Motor Sport Classified Advertisement Section SPORT'S SPARES (ALEX. S. BLACK)


Carry a comprehensive range of spare parts for all makes of genuine sports-cars including :



All parts dismantled, cleaned and ready for delivery. Also large stock of complete engine units. Over 50 sports and racing-cars always in

stock. 30/98 VAUXHALL

We have spent 10 years experimenting and working on these famous cars, and besides carrying a stock of reconditioned 30/98’s are in a position to undertake any rebuilding or overhauls.

Selection of over twenty o.h.v. 30/98 models from £95 overhauled and with six months guarantee and full free service. Overhauls :—

We have also fully equipped workshops staffed by mechanics experienced in dealing with genuine sports and racing cars. All types of reboring, rebuilding and tuning carried out efficiently and swiftly. SPORTS SPARES, CHILWORTH STREET,

PADDINGTON, LONDON, W,2. Telephone t Paddington 2309.

Works: 14, South Wharf, W.2 Sports Car Depot : Porchester Square Mews, Bishops Rd., Bayswater. al6 AND SPORTS CAR SPECIALISTS are now able to offer the following Alfa-Romeo 1934, specially built 8-cylinder. Supercharged Le Mans 4-seater, former property of Louis Chiron, 120 m.p.h…. £675 Alfa-Romeo 1933 8-cylinder, short-chassis, Mille Miglia type Zagato 2-seater, very fast chassis, as tested by MOTOR SPORT. Alfa red Alfa-Romeo 1931, 1,750 c.c. supercharged Zagato 2-seater. One of the cheapest similar cars yet offered Alfa-Romeo 1932, 1,750 c.c. Twin camshaft, Young of Bromley Foursome drophead coupe ; black and chromium plated and blue leather upholstery ; practically unscratched ; many extras. Engine being overhauled. 075 Alfa-Romeo 1931, 1,750 c.c. Twin Camshaft, Young of Bromley Foursome drophead coupe ; similar to above but with red upholstery. Engine recently overhauled. £145 Maserati racing-car, ex-Whitney Straight, timed at 145 m.p.h., Coppa Acerb° 1934, Wilson gearbox, completely overhauled by us, ready for this season’s racing … £425 MONZA SERVICE LTD., 30, Oldbury Place, Marylebone High Street,

WELbeck 4686. W.I.

We specialise In the re-building and super tuning of the above cars 120 m.p.h. guaranteed with special models. 64 Speed models a speciality. Guaranteed 3-litre and 4}-litie models In stock.


Vic. 4923-4. Specialists in the Servicing of Rolls and Bentley Cars, I, BRIDGE PLACE, BELGRAVE ROAD,

S.W. I. (Back of Victoria Station) ¶k 8 Litre BEN LEY Sy NOTE THE ADDRESS D NE LEWIS’S THE OLD FIRM First turning on left from Great Portland Street Met. Station OF RACING, FLYING AND MOTOR CLOTHING FAME

27, CARBURTON STREET London, W. I. EUSTON 4793 No Connection with any other Firm

10% Discount to “Motor Sport” Readers. Send advert, with order, please ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS RACING CLOTHING PREPARE FOR MOTOR-RACING BOOM WE ARE SPECIALISTS RACING SUITS RACING SUITS Best quality white drill racing suits, unshrinkable material, zip front, button ankles and cuffs … … 27/6 Best quality white drill suits, zip front, zip sleeves, legs, side split through pockets 30/White racing suits, lightweight material 22/6, 18/6 Unbleached racing suits, zip front.. … 18/6 Special line, white suits, button front, lightweight material Racing suits made to order in Oxford and Cambridge blue, black, and green, zip front … … 27/6 Racing suit in Grenfell colours, black, white, green, red, navy maroon, Bugatti blue, Cambridge blue, Oxford blue, zip front, sleeves, legs and pockets 65/ Racing trousers in white, zip front … 14/6

Kindly Note—All Racing Drivers are supplied at Trade Prices. RACING GOGGLES, Perfect Fitting Genuine Government goggles as used by the Air Force. Perfect vision, curved eye pieces, special ventilation … … 30/High speed goggles, large rubber cups, curved safety lenses, adjustable nose … 29/6 High speed goggles adjustable air slide, large vision lenses, Triplex glass … 27/6 High speed goggles, rubber cups, special

lightweight model, adjustable nose. Triplex glass … … … … … 2I/ Do. in ordinary safety glass 1816 Special large rubber cup goggles, to go over glasses, Triplex lenses… … 10/6 Do. special featherweight, to go over glasses, Triplex lenses … ••• 8/6

Triplex Model Cl . . … …

… I2/

Triplex model C.3 … … … Goggles, pear shape, Triplex lenses .•:: 178/166

Luxor goggles, No. 4 …… ••• 40/ Luxor goggles, No. 6, curved lenses

… 85/ Luxor goggles, No. 6, Meyflex lenses ••• 45/ Luxor goggles, No. 10, Triplex lenses

… 42/

Any goggles made to prescription to order at special prices. .


We have been regular Advertisers in ” Motor Sport ” for years. – – CRASH HELMETS Crash Helmets, special lightweight with peak, any colour . … 32/6 Super quality leather covered, in white,

blue, red, green, black … Special line crash helmets . 2111/: Body Belts, perfect fitting. All sizes 10/ RACING VISORS Racing visors to fit on crash helmet peak 8/6

Do. smaller pattern . 7/6 These can also be worn with linen helmets for fast touring. Visors for sports-cars 7/6, 8/6 RAC1 NG GLOVES Nett back racing gloves, super quality … Nett back racing gloves, chamois palms

Racing gloves in very pliable leather … 8/6 319 4/9 GRENFELL HELMETS Grenfell helmets in double material, waterproof, for ladies or gents, perfect fitting. Colours, red, maroon, blue, black, fawn, cream, brown, white, Bugatti blue, all sizes … … —

Do. in white drill … … . . … Do. drill in black, navy or royal blue … 10/ 7/6 7/6 SPORTS CAR USERS Oilskin slickers, full cut … 22/6, 19/6 Rubber ponchos, zip front … … 37/6

Rubber ponchos, rubber neck … … 39/6 Black or fawn twill coats, will wear for years . Gabardine slip-on raincoats, super quality 37/6, 35/

Do. 18/6, 21/’. WATERPROOF SLEEVES Made from black rubber, zip under arm, Raglan shape … … … … 5/6 Do. ordinary shape,white rubber or black 4/Grenfell gref. jackets in all colours, single texture … … … … 29/6

Double texture … … … S. LEWIS’S 27, CARBURTON STREET LONDON, W. I EUSTON 4793