

THE first of the long-awaited shorthandicap B.A.R.C. meetings over the Campbell circuit road-course was held at Brooklands on July 10th.

In spite of big prize-money the entries were not quite so good as expected and the assembly of -spectators was definitely below par, although the fullness of the Fixture List in general and heavy rain in the morning doubtless had a bearing on the matter.

The impression of this meeting is that racing over the new circuit is very interesting and very easy to watch, and ITIPst people’s worry is the healthy one that there is no further meeting of the same nature in the Fixture this year, unless the closing B.A.R.C. meeting is to include some Campbell circuit races.

It will be interesting to see whether this glut of road-rating will drive outercircuit exponents to concentrate on the 300-Mile Race, with direct benefit to the B.R.D.C.

Naturally this short handicap meeting draws attention to the Campbell circuit Lap Record, for which Sir Malcolm Campbell has presented a special cup. After the Campbell Trophy Race no announcements were made as to the lap speeds, but it now transpires that in practice for that race Walker did the best lap in Whitehead’s 11-litre E.R.A. at 72.74 m.p.h. This was unbeaten during the race. On July 10th, Arthur Dobson, whose driving is drawing increasingly favourable comment, established the record at 1 niin. 51.6 secs., equal to an average Speed of 7:3.13 m:p.h. He drove the 114)W almost elderly white 1.1-litre normally sprung E.R.A. This establishes the ‘Brooklands roadcourse as a fast circuit. In the Paddock cars and humans of fashionable interest assembled. Earl Howe came in his M.G. coup& Sir Malcolm Campbell in his new 3.3-litre Type 57 Bugatti, ” Bira ” in a 500 c.c. baby Fiat and Mr. aud Mrs. Phipps, over from Denver, in a new Cord. Pane and his wife wore their new Heidelberg student hats and the atmosphere was one of joy and merriment: The first race was a three-lap, sevenmile short handicap, in which TUS011’S Balilla Fiat led until the final lap. Parnell’s M.G., with yet another new body and a

Jamieson blower, got past with Michael Couper’s well-known Talbot on his tail. Then, approaching the Vickers-Bridge corner the M.G. left the course, and rejoined it in a fashion that caused the Talbot to get wrongly positioned for the corner so that Caliper struck the bridge parapet and broke his back axle, limping to the finish in fourth place. Clayton’s Aruilcar-Six took second place and ‘Fuson was third. l’arnell’s win at 65.71 m.p.h. was allowed to stand, but he was fined .1-.5 for dangerous driving. The bend where Couper crashed is probably the most difficult to judge of any on the circuit and Lord Howe showed great nerve in officially observing it so soon after his serious accident at this spot. last May. The next three-lap handicap was a victory for Tuson’s game little Fiat, now driven as limit car by C. H. Masters, at 58.79 m.p.h. From scratch Choimondeley-Tapper came strongly up to

sec031(1 place with the Maserati, duelling with Wakefield’s little Maserati Six, lapping at over 70 m.p.h. S. Mond’s 11-litre G. P. Bugatti was third. Next we had the National six-lap race, handicapped on a class basis. Hadley

and Goodacre in the popular baby Austins struggled together, Hadley drawing away to win at 68.7 m.p.h. after a very well-judged drive. Arthur -Dobson came rapidly up with the E.R.A., establishing the lap record at 73.1:3 m.p.h. as already detailed, and on lap five he caught Goodaere by the pits and went into second place. He just failed to catch Hadley by of a second. Hanson was doing good work with Mrs. Hall-Smith’a Maserati and Taylor’s Alta and Parnell’a M.G. were notably rapid, winning their respective classes, but it was Tapper on the big Maserati, taking the Banking Bend very high indeed, who got third place from scratch. The following three-lap handicap saw Michael May’s famous old 2-litre ” Silver ” Alvis win happily at 61.27 m.p.h. with Baker-Carts short 41-litre Bentley second on the last lap and to the finish and J. 1′. Wakefield’s 11-litre Maserati third. Maseratis are flavouring Brooklands these days. _Miss Joan Richmond. drove the new Cross-Rotary H.R.G. monoposto for E. A. Halford, Gordon Brettell returned to the fray with the little Austin which took him over the Members’ Banking at Whitsun,

and the sick Cars now numbered AstonRigby’s old M.G. Ma,tov-Ate with overheating, J. H. ‘I’. Smith’s M.G. with engine trouble, likewise Mrs. Roy Eccles’s Rapier-Special that was a non-starter for that.reason, and Mrs. Hawkes’s Derby, a non-starter with engine trouble. The final race was over six laps. Miss Dorothy Stanley-Turner’s M.G. led for two rounds, then Wilson’s M.G passed, but overheated and lost speed. In the meantime Pane had come up rapidly with a ncw and not fully-run-in Type 328 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W., fully equipped. He cornered very rapidly, the brake-light showing before the corners. He was beaten only by Dobson’s

Robin Hanson on the Maserati was third, with Hadley’s Austin behind him. Couper’s Talbot was unable to run. Dobson’s average was the highest of the -afternoon-71.09 m.p.h. So it is that the revving of racing engines before corners and the hiss of brakes replaces the continuous yowl of cars hard at it around the outer circuit. Altogether this was an extremely enjoyable meeting, and the small attendance and limited entry was in no wise the fault of the B.A.R.C.

RESULTS FIRST JULY SHORT HANDICAP Three laps (about 7 miles)

1. R. Parnell (1,087 c.c. M.O.), 24s. start. Won by 3fs. at 65.71 m.p.h.

2. C. T. 11. Clayton (1,097 c.c. Amilear), 31s. start.

3. V. H. Tustin (995 c.c. Fiat), 5fs. behind winner ; lui. 23s. start (limit man). Betting : 4 to 1, 8 to 1 and 4 to 1 respectively.

Fourteen ran.

FIRST JULY LONG HANDICAP Six laps (about 14 miles)

1. C. H. ‘Masters (995 c.c. Fiat), 2m. 40s. start. Limit man. Won by 270 at 55.79 m.p.h.

2. T. Chohnondeley Tapper (2.9 Maserati), scratch.

3. S. Mond (1,496 c.c. Bugatti,. 2in. 3s. start 30s. behind winner.

Betting : 5 to 1, 5 to 1 and 6 tt• 1 respectivel:e. Ten ran.

NATIONAL RACE On Class Handicap. Six laps (about 14 miles) General Category I. H. L. o.h.c. 308.

I. H. L. Hadley (741 o.h.c. Austin), 308. start. Von by ts. at (.70

2. A. C. Dobson (.E.B.A.), Os. start.

3. T. P. Chohnondeley Tapper (2.9 Mascrati), scratch ; 16s. behind winner.

Betting : 4 to 6. 4 to 1 and 10 to 1 respectively. Twelve ran. Class Winners.V nilmiteci : Chohnondeley Tapper (Maserati). 2-litres : G. Taylor (Alta). 1.513) c.c.: A. C. Dobson (E.It A.). 1,100 c.c.: It. Parnell (31.6.). 750 c.c. : H. L. Hadley (Austin). Handicapping.-t”tiliillited c.c.. scratch ;

3s.; 1,500 c.c., 6s.; 1,100 c.c., Ms.; 750 c.c., 308.

SECOND JULY SHORT HANDICAP Three laps (about 7 miles)

1. M. W. B. May (1,991 Alvis), 52s. start. Won by 3’ts. at 61.27 m.p.h.

2. t’. T. Baker-Carr (*litre Bentley), 45s. start.

3. J. P. Wakefield Maserati), scratch ; 71s. behind winner. Betting : 3 to 1, 6 to 1 and 5 to 1 respectively. Thirteen ram

:SECOND JULY LONG HANDICAP Six laps (about 14 miles)

1. A. C. Dobson (E.R.A.), scratch. Won by 16fs. at 71.09 m.p.h.

2. A. F. P. Fane (2-litre Fraser-Nash-B.M.W.), lin. 25s. start.

3. It. Hanson (1i-litre Maserati), 26s. start; 171s. behind winner.

Betting : 4 to 6, 6 to 1 and 8 to 1 respectively. Twelve ran.