

It would seem that the one-time popularity of sprint events is fast returning, and on August 15th there will be another new fixture in this category in the form of speed trials over a fnuile Course along Eastern Road Extension at Southsea, commencing at the convenient hour of 2.30 p.m. Considerable interest is lent to this event by reason of the concrete-surfaced road being sufficiently wide to allow the running of .cars in pairs, as at Brighton. Entries closed at double fees up to August 6th, at ,t2 for racing classes, 15/for Southsea M.C. members and Et for members of invited clubs, subsequent class entries _being charged at 4;1 10 0, 10/and 15j -respectively. Single-fee entries closed last post August 1st at half these prices. Third party insurance for drivers is included therein. The racing category

is under open permit, divided into 850 c.c., 1,100 c.c., 1,500 c.c. and up to 3,000 c.c., blown and unblown, save that blown 3-litre cars are not eligible. Unlimited sports classes are included. Regulations are carefully included to assist in avoiding accidents and passengers may not be carried. Ladies compete on equal terms with the silent sex. Starting will be by coloured lights, the timing electrical, and it is hoped to provide two or more runs per car, the fastest to count, if all entrantshave an equal number of tries. Wings, silencers and screens need not grace racing cars, and screens can be removed from sports cars and must be removed if of ordinary glass. It is interesting that there will be a practising period on the Friday, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Five cups or trophies are available for the quickest men, and 420, 1,10 and L5 are offered for a first, second and third respectively in each

open racing class. The money totals, vide programme, E,140. The event is held with the permission of Portsmouth City Council, the Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, three other Aldermen and a

Councillor. A. G. Reynolds Esq., will be in charge of the clocks. This event deserves warm support, and make a note of August 15th and if you cannot compete go and ” spectate “—the lady friend can bathe while you inhale Castrol R. Southsea is about 70 miles

from London. Extra Paddock passes cost 2/6 each. Full details are available from L. Edgar Giles Esq. Southsea Motor Club, The Elms Club, ‘Elm Grove, Southsea. Tel. Portsmouth 6477. The date is August 15th.