

After breakfast at Exeter, Windout Hill failed 24 cars, and the absence of horses or human towers resulted in much delay, especially as most of the un

climbables had normal tyres. One of the ” Black Diamond team of Fiat Balillas added to the fun by breaking an axle shaft. The next hill, Doccombe, scored 26 failures, but a tow-rope gang was in attendance. A fast run courted success but also disturbed the motor, as one Vauxhall dri er appreciated when he buckled a wheel. Orford, Sewell and Buckley, with Austins and superchargers, all did well, and Haward’s Centricblown veteran Bayliss-Thomas made amends for its performance in his son’s hands in the ” Beer.” Deliculi am’s Singer Nine shut its eyes to boulders and came up well. Pepperdon, Waterworks and Simms followed, and they gave tired drivers sonic respite. Journalistic backpats must be delivered to Richardson, Lawson and Del sail) an (Singers), Whalley (Ford Ten) Terromo (Standard) Norton (British Sahnson Six) Denten, Viscount Chetwynd and Thompson (V8 Fords) and Allott (Ford). The other Ford Tens liverett stopped in his Chevrolet

near the summit of Simms, as did Goodenough’s M. G. while Kay’s blown M.G. very nearly got up with ordinary covers. At this, the last hill, a tractor was provided.

Rain was still fallingwhen the competitors fetched-up at Torquay. Special test No. 1 comprised a run up a hill from Babbacomhe beach with a corner of 1 in :3, a stop and restart half-way up, and a reverse farther on at a fork road, the distance being quite a quarter of a mile. Delay ensued over the unavoidable task of sending only eight cars down to the start at a time, while the high walls lining the narrow road made the wet surface distinctly unwelcome. The final test was a super ” wigglewoggle ” between a very long curving path of posts, to hit one of which meant complete failure. This was folio ‘ved by a brake test, an acceleration test over 150 yards, and another brake test. Imhof lost all the gears on his Singer during this performance, but there is no truth in the rumour that but for his being able to coast over the finishing line he would have exchanged the remains for an ancient G.W.K., though as someone remarked, thus are chain-gangsters promoted. No times are available for these special tests, but the results are, and they are appended herewith for the edification and self-congratulation of those who took part and as a historic reference for those who know not the joys of “

holidays.” RESULTS Class Winners

(Up to 27 10s. Tax) : T. S. Weston (supercharged Midget).

(11p to 212 Tax) : J. A. Bastock (supercharged Magnette). (Over 212 Tax) : W. C. N. Norton (British Salmson) Team Award : R. A. Maedertnici, J. A. Bastock and A. B. Langlev (suPervhargv(l Magnet-Ws). Rally Route : N. W. Steib (Balilla Mao, Pretrier Awar1s (Singers) R. M. Andrews, W. J. B. Richardson, M. H. Lawson, A. T. K. Debetthem, j. F. Montgomery, H. W. Johnson, T. Loader, A. (. Inthof, D. B. Harris, A. H. Langley, J. 1). Barnes, G. T. I. Taylor and Murray Fr

(Fords) : .T. W. Whalley, G. M. Denton-, ViSeount Chetwynd, J. B. Thompson mid F. Mott.

(M.G.s.) • D. J. Haesendoncic, R. W. G. Collins, R. A. Mae.dermid, J. A. Bastoek, A. ti, Langliy, A. J. Lambert, F. I. Allan, J. E. S. Jones, T. 8. Weston and K. C. Delingpole.

C. D. Buckley (Austin), C. B. Stotbert (Fiat). J. G. Orford (Austin), G. L. Boughton (Triumph), W. C. N. Norton (British Salmson), II. G. Syinmons (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.).