

SIX clubs met at Brooklands last month to compete for the Stanley Cup, and the few spectators who attended the meeting were rewarded by some first class racing. The programme comprised a Relay Handicap, Long and Short races round the outer circuit and some sprints along the finishing straight. The great feature of the meeting is the friendly spirit that prevails, for everyone knows everyone else, while it is an opportunity to make one’s debut in Brookland’s racing with some hope of success on a normal sports car. The meeting was favoured by perfect weather, and for next year more publicity might well be given to it as a spectacle for the general public. Though none of the really fast motors of the Open Meetings were taking part there were some interesting cars in the

Paddock. Munday had acquired the “Bouts Special” otherwise a Leyland Thomas, fitted with a touring body, J. H. Day was driving a Graham Paige with a racing body, which was a sister car to the record-breaker of some years ago, and Miss Joan Richmond had got Jack Dunfee’s Ballot once more in racing trim. Powys-Lybbe had put a new body on his surprisingly quick 1926 Alvis, and Rayson had got hold of a 2.3 touring Bugatti which had belonged to the late Gen. Sadleir Jackson. There had been much advance publicity about Austin Dobson’s 2.6 Alfa, which had been bought from Ferrari. Far from being a Monopost°, of course, it was merely a short wheelbase touring car bored out, and in any case blew up before the day of the race. and lost valuable seconds getting away. May had established a 60 yard lead over the Singer when he appeared again, and Jack Robinson on his famous ” cutdown ” Lancia., who was the second the same make by the time they had travelled from the Pond to the Railway Straight, while Ferguson’s handsome red Speed-Twenty Alvis was making good progress from the back of the field. A

Dobbs (Riley), Dr. Beaver (Vauxhall) passing the

string of the Mid-Surrey Club, got well away. Perry was the second to start, with Miss Allen’s Bentley in pursuit, but the Lancia maintained its lead, and Fraser the third Mid-Surrey representative was again first away. However Hutton Potts on an M.G. Midget succeeded in overtaking his larger opponent and finished first with a lead of 300 yards, which gave first blood to the Junior Racing Drivers Club.

There were 13 starters in the First Short Handicap, ranging from H. G.

The first event of the day was the team relay handicap, which started from the Fork. Each of the six teams ‘had three cars, which did one lap each, the second car in each case starting as his No. I recrossed the line. Hodge on what must be the first streamlined Singer Nine was the first to start, followed three seconds later by M. W. B. May on a two-litre Alvis. The last two on the line were Casswell (Fraser Nash Club) and Rayson (J.C.C.) on the Bugatti, but the former missed his gears Smith’s blown Lea Francis on the scratch mark to Miss Hedges’ Singer Nine with a start of 45 seconds. Hodge’s streamlined Singer lead on the first lap, with Percival on a Fraser Nash next behind, but both these cars were overhauled by Roy Eccles on the second lap, and D. M. Dent completed the Fraser Nash success by nipping into third place on the run-in., The Novices’ Handicap was again a two-lap affair. Mrs. Gordon-Simpson on a Southern Cross Triumph had already passed the limit man in a closed car of

and Rayson (Bugatti have no dOcully in Morris Saloon ! lap later the Triumph had increased its lead to 200 yards with Miss Summer’s

Marendaz in third place. The Alvis continued to pick up places during its second course along the Byfieet banking, but was unable to catch the Triumph which finished half a mile ahead with a speed of over 70 m.p.h. In the Second Short Handicap Hodge on the Singer held a comfortable lead on the first lap with Powys-Lybbe (Alvis), C. A. Richardson and Miss Evans (L. Type Magna) next behind. The Singer and

the Alvis continued in the lead on the second lap, but were overhauled by Parish on one of the 500 Miles Race singleseater Austins, who won by 200 yards from Richardson. A useful collection of fast cars were entered for the Third “Short,” but neither the ” Ferrari ” Alfa or Embiricos’ Bugatti came to the line. Hughes, the limit man, got away well on the H. V. Special which was a modified 30-98 Vauxhall, followed by Dr. Beaver on an undisguised car of the same marque,and D. A. Aldington (Fraser Nash), while at the back of the field Boyd on a very thoroughbred four-seater Maserati was hot on the tail of the colossal black Leyland. With one lap completed Dobson had gained the lead comfortably on his striking streamlined Riley Nine, but Rayson (Bugatti) was coming up fast, and only feet separated them as they crossed the finishing line, The Five Lap Handicap, which started and finished at the Fork, was very well supported, and it needed close packing to fit in the fourteen starters between Chronograph Villa and the Vickers Sheds. This caused a good deal of delay and it was surprising that there were no oiled plugs. Hodge was again limit man and was first round, followed by Powys-Lybbe (Alvis) while the limit cars were still on the line. On the second lap the Alvis had a 50 yard lead over Hodge, and 300 yards behind D. A. Aldington, who was on his first lap, overhauled Miss Evans’ Magna which was running in third place and, was in turn passed by Parish on the Austin. By the fifth lap Powys-I.ybbe had increased his lead to 300 yards and the

Singer was misfiring. Percival had moved up to third place on his Fraser Nash, while Aldington re tired with a leaking gasket, due to slack cylinder-had nuts. Parish (Austin) had reached sixth place, but the handicapping was too heavy for him.

The Alvis had been running round with virtually no oil pressure following a rapid change-over from dry sump hOrication to wet between two of the races, and coming off the Byfleet Banking for the last time, unpleasant sounds developed. No chequered flag had been shown, so the driver pulled over, meaning to stop in the finishing straight, only to wrench round his wheel just in time to cross the line, when the shouts of the onlookers informed him of his position. Percival was only 100 yards behind, and his car caught fire after doing a sixth lap, but this was quickly put out. Miss Evans, on the Magna finished third, • only 2 seconds behind. Then followed three Long Handicaps of three laps each, starting from the Pond,

near the Vickers Sheds. There were eight starters in the first event, with Miss Moodie’s five-litre Graham Paige, which carried a heavy-looking two-seater racing body, on the scratch mark. Dent on a Fraser Nash soon secured the lead, but the speed of the Graham Paige had been underestimated, and it passed its smaller rival in the second lap and won by nearly half a mile. Miss Naismith driving a supercharged Salmson was third, a similar distance to the rear.

Hodge’s Singer had apparently recovered its form by the second race, and first time round it led, followed by Charles Follett (Alvis) and Squadron Leader Bowen Buscarlet on a red Brooklands Riley. On the second lap the Singer had a clear 200 yards with Richardson’s Riley its nearest rival, but on the last round the latter had passed the white car by the Fork, and Michael May’s Alvis and the red Riley also overtook it coming off the Home Banking. There were only six starters in the third Long Handicap, and Dr. Beaver on his Vauxhall who received 1 min. 5 sec. at once established a lead over Briault (Alta S.) the other limit man, and was 300 yards ahead after a complete lap. Dobbs on the white Riley was second, but was closely pressed by Rayson (Bugatti) a lap later, with Boyd on the Maserati just behind them high on the Home Banking. fle passed them on the Railway Straight ‘and continued at a tine pace to overtake Beaver behind the Aeroplane Sheds, winning his race by nearly half a mile at the fine speed of 109.12 m.p.h. The Mid-Surrey Club were now leading by a small margin in the competition for the Stanley Cup, with the Junior Racing Drivers Club second, and the Fraser Nash Club, last year’s winner third, so that everything depended on the result of the last event, which was a series of sprint

races along the Finishing Straight from the foot of the Test Hill to the Fork.

Boyd’s Maserati and Rayson’s Bugatti were the only starters in the first group, and the Italian car after a convincing start fairly streaked up the straight and won by 250 yards. Four ran in the second batch and Morgan’s bronze Austin, which has made several unsuccessful appearances this season, seemed at last ” au point,” and won by 150 yards from Mrs. Petre on the Appleton Special. J. L. Burton (blown I+ litre Bugatti), won by thirty yards from Baron on his special 3-litre car, and C. Dugdale on a wellpreserved two-litre O.M. finished comfortably ahead of Way on an Austin and Miss Hedges on a Singer.

Roy Eccles, going very strong from the start, won comfortably from Tullock on Miss Richmond’s Ballot, while Morgan was again successful on the old Austin in the final heat.

NOVICES’ HANDICAP. Distance : About 61 WIGS. 1. Mrs. E. Gordon-Simpson, 1,087 c.c. Triumph,


1 min. 16 sec.

2. G. E. Ferguson, 2,511 c.c. Alvis, 12 sec. 3. Miss D. Summers, 2,500 c.c. Marendaz Special,

I min. 9 sec.

Ten ran.-Won by 12 sec. (880 yards) ; 5 3-5 sec. (300 yards) between second and third. Winner’s average speed : 70.06 m.p.h.

SECOND SHORT HANDICAP. Distance : About Sit miles.

Distance : About Sit miles.

I. C. D. Parish, 747 c.c. Austin, S., 18 sec.

2. C. A. Richardson, 1,089 c.c. Riley, 33 sec.

3. M. W. B. May, 1,991 c.c. Alvis, 24 sec.

Fifteen ran.-Won by 4 2-5 sec. (200 yards) : 2 sec. (75 yards) between second and third. Winner’s average speed : 97.97 m.p.h.

THIRD SHORT HANDICAP. Distance: About Si miles. 1. H. G. c.c. 40 sec.

1. H. G. Dobbs, 1,089 c.c. Riley, 40 sec.

2. E. K. Rayson, 2,263 c.c. Bugatti, S., 32 sec.

3. A. H. Boyd, 2,514 c.c. Maserati, S., 11 sec.

Ten ran,—-Won by I-5 sec. (10 yards) ; I sec. (SO yards) between second and third. Winner’s average speed : 94.82 m.p.h.

The of races completely altered the placings for the Stanley Cup, and thanks largely to the two wins of Morgan’s Austin the J.R.D.C. emerged at the head of the list.

STANLEY CUP. 1. Junior Racing Drivers Club

2. Fraser Nash Club …

36 pts.

27 ,. 3. Brighton & Hove … • • • II „ 4. Woman’s Automobile & Sport Assoc. 10 .,

., TEAM RELAY HANDICAP. Distance : About 81 miles.

Distance : About 81 miles.

I. Junior Racing Drivers’ Club (J. Hodge, 972 c.c. Singer, IL. H. Perry, 747 c.c. MG., and J. H. Potts, 847 c.c. M.G.), 42 sec.

2. Mid-Surrey A.C. (J. D. Stewart, 2,570 cc. Lancia, J. Robinson, 2,570 c.c. Lancia, and R. F. Fraser, 1,271 c.c. Wolselcy). 39 sec.

3. Junior Car Club (F,. K. Rayson, 2,263 c.c. Bugatti, S. C. Follett, 1,496 c.c. Alvis, and R. F. Oats, 1,093 c.c. Amilcar), scr.

1,093 c.c. Amilcar), scr. FIRST SHORT HANDICAP. Distance : About 61, miles.


1. R. H. Eccles, 1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash, ace.

2. R. G. Percival, 1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash, 12 sec.

3. D. M. Dent, 1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash, 12 sec.

Thirteen ran.-Won by 7 4-5 sec. (400 yards) ; 3-5 sec. (25 yards) between second and third. Winner’s average speed: 86.80 m.p.h.

FIVE-LAP HANDICAP. Distance : About 14 miles. I. A. Powys-Lybbe, 1,496 c.c. Alvis, 2 mitt. 22 sec.

c.c. sec.

2. K. G. Percival, 1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash, 1 min. 47 sec. 3. Miss D. Evans, 1,4)87 c.c. M.G., 1 min. 18 sec. Fourteen ran.-Won by 2 2-5 see. (100 yards) ;

2 sec. (75 yards) between second and third. Winner’s average speed : 81.24 m.p.h.

FIRST LONG HANDICAP. Distance : About 9 miles. I. H. 5,297 c.c. Graham-Paige, scr.

I. J. H. Day, 5,297 c.c. Graham-Paige, scr.

2. D. M. Dent, 1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash, 38 set:.

3. Miss P. Naismith, 1,096 c.c. Salmson, S., 21 sec.

Eight ran.-Won by 13 4-5 see. (700 yards) •, 15 3-5 see. (800 Yards) between second and third. Winner’s average speed, 93.77 m.p.h.

SECOND LONG HANDICAP. Distance : About 9 miles.

1. C. A. Richardson, 1,089 c.c. Riley, 27 sec.

2. M. W. B. May, 1,991 c.c. Alvis, 40 sec.

3. Squad-Ldr. W. A. Bowen Buscarlet, 1,089 c.c. Riley, 27 sec.

Thirteen ran.–Won by 7 sec. (250 yards) ; 3-5 sec. (30 yards) between second and third. Winner’s average speed : 95.10 m.p.h.

THIRD LONG HANDICAP. Distance: About 9 miles.

I. A. H. Boyd, 2,514 c.c. Maserati, S., IS sec.

2. Dr. R. A. Beaver, 4,234 c.c. Vauxhall, 1 min. 5 sec.

3. E. K. Rayson, 2,263 c.c. Bugatti, S., 39 sec. Six ran.-Won by 6 4-5 sec. (300 yards) ; 1 2-5 sec. (75 yards) between second and third.