

My attention has been drawn to correspondence relating to side-valve Alvis cars.

In 1934 I purchased a 1923 Ten/ Thirty (yes, it’s quite true I) Alvis sidevalve tourer for the sum of ,64, and ran it for 10,000 almost trouble-free and almost flat-out miles, after which I sold it with regret for the same sum. I used to take a valve out and grind it when I had a few spare moments and in doing so I found two with 25 per cent, of their heads burnt away. I replaced them as it seemed the thing to do, but it made no difference to the motor ! The radiator badge was a Hare Mascot and the side-valve cover was embellished

by Mr. John’s name. The exhaust heated manifold was present, also the fascinating little aluminium silencer to same. The gearbox was a four-speed and very easy, providing a clutchless gear change if you felt that way. In its worn condition the car would do 49 m.p.h. in third and 60 m.p.h. in top. I kept the Hare mascot for transference to other cars when I sold it, as the purchaser was a Philistine to whom Hare mascots were as naught. If anyone knows of XN 4444 I should like to know where she is now, if indeed she has escaped the breaker. I am, Yours etc.,

