

John Bolster’s ” Mary ” Makes Fastest Time

This year the go-ahead Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. was lucky in that no accident marred. its hill-climb at Backwell House, where Mr. Garnett has very sportingly spent 000 on improving the course.

Amongst the merely sporting cars Miss Joan Richmond made best unblown time in 29.7 secs., although her H.R.G. was not in the very finest fettle. The Halford-Cross-Rotary appeared in the racing class, but was not yet on form. The C.A.P.A, Austin Sevens put up a generally good show for exceedingly inexpensive cars. Their place in the scheme of things was explained in a letter published last month. Two of them had h.c. heads and double carburetters. John Bolster, after an epic drive, made best time of the day in “Mary in 23.3 secs. D. Fry’s Freikaiserwagen upheld the ” Shelsley Specials” with a

fine run in 24.7 secs., and Denis Evans’s Montlhery M.G. won the 750 c.c. and 1 i-litre racing classes in 25i secs. R. A. .1acdermid’s T-type M.G. Midget, with blower, was the most rapid sports-car, in 26.6 secs. This hill-climb is the real thing, in the very best tradition, and should receive the support of all true sprint exponents next year.

RESULTS Sports Classes

Up to 1350 c.a. blown : 1, W. W. E. Walker (747 c.c. Austin), 35s. ; 2, R. A. Barnwell (1,089 c.c. Riley), 35.75.

Up to 1,500 c.c. blown : 1, T. 11. Lewin (1,408 c.c. M.(.), 29.8s.; 2, C. H. Richardson (939 c.c. M.0.), 32.4s.

Up to 1,500 c.c. unblown : 1, Miss Joan Richmond (1,497 c.c. H.R.G.), 29.7s.: 2, C. D. Claridge (1,490 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 30.6s.

Up to 4,500 c.c. unblown : 1, E. A. Raiford (1,497 e.e. B.R .0.), 30s.; 2, C. D. Claridge (1,496 ex. Frazer-Nash), 30.0s. Racing Classes

Up to 850 c.c. blown : 1, D. G. Evans (740 c.c. M..0.), 25.5s. ; 2, J. Kinnersley (747 c.c. C.A.P.A. Special), 34.2s.

Up to 1,100 c.c. blown : 1, D. Fry (1,100 c.c. Freikalserwagen), 24.7s.; 2, D. G. Evans (746 c.c. M.G.), 25.5s.

Up to 1,500 c.c. nnblown : 1, 1). G. Evans (746 c.c. M.0.), 25.5s.; 2, T. B. O’Reilly (1,496 c.c. Red Biddy), 2s.5$.

uo to 3,000 c.c. unblown : 1, G. Hartwell (1,287 c.c. M.0.), 26,29. ; 2, D. G. Evans (746 c.c. M.G.), 25.5s.

Best Time of the Day : J. V. Bolster (1,902 c.c. Bolster Spoclal), 23.3s.

Bolster broke the course record, established by himself with the same car last year, by 6.9 secs.


Messrs. Grampion Re-producers, Ltd., Kew, Surrey, are in a position to undertake loud-speaker installation at motoring events at very reasonable fees. Apart from extensive broadcasting equipment accommodated in Austin and Bedford vans, they have a Morris Eight saloon equipped with a loud-speaker that is excellent for the smaller club meetings and which was in use at the recent Standard Car Owners’ Club Hill-Climb

and the Invicta C.C. Gymkhana. Club secretaries should get in touch with Mr. D. Robinson, himself a motoring enthusiast, at Richmond 1175.