

The J .C.C. Members’ day at Brooklands is a really excellent day’s sport in every way from the viewpoint of the competitor, and we have no excuse to offer for reporting the happenings of June 27th from that angle. It so happened that J. Eason-Gibson had shortly beforehand been deprived of his licence, and he accordingly suggested that a representative of MOTOR SPORT should drive his Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. saloon down to the track and subsequently ride as passenger with him through the second One Hour High Speed Trial. The short drive down to Brooklands gave us an opportunity of remaking the acquaintance of the Frazer-Nash-B.M.W., and we were able to appreciate that the effortless running, light controls, remarkable steering and fine braking of the type 45, twin-carburetter touring 2-litre are qualities as highly developed as those of the sports type 55. Arrived in the Paddock, competitors in the first High Speed Trial were seen to be circulating at promising speeds. Sub.-Lieut. R.. B. Lakin, R.N., was picked out at once, by reason of his wonderful sun-hat and the brilliant blue hue of his L.M.B. V8 Ford. Miss Hedges’ Frazer-NashB.M.W. was going well, likewise A. S. Whiddington’s Frazer-Nash Six. The Le Mans Ford Ten driven by M. K. H. Bilney was not as fast as expected, but Miss Richmond’s old Triumph was motoring nicely, incidentally carrying a supercharger which, however, was minus a driving chain, as she subsequently convinced the officials. Someone suggested that the chain was arranged to remove itself obligingly on the last lap 1

—Leterinls— long-wheelbase—Squire Was running at Special Award speed, as were Hampton’s Bugatti and Viscount Curzon’s blown Alfa-Romeo likewise. Then it was time for us to start. Gibson was not anticipating a Special Award and Hugh McConnell was dubious about one of our front tyres. But the watch showed that we were lapping at a fraction over 2 min. 25 secs., which later came down to about 2 min. 24 secs., whereas Special Award speed was 2 mitt. 27 secs. The little B.M.W. was holding 78 m.p.h. round the Byfleet, 80-81 m.p.h. (maximum a shade higher) along the Railway Straight, and going into the Finishing Straight corner from about three-quarters up the banking at 55-57 m.p.h., so that we were doing sixty before straightening out and 70 m.p.h. under the Paddock bridge. Gibson braked heavily for the second bend and went into third. After doing the required twenty laps we con tinued without slowing for three or four more to be quite certain, and when we finished the oil pressure was at the figure to which it had fallen after a few laps, the water temperature was at 160°, and, what did surprise me, the interior of the car was cool, though the passenger’s window and screen had been shut through out. Really, we had a very easy ride, conversation being easy, and although the suspension was supple enough for me to make notes from time to time, the B.M.W. was very steady going fast close-in round the Byfleet and through the bends. Indeed, the only time we

had anything more than tail slides was when Gibson tried using the hand-brake on the second bend, and the doubtful front cover lasted the afternoon. For a small closed car of very refined character, and hard-used as this one had been, the showing was highly satisfactory. And going round in a car is the only way fully to enjoy this very excellent event. Attempting to report the trial as a passenger, however, is not so easy, but we noticed that quite a number of people were in trouble. The Hon. P. MitchellThompson had D. A. Aldington in the ” mechanics ” seat of his blue AlfaRomeo, Aldington receiving polite enquiries before the start as to whether the chains were properly adjusted ! But right from the beginning the car experienced fuel feed trouble that dogged it throughout the afternoon. Two FrazerNashes and a Singer stopped, and a Riley

had tyre trouble. H. G. Symmons was motoring to some purpose in his Type 55 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W., though the rear wheels seemed inclined to wander. One round we tried without avail to use the slipstream of A. C. Fairtlosgh’s A.C. Ace, and subsequently we shook off a Singer intent on motoring in our wake. An interesting duel developed with R. J. T. Marston’s black twin-camshaft 3-litre Sunbeam four-seater, which boasted a truly immense fish-tail, set vertically. However we held it all down the Railway Straight and got ahead, so it seems to have lost some of its old-time thunder. Miss Morel’s blown M.G. Midget was seen to have a loose rear number plate, and a Ford Eight saloon retired early with a leaking exhaust pipe gasket. And all the time W. M. Couper’s Talbot was going steadily round and around at racing speed.

During the interval there was an opportunity of inspecting some of the cars in the Paddock, which on this day holds much of very practical interest to keen sports-car users. In one bay three majestic 80/98 Vauxhalls were parked side by side, T. H. Plowman’s specimen having an external oil-cooler below the radiator and a streamlined scuttle cowl. R. M. Sanford’s “Black Diamond” Balilla Fiat had a fire extinguisher mounted externally and a faired scuttle, while nearby we came upon Warburton’s particularly lusty 80/98, with cut-down bodywork in the real old coachbuilt style. Although the only racing car present was a RoverG.N., Shelsley contraption, Miss Richmond was working on the Centric blower mounting of her Triumph, seemingly without transferring any oil to her person, and the cylinder head of Miss McOstrich’s Frazer-Nash was being replaced. C. H. Hanson’s Alfa-Romeo had a curious radiator cowl, and P. Woollett’s Montlhery M.G. was named the Gresham Special. The afternoon programme commenced with a very long series of one and two lap handicaps—real races started by ” Ebby ” who rehandicapped when nec essary. Notwithstanding, A. May’s fine old 30/98 Vauxhall had two easy victories, the passenger scanning the horizon for the rest of the field. FrazerNash-B.M.W.s had several successes,

Symmons winning comfortably, while J. Eason-Gibson, heavily handicapped,.

made an excellent get-away in his saloon_ before being swamped. R. D. Gregory’s. Big Six Bentley saloon, with rear window removed and screen open, was a finesight ; two tons of motor-car thundering over the fork at upwards of 90 m.p.h.

The driving-test consists of making a. series of fast swerves through the openings. in a string of barrels. A. G. Westwood’s Balilla Fiat won the first-class, his engine revving merrily and the flexible external exhaust pipe going through some very queer antics in time with the throttle movements. J. Eason-Gibson’s B.M.W. saloon was as fast in the next category, which it won, carrying a passenger, and going through fast in a series of clean slides, during which the front tyres, at 35-lb. pressure, nearly left the rims. Hanson’s supercharged Alfa-Romeo won the third-class.

Good, if slow, runs were made by C. D. Hibbard’s M.G., R. M. Proctor’s Ford,. and E. Gillett’s Ford, the last-named attempting the first turn very close up. A. E. Blades (M.G.) needed several reverses, H. C. Dryden’s Ford heeled right over, and Jennings’ Riley Sprite showed lurid tail slides. H. F. Burt’s Triumph nearly lost its front tyres, R. D. Poore’s blown Talbot got a trifle tangled, and a standard Austin 7 saloon set spectators into fits of mirth, and nearly rolled over more than once. The H.R.G., water pouring from the overflow vent, knocked a barrel down, though the front wheels were very rigid throughout, the L.M.B. Epoch was steady, but C. D. Weatherhead’s blown M.G. had to. be pushed away with serious transmission trouble.

So to the test hill, where cars made a non-stop timed ascent in the sweepstake.. Gregory’s big Bentley went up well, Lionel Martin remarking quietly on its good showing generally, and naturally Strang’s Hudson made a vivid get-away.

Once again ” Bunny” Dyer had given his patrons value for money, and there is no question that the High Speed Trials as served up nowadays are not only a very fine introduction to more serious competition, but are also a very severe test of standard motor-cars.


Up to 850 c.c..* Special awards : Nil. Standard awards : A. P. O. Rogers (M.G., S.) ; P. Wooller (M.G.).

Over 850 c.c. and under 1,100 c.c. : Special Awards : R. M. Sanford and A. C. Westwood (Fiats); R. D. Tong and N. E. Bracey (M.G.’s, S.). Standard Awards : T. G. Woollett (M.G., S.); .1. R. Edwards (Singer).

Over 1,000 c.o. and under 1,500 c.c. : Specia/ Awards : A. R. Phipps and A. P. Watson (AstonMartins, S.) ; M. H. Morris Goodall and C. M. Anthony (Aston-Martins); M. K. H. Miley (Ford) • P. L. Cox and D. G. Evans (M.G.’s) ; V. Zeterilquire, S.) Standard Awards : G. K. Gout (Astonartin); W. B. Bryan (British Salmson) ; E. A. Holford (H.R.G.) ; F. W. Morgan (Lancia, S.) ; Miss Joan Richmond (Triumph, S.).

Over 1,500 c.o. and under 2,000 c.c. ; Special Awards : H. W. B. May (Alvis) • A. S. Whiddington (Frazer-Nash) ; Miss G. Hedges (Frazer-NashB.M.W.); C. V. Wells (Triumph); M. Constanduros (Singer). Standard Awards : Miss M. Allan (A.C.); A. Baker (Adler). Continued on page 381

VALUE FOR MONEY AT BROOKLANDS—continued from page 379

Over 2,000 c.c. and under 8,000 n.e. : Special Awards : H. Kidston and Viscount Curzon (AlfaRomeo, S.) ; C. W. P. Hampton (l3ugatti,S.). Standard Awards : G. D. Coppen (Standard Swallow).

Over 3,000 c.c. : Special Award : A. May (Vauxhall). Standard Awards : J. C. C. Cavendish and S. M. Lawry (Fords) ; R. B. Lakin (L.M.B. Ford).

Outstanding Times : N. E. Bracey (M.G., S.), 44m. 108., receives prize for most meritorious performance ; Viscount Curzon, 43m. Ils. ; C. W. P. Hampton, 42m. 55s. ; A. May, 43m. 7s., ; L Kidston, 44m. 48s.; A. R. Phipps, 45m. 27s.; R. D. Tong, 45m. 30s. Event II Up to 850 c.o. : Special Awards ; G. H. R. Chaplin ( Austin, J. B. Nuthall (M.G.). Standard

Awards : G. H. Goodson (Austin, S.) ; Miss Y. Morel (M.G., S.) ; K. Gammon (M.G.).

Over 850 c.c. and under 1,100 c.c. : Special Awards ; C. E. Taylor (Alta) ; R. M. Andrews and H. E. Bradley (Singers); F. R. Gerard (Rile,v) ; Mrs. J. pyjacekrosoftzt ((nMii.e615;)).. Standard Award : P. de F. 0,

Over 1,100 0.0. and under 1.500 c.o. : Special Awards : A. E. Curtis and I). M. Campbell (AstonMartins) ; N. V. Terry (Frazer-ash); G. Bagratouni (M.G.) ; C. Maclean (M.G., S.) ; R. E. C. Jennings (Riley) ; Miss B. J. Haig (Sinner). Standard Awards : V. H. Patterson (M.G.) ; ‘W. A. V. Davis (Singer) ; U. F. Burt (Triumph). Over 1,600 0.0. and under 2,000 c.c. : Special Awards : W. E. Herbert and A. C. Fairtlough (A.C.$) ; C. A. Hanson (Alfa-Romeo, S.) ; I. 0. C. Samuel (Frazer-Nash),H. 0. Synunons and J

Eason-Gibson (Frazer-Nas11-.11.3i.W.$). Standard Awards : Nil.

Over 2,000 c.c. and under 3,000 c.o. : Special Award : C. R. Watson (Talbot). Standard Awards : G. M. Symons (5.S.) ; R. J. T. Marston (Sunbeam).

Over 3,000 c.c. : Special Awards : W. M. Couper (Talbot) ; C. W. R. Windsor-Richards (Vauxhall); R. D. Tong (Ford). Standard Award : J. R. Lines (Ford).

Outstanding Times : C. R. Watson (Talbot), 42m. 5s., receives prize for most meritorious performance; W. M. Couper, 39m. 23s. ; D. M. Campbell, 43m. 5s. ; II. G. Spumous, 43m. 498. ; G. Bagratonal, 44m. 52s.; D. Maclean 44m. 57s.; C. W. R. Windsor-Richards, 44m. 408.