Club News, August 1935


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Special prizes for novices in the Scottish Rally were donated by the British Wagoa Co., Ltd. The conditions of entry were that the competitor had never previously taken part in an organised motor road race, nor at Brooklands or Donington Park, nor in a Monte Carlo, Royal Automobile Club or Royal Scottish Automobile Club rally.

The winners were as follow : Open Class, W. K. Elliott (Singer) 886.4 marks ; Closed Class, J. G. R. Watson (Ford) 880.6 marks.


Attention is drawn in the Review to the evil of tampering with route marking cards for trials. This is a particularly underhand form of complaint against trials in general, and is unfortunately becoming prevalent. It is all the more annoying and unnecessary when organisers have obtained the permission of various landowners to use certain sections.

The July issue contains an interesting article on the 3o m.p.h. limit which everyone should read. The Hon. Secretary is Mr. Alan W. Day, 28, Claremont Park, Finchley, N.3.

BRIGHTON AND HOVE M.C. Trials organisers seldom please everyone, and the Brighton and Hove Club has recently held a questionnaire among its members on certain salient points in connection with their annual Brighton to Beer Trial. It will be remembered that this year the event consisted of a few very difficult hills in a distance of about 30 miles instead of the usual number of fairly easy hills in a route of 8o miles. Ninety-four replies have so far been received, with the following results :—

The short route, 74 for, z6 against, abstentions 4. Competition tyres, for 62, against 30. Solid axles (other than standard), for 22, against 69. Superchargers in Acceleration Tests, for 54, against 38. As a result of this analysis, the Committee has decided to ban solid axles (other than standard) in future events. No decision has yet been made with regard to superchargers, but a form of handicap will probably be introduced shortly.


The summer is something of an off season for the club from the Trials point of view, there being nothing of a trials nature from the Lausena Cup to the InterTeam Trial. However, members will find plenty to amuse them in such events as the Evening Rally which was a great success on July roth. The Hon. Secretary is Mr. C. V. Wells, 816, High Road, Tottenham, N.z7. SCOTTISH SPORTING CAR CLUB The hill-climb at Bo’ness on July 6th

attracted an appreciative crowd, who thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon’s sport. There were 18 entries in the four classes, and fastest time of the day was made by Alexander’s V-8 Ford in 34 secs. There were three interesting ” specials ” taking part, Millar’s Rolls-engined Napier, the Anderson Special, and Forrest’s Special. ……??1111191/ RESULTS Class I (Cars up to 1,000 c.o.)

1. L Robson (M.G.). Time, 39.4sees.

2. A S Hamilton (M.G.). Class 2 (Cars from 1,000 c.c. to 1,500 c.o.)

1. J H Nisbet, (Frazer-Nash). Time, 36.4s.

2. H. E Gibbon (Rover).

Class 3 (Cars from 1,600 c.c. to 3,000 c.c.) 1. 3 Flint (Alfa-Romeo). Time, 37.2sees. 2, J Anderson (Anderson Special). Class 4 (Cars Exceeding 3,000 c.c.)

1. It. Alexander (Ford V-8). Time, 34 secs.

2. C R Adam (Ford V-8).

Fastest Climb of Day (Cars).

R Alexander (Ford). HARROW CAR CLUB

The recent Tring Trial was a great success. Ideal weather conditions from a competitor’s point of view rendered chances of failures on hills remote, and such proved the case. Bill Jackson showed us the way and was followed by Tett, a good second—Congrats

to both of them Incidentally, although Tett is a newcomer to the Club, we understand that he is by no means a novice at Trials work—we realised that during the Tring Trial. We all offer our thanks to the Berko members for sportingly turning out to marshal.

Don’t you think it would be very gratifying if the Club could reach the Hundred Member mark soon ? Please lend a hand recruiting !

Reg Rackham has kindly consented to take over the duties of Hon. Sec., and the Hon. Press Secretary is now acting as lion. Comp. Secretary.

Please keep the following dates open:— Aug. 25th—Scavenge Hunt.

Sept. 15th—Chiltern Trial.

September 22nd—Berkhamsted M.C.C. Hill Climb.

Nov. 24th—Trial. The event to be run on Sept. 22nd reminds us of the last Berks Hill Climb at Dancers End. Joe Coyne evidently decided to view life from another angle, and so promptly overturned on the bend. Marshals, however, did not appreciate his intention and promptly commenced to push him top end up I There is no truth in the rumour that a nearby spectator quoted Macbeth and asked, ” What man

is that? ” The Treasure Hunt organised and run by Paul Fowler on June 16th, which also incorporated a Scavenge Hunt, was very popular. Leech won the event with the shortest mileage and Maynard followed

him. Just by the way—the Committee will

always welcome suggestions from members concerning the running of fresh events, etc.—so put your thinking caps on. The placings in the Tring Trial were as follow : 1, W L Jackson; 2, 8g Tett; 3, N Thurston; 4, A L Philips; 5, IA Maynard; 6, G F

Perring; 7. Miqs Cox; 8, F W Gee; 9. K Buckle; 10, A W Rackham: 11, V W Benne; 12, R C Rackham; 13, G Murphy; 14, Miss Summers; 15, 3 Leech. CLUB OF NOMAD MOTORISTS

The Club of Nomad Motorists was one of the fortunate bodies to have selected Saturday, June 29th, for an evening programme.

At 8.30 p.m. the Annual General Meeting was held at the Farncombe Manor Hotel, Mr. Cecil N. Hart taking the chair. The Hon. General Secretary, Commander C. J. Purkis, speaking on the financial aspect, pointed out that during the previous 12 months membership had increased, and that there was a profit on the year’s working. He added that it was intended to increase the prize list for the coming year’s events.

Before discussing dates for the ensuing year, the Hon. Organising Secretary, Mr. A. P. Squire, commented on the attendances at the five events held during the previous 12 months, which showed gratifying increase, but he pointed out that the average for the year was only the same as for the previous year. Reference was also made to assistance given in connection with Trials held in the district by the Riley Motor Club, the Cambridge University Automobile Club and the Junior Car Club, and to the pleasant run enjoyed as the guests of the Singer Car Club.

The following dates (which members and others interested are asked to note carefully) were scheduled as fixtures for the coming year :—September 14th, November 3rd, January 11th, April 18th, and June 20th. It was also decided to take a Referendum on the subjects of a Trial and a Dinner-Dance.

Following the meeting, there was a Mystery Run entitled ” Spooks, Sport and Spirits,” to which the Standard Car Owners’ Club had been invited.

Twenty-three cars set out on the 40-mile course, which occupied some 21 hours of driving under perfect weather conditions through some of the lesser-known parts of West Surrey, and over So members, Standard-Owners and friends finally foregathered to a picnic supper on Netley Heath shortly after midnight.

On the way, a driving test (held under R.A.C. permit) had been staged on the lower part of Whitedown Hill, including the two bends. A Nomad spoon was awarded for best time by a visitor, and this was secured by D. B. Burrage, driving a Singer Le Mans, who recorded 20-2/5 sees., the best time of day (or rather, night). The Fuller Trophy passed to H. S. West, whose M.G. Midget went from A to B ” in 21-1/5 secs., closely ‘followed by E. A. Streeter’s Hillman Minx, which only spent 1/5 sec. longer on the same journey. The new Ladies’ Trophy, presented by Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Streeter, following the latter’s permanent acquisition of the previous Ladies’ Trophy, was won with comparative ease by Mrs. Willcocks (Wolseley Hornet) in 22-1/5 secs., the runner-up, Miss J. Goddard (Vauxhall) requiring 24-1/5 secs