

Make of Car Issue Feb. 1926 A.B.C. 11 h.p. 2-cyl.. 2-seater A .0 . 2-litre. short-chassis. 15.7 h.p 2-seater July 1036 A.C. 2-19 re, 16.40 11.p.. 3-seater Oct. 1027 A.C. 2-1111e, 16.66 h.p., 2-seater March 1926 A,(‘. 2-litre, 16.66 h.p.. 4-seater June 3934 Alta-Romeo 22.90 h.p.. 6-eyl. (push rod) super sports test chassis April 1927 Alfa-Romeo 11-litre supercharged 6-cyl. Charles 2-seater (1929) March 1934 Alia-Romeo 11-titre supercharged 8-cyl. ” Zagato ” 2-seater (1932) July 1934 Alfa-Romeo 2.3-litre supercharged 8-cyl. ‘ &gate” 2-scater (1933) Aug. 1936 .Alfa-Rotneo 2.3-litre supercharged 8-cyl. 4-seater (1931) Aug. 1932 Alvis 11.9 11.p., 4-cyl.. ” Firefly ” saloon Feb. 39311 Alvis 4-cyl., 12.60 h.p., 2-seater July 1931 Al vis 6-cyl.,” Silver Eagle “4-seater coupe (1029) , Aug. 1931 Alvis 6-cyl.,” Silver Eagle ” 4-seater Jitne 19340 Alvis 34-litre saloon Feb. 3936 Alvis Speed Twenty Vanden has saloon Feb. 1935 Alvis Speed Twenty Charlesworth saloon Feb. 1034 Alvis Speed Twenty 4-5eater June 1932 AnsaldO 2-litre, 4-cyl.,o.li.e..4-str Sept.. 1924 Arnistrong-Siddeley 20 Ii .p.. 0-eyl , 4-seater July 1933 Aston-Martin Mark II , 11.9 h.p , 2-4-seater Jan. 1935 Aston-Martin Clster 11.41 h.p., T.T 2-seater Oct. 1935 Aston-Martin i.e Mans 11.9 h.p , 2-4-seater June 1933 Aston-Mart in International 11.911.p , 4-seater Aug. 1932 Aston-Martin T.T. . 11.9 h.p., racing 2-seater Flee. 1931 Aston-Martin 11.0h.p.,2.seater Jan. 1930 Attlaire $0 h.p., .–el. operehareed 2-seater j one 1035 Austin Seven Boyd Carl-yid er 2-st r. Sept. 1930 Austin Seven .• i;:, ” 2,,ca.; et .. . Jan. 1034 BENTLEY 3T-litre, 6-cyl.. Vanden Phis. 4-seater Nov. Bentley 4 i di t re, 11-eyl., Park Ward saloon Tune. Bentley 61-litre, 6-eyl., tong-ehassis Saloon (1928) Dee. Bagatti 11.9 11,p., ;Modified Brescia

4-seater Aug. Bugatt i II-litre, 4-ii., Type 37 G.P 2-seater Sept. Ilugatti 3.3-litre -eyl.. Ty1+1 57 saloon May Bugat ti 2.3-lit re .’-ey I .. Tyt,, 55 . supereharged, 2-seat I ‘r ….. juiy Itugatt 1 2.3-litre. 8-cyl., Type 43,

supercharged 4-seater (1930) 1)ec. 1933 1936 1936 1925 1926, 1934 1932 1932 Bugatti 2.3-litre 8-cyl., Type 43, snpercharged 4-sca ter May 1930 Bliggi t i 3-lit re, 8-ey1., Type 44, saloon July 1928 FRAZER HASP! 2-litre, Type 45, saloiw Feb. 1937 Frazer-NashB.M .W., 2-lit re, Type 55, 2-seater Nov. 1935 Frazer-Nash 6eyl 1-litre (Black burn) 2-seater July 1933 Frazer-Nash 4-ey1,, 1 -litre pushrod o.h.v. ” interceptor ” seater Jan. 1931 Frazer-Nash 4-Cyl., re T.T Replica push-rod o.h.v. 2-3-st r Nov. 1931 H.E. 10.60 h.p., 6-eyl., 4-seater Feb. 1930

LAGONDA 2-litre 4-cyl., twin o.h.e.

4-seater Jan.-Feb. 1028 Lagonda 2-litre, 4-eyl., twin o.h.e. supercharged 4-seater .. Oct. 1930 Lagonda 41-litre, 4-seater May 1936 La gonda 4f-lit. re Raplde 4-seater… May 1935 Lagonda 41-litre. 4-scaler Tan. 1934 Lagonda Rapier 10 h.p.. 4-seater… Sept. 1934. Lagonda 16.80 h.p., 6-0’1., 4-seater JILT). 1933 . I Aspm d a 3-litre. 6-eyl.. 4-seater March 1932 bigot-Ada 2-litre, 4-eyl., t is in o.h.e , 4-seater (1928) … …… ….. March 1931 I .aucia, Augusta 11.9 h.p., saloon… Sept . 1034 Lancia Aston’, 25 h.p.. 8–eyl., James Young SillIP-111 Nfev. 1932 Lancia Dilambda 31 li.p.. 8-00 , saloon Dee. 1930 Lea-Francis 11-litre su perel la rged T.T. 2-seater ( I 929) Tune 1934 Lea-Francis 11-lit re supercharged special T.T. 2-seater Sept. 1933 Lea-Frineis li-litre supercharged ” Hyper ” 4-seater Aug. 1930 MERCEDES-BENZ Type 5401. 5.4litre,8-eyl., supercharged, 2-str,… April Moreedes-Benz ‘rype 500, 5-litre, s-cy1„ supercharged, 2-seater Nov. Mercedes-Benz 12.40 h.p., super chared “-Renter June Meree,1,.-s-11tiz 36.220 h.p. super eharvcd, 2-1-seater April Meree,li.s.-11enz :13.180 h.p., super

chare,,,i, „.. Aug. M.G , 0-01., lark T, 4-seater May

MC . m I, feet .1:irvis 3-4-seater Jan.

M .1; . Ma’llia. 12 lip.. Abbey 4-seater Feb.

I. ” 2-seater Nov.

MA I, Al Nail ” P ” 2-seater Aug. M.G. Midget ” J3 ” supereharged, “-seater May MST. Midget 750 c.e. ‘Monilltery supercharged 2^SI!:1 tvr (19:11) May M.G. Six Mark T, saloon Aug. M-0. Midget bouhh-.–Twelic racing

2-seater j tilW 19V it; Aug. M.G. Midget “.11 ” 850 i.e. 2-st r…. Sept. 1937 1934 1925 1928 1927 1931 1931 1932 1933 1934 1933 1932 1930 1930 1032 ilaenette ” N ” 4-seater ….. Feb. 1935 M A Midget ” PB ” 2-seater April 1936 Mt ; . 11:40 4-eyl.. 3-speed, 4-seater Oct. 1925 M.G. Midget ” T ” 2-seater Jan. 1937 MAI. 14.’40 lt.p.,4-eyi.,super-sports, 2-seater May 1927 RAILTON Terraplane 4-seater Oct.. 1934 Banton Light. Sports tourer Dec. 1935 SINGER 11-11tm, 6-eyl., 1,e Mans 2 seater March 1935 Singer Nine, 4-seater March( 1033 Squire 14-litre, 4-01. 2-seater Aug. 1935 SA. 1 special-bodied 2-seater (1933) Feb. 1934 S.S. 1 coupe June 1933 S.S. II coupe May 1932 Steyr Type N I. 1 , 14,35 h.p., Wey mann saloon Aug.-Sept. 1928 Stutz ” Black Hawk ” supercharged 4-seater Tan. 1930 Stutz 5-litre, 8-0’1., 4-seater lice. 1927 Sunbeam 3-litre, 6-cyl. (twin o.h.e.) fabric saloon Nov. 1927 Sunbeam 6-eyl., 21 h.p. (push-rod) Speed Six saloon Dec. 1933 TALBOT ” 00 ” Brooklands-bodied 2-4-seater April 1931 Talbot ” 105 ” sports saloon April 1934 Talbot re -saloon March 1936 Talbot Ten ” Batty ” 4-str. Oct -Nov.1936 Talbot ” 105 ” Vanden Phis 4-str…. Nov. 1932 Talbot 90 .1-seater Nov. 1930 ’11‘atra 4-eyi., 1;154 e.e., coupe Dee. 1932 Terraphine, 8-cyl.. 29 lip., 4-st r July 1935 Triumph 2-litre ” Vitesse Six saloon April 1035 Triumph 10 h.p.” Gloria Southern Cross ” 2.-seater June 1935 Triumph 10 h.p. ” Gloria saloon Jan. 1934 Triumph Nine ” Southern Cross” 4-seater June 1932 Triumph Eight. ” Gnat ” 2-seater… Aug. 1931 Triumph Eight. supercharged 2-str. Dec. 1929 VALE-SPECIAL 832 e.c. 2-seater… Aug. Vauxhall 30;9zU. E. 4-seater (1925) Jan. Vatixliall 39;98 (I.E. 4-seater (1924) Dec. Vauxhall 20/60 .p. Velox “saloon May V au x ha I 20/60 h. p; 1111 rlingbarn ” 2-seater Feb. Vauxhall 17 It ,p 0-11.0 „ ” Cadet “

sal( o at Sept.

Vauxhall 14 h.p. ” St r:kt ford ” 4-st r Sept. WINDSOR .l-(y., 11 li.p. speeial ” 2-3-seater -Nov. Wolseley Hornet Swallow 2-seater (1933t April Wolseley Hornet. E.W. ” Oayton.a. special ” 4-seater May Wolseley I forto.t It ,yd-Ca molter

2-seater Jan, Wolseley Hornet (12.08 h.p.) saloon Sept. 1933 1936 193(1 1924) 1030 1931 1933 1026 1934 1932 1931 1030

The following are the charges for supplying any of the above copies

1924 3per copy 1928 2/6 per copy 1925 3/per copy 1929 2,per copy 1926 2(6 per copy 1930 21per copy 1927 2/6 per copy 1931 2:per copy 1932 I!per copy 1933 1/per copy 1934 1’per copy 1935 1/per copy 1936 to date 6d. per copy

2d. per copy postage-Cash with order. MOTOR SPORT, 21, CITY ROAD, LONDON, E.C.1