


Ten years ago the MadresfieId Speed ‘Trials-; organised on the Earl Beauehamp’s estate near Malvern by the Worcester Motor Club, were a regular feature of the motor-racing caleedar, and in those dayS they afford-ed good sport and good racing. With eharacteri,tic enterprise they were revived this year by the Midland

Automobile Club. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the speeds of racing cars have greatly increased since the last meeting in 1929, at which, we seem to .remember, Humphrey Cook made fastest time on his 39-98 Vauxhall, and the drivers of the faster .cars needed all their skill to keep a straight course at the end of the kilometre. Two of them in fact met With accidents in practice, one being R. R. Jackson, who had won success there in the old days with motor-cycles -and Morgans, and t he other Mrs. Millington, who as Miss Candiffe was prominent in racing circles at the same time. Both of them skidded into trees -at the far end of the course when trying to pull up, but in each case the drivers -escaped without injury. The drive on which the trials were held was a mile in length and dead straight, but what it lacked in the way of corners it made up in the rise and fall-of the ground. The start was on a gradient, and between there and the finish were two switchback humps, the second of these being far enoughdown the course to make the faster cars take off for some -distance. Beyond the finishing line there was a quarter of a mile in which to pull up, but with a downward gradient, moss

on the road and a narrow gate to thread half-way along. This was a great deal more es-citing than it sounds. A strong side wind and frequent showers of rain made things thoroughly unpleasant throughout the day. The 750 c.c. cars opened proceedings, and Dennis Evans took his MontlUry Midget down the course as far as the surface would let him, in 34,-K. secs. His sister Doreen who followed was driving an g.-type Midget and helped by the independent suspension of her car was able to keep her

foot down hard all the time, to the tune of 33i secs. Driscoll on one of the double-camshaft Austins cut out within 150 yards of the finish, but Dodson’s car was going well and he put up 82-6. secs., fastest time yet, while Hadley did well to clock 33 .seconds dead on the side-valve car, Spikins on his cut-down and blown Singer Nine had sonic difficulty in pulling up at the end of his run, but most of the Shelsley Specials were filled with the prevailing damp and depression, and failed to function. The first bright spot was Olen Scribbans came to the line on his Giving his car all the throttle he dared he roared down the course,

tail winging on the wet road in 314 sees., a highly creditable performance under such conditions. Barry Goodwin again had his unblOwn Frazer-Nash going well, and clocked 354secs., fastest urtsupercharged litre. Last in the class was J. P. Wakefield’s Alta, which was reputed to have reached some really surprising speeds when tuning up at Brooklands. Wakefield kept his foot hard down the whole way only to slow down with misfiring

59yards from the finish. Even so his time was 314 secs., equal fastest with Scribbans on the E.R.A.

John Bolster is too well accustomed to the peculiarities of twin-engined ” Mary ” to attempt any trick-driving in the wet, but goes well to record 331; secs. Newsome was particularly good on his S.S. Jaguar two-seater with a time of 3q secs., only Asees. slower than Bainton on his 2.3-litre Bugatti. Weather conditions showed no signs of improvements as the cars were assembled for their second runs, Dodson, fastest man of the Austin team again made a magnificent run, and pushed up his time up to 31 sees., thus equalling the speeds of Scribbans and Wakefield. Scribbans lost his chance of -settling the tie with a slow start, which was not surprising on

the wet surface. Wakefield’s Alta this tune ran without a falter and he made a well-deserved fastest time run, in 31 secs. dead. The final and most exciting run in the 3-litre class was made by S. E. Cummings on the veteran Vauxhall Villiers. On his first attempt the car had been rather unsteady, but now under the influence of even more throttle the Continued on page 397

rear wheels swung from one side to the other of the narrow road. At one time he went right down off the camber and for a moment it looked as if the car would turn broadside, but emerging safely from all this he crossed the line with a time of 311 secs., which made him second ‘ to Wakefield on the Alta. It would he too much to say that “A happy time was had by ” but at any rate the spectators were quick to show their appreciation of the hardy souls’ who were doing their hundred in the rain

down this narrow road. Fortunately they were not without material reward either, and a useful collection of cups from the now defunct Worcester Club will find new owners. RESULTS S.T.D. Trophy : (Fastest time by a car of any type up to 3,000 c.c.): 3. I’. Wakefield (1,496 c.c. Alta, s.),

1C431 ClID (Fastest time by a non-supercharged car up to 3,000 C.c.) : John Bolster (1,962 c.c. Bolster), 321s. Townley Cup (Fastest time by a car of any type up to 1,500 c.c.): J. P. Wakefield (1,496 C.c. Alta, S.), 31s,

Committee Cup (Fastest time by a car of any type over 1,500 c.c. and up to 3,000 c.c.) : S. E. Ctunmings (2,990 ex. Vauxhall-Villiers, S.), 3 Ifs. Ladies’ Cup (Any type of car up to 3,000

Miss Doreen Evans (746 c.c. 33RS. BadgeryShield (Best aggregate by tt club team of three cars of any type up to 3,00(1 c.c.) : 1. Lord Austin’s team : L. P. Driscoll (714 c.c. Austin. S.), 324s., C. J. P. Dodson (744 c.c. Austin, S.), 31gs., H. Hadley (747 c.c. Austin, S.), 33a., total 978. 2, Midland : D. R. Scribbans (1,488. c.c. E.R.A., SO, Maeltire (1,os7 V.V. Riley), 35As., A. 0

Bainton (2,L61 e.e. Bugatti, S.), 35s. total 102s. Class Awards Up to 750 c.c. (supi_sreharged):’ j. P. Dodson

(744 ex. Austin, S.). 31gs.; (Non-supercharged) K. Wharton (7-17 ex. Austin), 44s.

751 c.c. to 1,100 c.c (supereharws1): F. R. G. Spiking (972 ex. Singer, S.). ; (non-super

charged) P. Ma t (I.)87 350.

1,101 c.c. to 1,500 c.c. (supercharged) : J. P. Wakefield, (1,196 c.c. .klta, 5.), :its. ; (non-supercharged) Barry Goodwin (1,190 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 351s.

1,501 c.c. to 2,000 c.c. (supercharged): Martin Wells (1,750 (:.c. Alfa-Romeo, S.), 45ts. ; supercharged) John John Bolster (1,962 ex. Bols(er), 321s.

2,001 c.c. to 3,000 c.c. (supercharged): S. E. Ctunmings (2,996 c.c. Vauxhall-Villiers, S.), 311s.; (non-supercharged) S. H. Newsome (2,663 c.c. &S. Jaguar ” 100 “), 3518.