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THE L.C.C. RELAY RACE-continued

settled, so we then took stock of the runners further back. Miss Evans had been making great efforts on the third of the scratch team cars, an N-type Magnette, to keep the flag flying, but she had to call at the pit frequently to replenish the oil, and eventually retired. The official Austins suffered from the loss of Driscoll’s very fast little car and never came into the picture, actually finishing twelfth, while the Morgans were fast while they were going, but the last of them went out with slipped timing just after 4.30.

Mitchell-Thompson was at the wheel of ‘his second Frazer-Nash following the retirement of Hackett on the blown M.G., Hartwell after 30 very rapid laps on his white Magnette had also lost his second man, Huxham on a blown Morgan. Avery on the last of his team disappeared around 4.30 after running a big-end, and Penn on a Riley suffered in the same way, and put paid to Cheshire’s team. Heavy clouds had overshadowed Brooklands most of the afternoon, and at 4.30 a heavy shower swept the track. This year, however, the overcast sky gave the drivers ample warning, and there were none of the exciting incidents which marked last

year’s event. Bicknell continued steadily, maintain

ing his set average of just over 85 m.p.h., and just after 5 p.m. finished the ninety laps, a comfortable 6 minutes in front of Powell, whose team had made such good use of their position as the limit cars. Thirteen out of the nineteen teams finished within 30 minutes of the winner’s time, and thus qualified for rewards, and the result speaks much for the care with which the various cars had been prepared. Altogether a good day’s sport, and an organisation which left nothing to chance.


1. F S Barnes’s team (J D Barnes, A B. Langley and R A Bicknell, 972 c.o. Singers). Tee. 40m., 3h. 6m. 318., 85.13 m.p.h.

2. 1) Powell’s team (N G Watson, 1,496 .c.c. Frazer-Nash, C Barker, 1,104 c.c. gouda and and D Powell. 847 c.c. M.G.). rec. 61m., 3h. 12m. 20s., 77.69 m.p.h.

3. G H R Chaplin’s team (J R Hodge. 1,087 c.c. M.G., W A V Davis, 1,493 0.0. Singer and G H R Chaplin, 747 c.c. Austin S.). rec. 39m. 30s., 3h. 14m. 1Cs., 81.04 m.p.h.

4. C M Anthony’s team (C H Wood, M H Morris-Goodall and C M Anthony, 1,494 c.c. Aston-Martins), rec. 28m. 30s., 311. 17m. 40s., 85.30 m.p.h.

5, V H Tuson’s team (M P Tenbogch, J E Mellor and V 11 Tuson, 996 c.c. Fiats), rec. 43m., 3h. 17m. 54s., 78.67 m.p.h. 6. N E Bracey’s team al B Shaw, 1,321

c.o. M.G., Lord Avebury and N F Bracey, 847 c.c. M.G. S.), rec. 33m. 305., 3h. 19ra. 578., 81.88 m.p.h.

7. Sq.-Ldr. W A Bowen-Buscarlet’s team (Flt.-Lt. J D Greaves, 1,494 0.0. Aston-Martin S., Sq.-Ldr. W A Bowen-Buscarlet, 1,089 0.0. Riley and Flying-Offr. P L Donkin, 1,494 c.c. Aston-Martin), roe. 16m. 308., 311. 20m. 448., 89.88 m.p.h.

8. F R Spiking’ team (F R G Spikins. F Carr, and D E Harris. 972 0.0. Singers). rec. 43m. 308., 3h. 21m. 3s., 77.21 m.p.h. 9. 3 C Ridley’s team (Miss Joan Rich

mond_, J C Ridley, and C A Broomhall, 1,232 c.c. Triumphs), rec. 44m. Ns., 3h. 21m, 42s., 76.56 m.p.h.

10. Hon. P Mitchell-Thompson’s team (Hon. F Mitchell-Thompson, 1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash. T B Hackett, 747 c.c. M.G. S., and Hon. P Mitchell-Thonvon, 1,496 c.c. Fraser-Nash), roe. 28m. 308., ah. ’22m. 49s., 85.20 m.p.h.

11. H G Conway’s team (It Cr Percival, E G Hughes, and T F B Law, 1,496 c.c. Fraser-Nash), rec. 80m., 3h. 25m. 358., 80.98 m.p.h.

12. Sir Herbert Austin’s team (L P Driscoll, C D Parish, and C L Goodacre, 747 c.c. Austins S.). rec. 9m. 30s., 3b. 34m. 578., 86.15 zn.p.h.

13. G H Hartwell’s team (G R Hartwell, 1,087 0.0. M.G. Ei„ E P Huxham, 990 c.o. Morgan S., and G Hendy, 972 0.0. Singer), rec. 28m. 308., 3h. 36m. 12s., 77.17 m.p.h. STILL RUNNING AT FINISH,

H Conway’s team (H M Williams, c.o. Austin S., 1 F Connell, 972 c.c. Singer. and H G Campbell, 1,074 c.o. Amilcar), rec. 44m., 86 laps.