

SAY what you will about Rallies, they are a very natural form of competition, testing cars under touring conditions, and when the M.C.C. are handling the organisation a good entry is assured. This year, with the trials course eliminated, no fewer than eightytwo cars set out from starting points at London, Exeter, and Stratford-on-Avon, to converge on Torquay.

Checking in after a stiff road section from Taunton onwards, two competitors were found to be outside the time limit. During the night period Bateman’s Singer had lost a blade from its cooling fan. The first special test at Torquay was a timed climb of Babbacombe Beach Road, with two stops and restarts en route. The M G.s in gery•ral, and especially the Cream Cracker team, were very good at restarting, as were the Singers. Barker’s Terraplane and Harris’s M.G. Magnette elected to climb without stopping. The fastest times in the various classes were :—Macderinid (M.G.) 40 secs. ; Eadon (Ford Ten) 53.4 secs. ; Johnson (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Type 55) 37 sees.; H. G. Symnions (closed Frazer-NashB.M.W. Type 45) 41.8 secs. ; Silcoek (Jensen) 39.8 secs. and Walter Norton (1933 Ford V8 cabriolet) 40 secs. Mrs. Imhof having released the hand-brake of her husband’s M.G., it escaped into a hard wall and was rendered hors de combat. A. B. Langley’s M.G. would not pull away at the second restart,

Cole’s Morgan A, I seemed to have clutch slip, Haesendonek’s M.G. broke its crown wheel, Kinsey-Morgan’s Ford ran back over the line, and May and Bastock seemed to have oiled their M.G.s’ candles on the way down. The blown Austins and Ford V8s were outstanding, but L.G.

Johnson’s Frazer-NashB.M. W. was easily the fastest performer. The next test involved driving to a bay, reversing into it, driving to another bay, reversing into that, accelerate to the finish, and stop in a 30 ft. area. Another similar test concluded the Rally. Viscount Chetwynd’s 22 h.p. Ford V8 and W. C. N. Norton’s Beechhohne-tuned 30 h.p. Ford V8 were especially snappy. G. L. Boughton (Singer), P. S. Barnes (Singer), Goodenough, Jones, Toulmin and May’s M.G. Midgets were well handled and rapid, likewise Buckley’s Austin and Tett’s Singer. Johnson (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.) made good showing in both tests. Moss (blown M.G. Magnette), J. I). Barnes (Singer) and Bateman’s Singer had transmission troubles H. G. Symmons gave a nice display of controlled sliding with his Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. and Derek Loader’s big Delahaye was well handled. Only sixteen people gained ” Premiers.” The 1 -litre Singers won the Team Prize with h total of 811.0 sees., against a total time of 312.4 secs, taken by the team of Model T M.G. Midgets. This enjoyable and well supported Rally concluded with a dance at the Town

Hall in the evening, attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Torquay.


(The limes give, in seconds, the total times taken in all the tests)

Open cars taxPd at 17 10s. : 1, J. M. TOulmin (M.G. Midget), 102.8; 2, J. E.S. Jones (M.0. Midget), 105.2.

°owl ears, V 10s. tax : 1, S. G. E. Tett (Singer Nine), 135.

Open care, £12 tax : 1, L. G. Johnson (Frazer99.2 2, G. L. Boughton (1Flitre Singer). 100.2. Closed cars. £12 tax : H. Cl. Synunonds (Frazer

Nash ), I us.

Open cars over £12 tax : F. E. Elgood (Bentley), 155.4.

Closed cars over i.12 tay : W. C. N. Norton (Ford V8), 113.0.

Team Award : 1, D. E. Harris, ‘VV. C. Butler and (4. L. Boughton ( A-litre Singers), 311.6 : J. M. Tc,tihnin, H. K. Crawford and J. E. S. J010% (M.G. Midgets), 312.4.

(M.G. Premier Awards C. A. N. May

E. H. Goodenough (M.O. Midget) C. A. N. May (M.G. Midget), J. M. Tonlinin (M.G. Midget), 3. E. S. Jones (M.G. Midget), J. W. Applehy (M.G. Midget), B. W. Collins (M.G. Magnette), F. E. 1.11good (BentirN), Coney (Morgan), J. G. Orford (AUM iii Sven), C. 1). Buckley (Austin Seven), W. C. Bid ler ( singer), (1. L. Boughton (+litre SInor), IL Lotigh..y Singer), S. (. E. Tei 1 (Singer Nine), L. 0. Johnson (Frazer

Second-Class Awards A.

Seobey, R. A. Macdennid, I,. A. Bastock„ H. E. Crawford (MD. Midgets). W. H. Scriven (Austin Seven), 1). W. Biddle (Singe’ Nine), A. F. Radon, O. Kinsey Morgan (Ford Tens), H. W. Johnson (500 Flat), G. K. Collier (Wolseley Wasp),

D. E. Harris, j. D. Barnes, F. S. (II re Singers), P. C .T. Clark (H.R.G.), A. S. Whiddingron, H. G. Symmond (Frawr-Nash-11.M.W.e), R. S. Mantle (Standard). A. C. Westwood (Talbot Ten). A. D. C. Gordon. D. J. H. Currie (30 11.p. Ford V8s), Viscount Chetwynd (22 h.p. Ford V8).