a nicely kept car with tonneau body, which puffed up in 100 secs.


Sports Cars up to 14 litres unblown : 1st. G. D. Claridge (Frazer-Nash) 29.9 sees

Sports Cars up to 14 litres, blown : 1st. W. P. Uglow (H.R.D.) 30.6 sees.

Sports Cars up to 3 litres: 1st. C. Bagratouni (Alfa-Romeo s/c) 27.8 secs.

Sports Cars up to 44 litres, tutblown : 1st. S. H. Allard (Allard) 26.2 secs.

Veteran Class : 1st. R. Lawson (Turner Meese) 100.0 secs.

Racing Can up to 1,100 c.c., unblovm : 1st E. G. M. Wilkes (Wilkes-J . . P.) 28.3 EIPCS.

Racing Cars up to 14 litres, unblown : 1st, P. Neale (A.C.N.) 28.1 sees.

Racing Cars up to it litres, blown : let. R. E. Angell (E.R.A. s/c) 28.8 secs.

Racing Cars up to 44 litres, unblown : 1st. S. H. Allard (Allard) 26.2 secs.

Fastest Time of the flay: S. H. Allard (30 h.p. V8 Allard) 26.2 secs.

Fastest Sports Car : 8. H. Allard (30 h.p. V.8 Allard) 26.2 secs.

Fastest Blown Car : C. Bagiatouni (2.6 litre AlfaRomeo) 27.8 sees.