The Fiat Suspension.


The Fiat Suspension. •

In February this year the Automobile Club of Spain suspended the ” marque ” Fiat internationally for one year. The Fiat Company appealed to the A.I.A.C.R. (International Association of Recognized Automobile Clubs) through the Royal Automobile Club of Italy under the provisions of the International Sporting Code.

The R.A.C. has now been advised that the differences between the Automobile Club of Spain and the Fiat Company having been settled, the Automobile Club of Spain has withdrawn its suspension and the Fiat Company its appeal to the A. I . A. C. R.

M.C. Midget Records at Tat.

A perfectly standard M.G. Midget model J.4 (supercharged), which recently was sent out to Budapest, has put up the following speeds on the Kilometre lance in ‘fat, near Budapest, which rank as Hungarian records in the 750 c.c. class. The M.G. Midget was driven by Robert Mayer, Junior.

Sports Car records (760 c.c.).

Flying kilometre, 145.831 k.p.h., 90.4 m.p.h. Flying mile, 145.240 k.p,h., 90.2 m.p.h. Standing kilometre, 97.693 k.p.h., 60.6 m.p.h. Standing mile, 107.589 k.p.h., 66.8 m.p.h.

For the above records the car was in sporting trim, with wings, windscreen, etc.

Racing Car records (750 c.c.).

Standing kilometre, 103.(301 k.p.h., 64.4 m.p.h. Standing mile, 116.034 k.p.h., 72.2 m.p.h. The two international Class ” H” records which are equivalent to the two

standing start Hungarian records for racing cars and which are at present held by Mr. E. R.. Hall with an M.G. Midget, stand at 67.2 m.p.h. for the kilometre and 74.7 m.p.h, for the mile.

The Hungarian records are subject to official confirmation.

The London-Salisbury Trial. The London Eagle Club recently held their annual London to Salisbury Trial, and the following Competitors obtained awards :

Salisbury Cup : R. Napper (M.G.).

Rickards Trophy : W. J. Cope (M.G.).

Becket Cup : W. J. Cope (M.G.).

Car Trophy : W. G. Worsfield (Morris Minor).

Waller Cup : J. Berry (M.G.).

Bronze Medals : 1,. C. Waller (B.S.A.), H. V.

Moore (Triumph), R Appleton (Riley). Winning team : London Eagle (W. J. Cope,

I,. C. Waller and E. C. Mills.

London to Istanbul by Road.

A function which may very well prove to be of an historic nature took place on July 21st at the Mayfair Hotel, London, when Sir John Siddeley, C.B.E., invited a party of foreign representatives, motoring notabilities and pressmen to luncheon in ,order to • mark the conclusion of Mr. W. F. Bradley’s Survey of the London to Istanbul route. Driving a Siddeley Special open touring car Mr. W. F. Bradley, his daughter, and Mr. Whitlock, a technical expert from the Armstrong Siddeley works, covered the trip of 5,000 miles in a total of 16 days on the road. The journey was planned by the Automobile Association With a view to exploring the possibilities

of an International Highway across Europe. Eleven countries were traversed, and in the course of the tour stages of 400 miles over rough continental roads were frequently made, the final 2,000 miles from the Black Sea to Paris being covered in 5i days.

A most interesting expedition, and, incidentally, a striking demonstration of the qualities of the Siddeley Special, for throughout the journey the only work done to the car was a changed ignition wire !

Stronger Than Steel.

In the course of an address to the Hammersmith Rotary Club recently, on the History of the Pneumatic Tyre, Mr. H. L. Kenward, sales director of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., made the interesting disclosure that. the diameter of Sir Malcolm Campbell’s tyres during his world record run increased to the extent of one inch. At the rate of 270 miles per hour, said Mr. Kenward, the revolutions of Sir Malcolm’s tyres amounted to 2,500 per minute or 42 per second. It was significant, he added, that the finest treads of today have an abrasion resistance several times greater than that of the finest steel.

Invicta Cars.

The entire business of Invicto, Cars, Cobham, has been taken over by Invicta Car Sales Co.k of 11, Albemarle Street, London, W.1. Mr. A. C. Lace, the well known Invicta competitions-driver, is at the disposal of all interested in these famous sports cars, and a full range of models is on view at 11, Albermarle Street.