

The final list of entries for the Tourist Trophy race has closed with a total of thirty-six. Of this number eighteen are British cars and eighteen are foreign, this being the highest proportion of foreign ears that has ever been received for this event. The proportion of large cars to the total entry is also exceptional, there being no fewer than fifteen in the 3,000-5,000 c.c. class : of these, eleven

are foreign and four British. All these cars will start together and will provide amongst themselves alone, a magnificent race.

The race takes place On Saturday, 5th September, over the Ards circuit, near Belfast. This year the length has been fixed at thirty laps-five less than last year-a total distance Of 410 miles:, This will enable the start to Le at noon, whilst the finish should be soon after five. The complete list of entries is given at the end of this article. The course is an arduous one and much depends upon the drivers. Arthur Fox has got together an experienced team, which consists of Lord Howe, the Hon. Brian Lewis and T. E RoseR ichrards. E. R. Hall and his 31-litre Bentley have proved a factor to be reckoned with on the Ards circuit, finishing twice in second place. With the bigger engine he may vell pull off his ambition of :an absolute as well as a class win Dreyfus, Morel, and Heide are the official Tall sit drivers and as the cars are entered by the works, these drivers will almost certainly be seen in Ireland. Opposed to them is the official Delahave team of five cars, which will be driven by Brunet, Carriere, be Begue, Schell and Madame Schell, all of whom (except of course Madame Schell) took part in the French Grand Prix. George Field, the fifth member of the team, raced at Ulster some Nears ago. driving an In victa. ‘I’. E. Clark vill as usual be acting as Falkner’s first driver. If it can be got through in time 1,:mbiricos will be

driving a Type S Bugatti, similar to the cars which won the French and La Marne Grands Prix but fitted with a normal sports body.

” B. Bira ” is a notable name in the Frazer-Nasli-B.M.W. team and Vane and H. J . Aldington are both good then at Ulster. Miss Evans, who is driving one of the 2-litre Aston-Martins with Allan Phipps, will make her first essay in the TT.. while Seaman’s skill here and elsewhere needs no comment. This year for almost the first titpe the official Riley team is unopposed in the 1 1-litre class, the two Aston-Martins on the list being privately entered. Freddy Dixon, last year’s winner is of course always able and ready to ” tickletip ” the works team, and Tr6voux, winner of the 2-litre class in the French Grand Prix, is another man who will be

worth watching. Baird, who is driving a Riley in the

1,100 c.c. class, is a Belfast man, and should have a good idea of the course by now, and judging from last year’s form. the Fiats and the Singers should be well matched. Everything points to a really successful race in all classes, and Britain’s one International road-race should amply justify its place in the Calendar of the year’s events.