

Leltoux (Bugatti) beats the official Molsheim Team. 2000 C.C. category won by Count Czaikowski, with Earl Howe (Delage) second. IN the mind of one spectator, at least, the Dippe Grand Prix is earmarked quite definitely as an event not to be missed on any account. It has so many . good points. First and foremost, it does not cost a great deal to see the race in

comfort; the fare is reasonable, and if one wishes to stay overnight in :1_ ieppe the hotel accommodation is inexpensive and comfortable. But not only is the race easy to reach. The great attraction of the ‘Dieppe Grand Prix is that it has all the atmosphere of the traditional COneinental road race—and invariably draws a representative entry of first-class drivers. The Grand Prix for cars is really the culmination of a motor sport week-end in Dieppe. On the Saturday the Rally competitors arrive, and carry out their final tests on the Boulevard de Verdun. On the Sunday morning, so early as 8 O’clock, the first of the two motor-cycle races is begun, and this is followed by the

senior race at 11 o’clock. After this is a luncheon interval and then the great event takes place, the Grand Prix race for cars. The full entry of cars this year was as follows :—

Over 2,000 ex. Lehoux (Bugatti 2,300 c.c.), Drey1 us (Bugatti 2,309 c.c.), Williams (Bugatti 2,300 c.c.), Gaupillat (Bugatti 2,300 c.c.), Bussieunc (Bugatti 2,300 c.c.), Moutier (Montier Special), Whitney Straight (Maserati 2,500 c.c.), C. Penn Hughes (Alfa Romeo 2,300 c.c.).

Under 2,000 c.c. 1:?:ntinente (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), Jacob (13tigatti 2,000 c.c.), Domenici (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), Delorme (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), Abit (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), .Renaldi (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), Veyron (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), Lora (Bugatti 2,000 C.c.), Count Czaikowski (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), Cattaneo (13ugatti 2,000 c.c.), Mlle. Ilene-Nice (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), Earl Howe (Delage 1,500 c.c.), Mine. ltier (Bugatti 1,500 c.c.), Vagaiez (Maserati 1,500 c.c.). Rather a preponderance of Bugattis, you might say, and matters were not improved by Straight and Penn Hughes not starting. This left the Montier Special the only Other ” make ” in the unlimited class, while in the 2,000 c.c. category Earl Howe and Vagniez waged lone hands on

behalf of Delage and Maserati respectively against a veritable horde of Bugattis. After a hasty breakfast the hotel bus took Its to the course, at any rate as far as the Maisou Blanche, wherein the Norton team of motor cyclists made their head

quarters. We arrived just as the first race was about to begin, and as we approached the tribunes a shattering roar announced the departure of the 350 c.c. and 175 c.c. motor cycles. These columns are not intended for a description of the race, but suffice it to say that the clear superiority of ” les Anglais ” was most satisfactory.

Then the second race took place, for 500 c.c. and 250 c.c. machines, and while Hunt and Woods are piloting their Nartons to victory we will prepare the reader for the Grand Prix by a brief description of the circuit. The tribunes are temporary .affairs, strongly made, and are situated immediately round the corner of La Fourche, with the pits opposite. From this corner the road runs straight for 3 kilometres between tall trees, and rising slightly eventually descends to the sharp right-hand corner of Val Gosset. Then follows a winding section of narrow lane, Until St. Aubyn is reached. Here the road turns sharply to the right again, and after the famous ” Esses ” have been passed, a fairly straight piece follows—albeit with one tricky right hand bend—and brings the cars back to the La Fourche semihairpin, and to the ” tribunes” and ” ravitaillements.”

While the motor cycles were completing their last few laps, the stirring sound of Bugatti engines being revved up was heard on the escape road which leads from the La Fourche corner to the Maison Blanche. Thither we made our way, to inspect the early arrivals who had brought their cars up front Dieppe. Amid the many Bugattis, painted different shades of blue, was the interesting Montier Special. A peep through the bonnet louvres revealed a Ford side-valve four cylinder engine, but when the bonnet was raised by a ” mechanicien ” not one but two of these engines were found to provide the motive power of the car ! Earl Howe drove his Delage up from Dieppe himself, and was immediately surrounded by a crowd of enthusiastic admirers.

Then the cars were pushed or driven to the pits, and for about half an hour seeming confusion reigned while pit-equipment was unloaded from lorries and everyone dashed about and chatted to friends. The Countess Czaikowski arrived to take charge of her husband’s pit, driving a chic Type 55 Bugatti coupe, with which she had won the Ladies Cup in the Concours d’Elegance the day before. Last to arrive were the ” works ” Bugattis, painted in the distinctive blue, with numbers of silver paint, bordered by a thin yellow line. On the scuttle was neatly painted the driver’s name in script. A Hotchkiss coupe set off to close the course, sounding a dual-note Bosch horn without cessation. Slowly order emerged, and the cars were lined up for the start. The announcer ordered everyone off the road except drivers and mechanics. All the cars started, except Texidor’s brown Bugatti, which was being pushed about frantically by perspiring mechanics. One min

ute . . . 30 seconds . . . and still TexidOr’s engine was silent. The flag was raised, the revving engines drowned the babble of gesticulating spectators in the stands—and suddenly the whole lot leapt forward. There were twenty starters, poor

Texidor having to push his sulky Bugatti past the pits, where it joined Gaupillat’s Bugatti which did not start owing to the driver having injured his hand. As the cars flashed by we just had time to see that Lehoux had made good use of his position in the front row and was in the lead. Then with a deafening roar a welter of cars hurtled past and shot under the footbridge at the end of the stands.

A restless, agitated pause of 3 minutes odd, and then Bugatti noises were heard approaching the La Fourche hairpin. A car slid round and accelerated rapidly past the grandstands. It was Lehoux, who had already built up a useful lead from Williams and Dreyfus on their officiid Bugattis, who had started in the front row with him. Then came Bussienne, Czaikowski, Earl Howe, Veyron, Scaron (driving Mme. Itier’s Bugatti), Jacob, Mlle Helle Nice, Vagniez, Domenici, Delorme, Cochin, Montier, Cattaneo, Abit and Eminente.

Delorme (Bugatti) did not go far, for on the 2nd lap he misjudged a corner at Val Gosset and ditched his car. Another driver in trouble was Pierre Veyron, who had to change the plugs of his Bugatti twice during the early rounds. Lehoux was increasing his lead on Williams and Dreyfus slightly, and covered the 5th lap in 3m. 43s. at 131.569 k.p.h. (Williams’ record lap of 1932 was 132.060 k.p.h.En.). Then Dreyfus decided that something would have to be done about the elusive little Algerian, so he passed Williams on the 9th lap and set out in earnest to reduce Lehoux’s lead. In the under 2 litres class a similar distance separated Count Czaikowski and Earl Howe, the former having an

advantage of 29 seconds. Veyron, who had been favoured as a likely winner, was doing his best to make up ground, and on the 12th lap Mlle. HeIle-Nice, who had been driving extremely well, came in and handed over her Bugatti to Mongin. Lehoux still fified up his lead. Wearing a close fitting blue helmet and shortsleeved blue shirt, he was driving in magnificent form. His approach to Corners was a delight to watch. He cut out at the last possible moment, braked heavilybut without unduly stressing the car– made instantaneous gear changes with a quick flick of his hand, gathered himself into a crouching attitude leaning over the side of the cockpit, and slid neatly round the corner. We walked some distance round the reverse way of the circuit, taking refuge behind trees whenever a faster car was passing another, and even

tually reached the ” Esses ” of St. Aubyn. On the way we came across a difficult corner where we were forced to walk unpleasantly near the path of the cars as they shaved the inside verge of grass. Here Lehoux and Dreyfus were distinctly faster than anyone else, although Czaikowski and Earl Howe were both impressive.

Williams, in pressing his car to keep pace with Dreyfus, had the bad luck to skid into the straw barricade at St. Aubyn, through one wheel locking when he braked. No damage was done, but the car was immovable, and we met him walking back to the pits looking rather despondent.

he next man in trouble was Enimente. During the first few laps he lost a wheel, and received outside assistance in replacing it. This automatically disqualified him, but he did not realise it and continued—only to crash at St. Aubyn. The .ambulance overtook us as we were walking back to the pits, but we were relieved to hear on our arrival that the driver was only slightly hurt. Mlle. Helle-Nice’s Bugatti we found abandoned at the side of the road, a piston having fractured. Back at the tribunes, intense excitement was caused when Lehoux pulled into his pit on the 30th lap. It was only to refuel, however, and in less than 30 seconds he had taken on 20 litres of petrol and was away once more, without relingnishing his lead. Drelyus was within striking distance, but Lehoux proceeded to draw ahead, and soon had an advantage of 40 seconds, Meanwhile some of the cars were not running quite so well as they had done at the start. Domenici’s dark red Bugatti, looking rather like Noel Carr’s machine, was misfiring but the driver continued. Jacob’s Bugatti, too, did not sound very

healthy, but later improved. On the other hand Veyron’s Bugatti had a most rousing note, which was emphasised by the driver’s attempts to cut down the lead of Czaikowski and Earl Howe. Probably the noisiest of the lot was Cattaneo’s dark blue Bugatti, with wire wheels, which nearly split one’s eardrums.

Half an hour before the end Lehoux still led by 40 seconds odd, having set up a new lap record with a time of 3m. 4`2s., at a speed of 132760 k.p.h. In fifteen minutes Dreyfus pushed up 5 seconds, but although he continued to gain ground it was only due to the fact that Lehoux was now in no hurry. The clock on the Dunlop stand ,crept round to 5.30, and then the checkered flag was held out, Earl Howe actually being the first driver to Come in at the end of the 3 hours. Lehoux had won a great race by a masterly display of driving, and thoroughly deserved the applause of the crowd. Dreyfus, too, was cheered, and some amusement was caused by Renaldi and Cattaneo nearly overshooting the hairpin on the very last lap. Count Czaikowski was applauded for his victory in the 2,000 c.c. class, and Earl

Howe was a popular runner up.

When all the cars were in, a barrier was quickly run across the road at each end of the pits, and in this space flowers were handed to the victors, hundreds of photographs were taken, while the mechanics quietly packed up their .gear in the pits. Then came the trek back to Dieppe, a living stream of humanity on foot and in cars and buses, and so perfect bad been the organisation that everyone was completely satisfied with a day of motor racing at its best. We cannot conclude this article without placing on record our gratitude to the Organisers of the race, and the Secretary, Monsieur Hamiatzx in particular, for the really magnificent hospitality which they extended to us throughout the week-end. Not content with entertaining us as their guests at the Hotel Aroxopole, they placed every possible facility at our disposal so that our work could be carried out in comfort. We shall remember the 1933 Dieppe Grand Prix with feelings of warm

gratitude. H. N.


3 hours race over circuit of 8.150 kms.

Over 2,000 c.c.

I. M. Lehoux (Bugatti ‘2,300 c.c.), 387.651 kms. Average speed 80.76 m.p.h.

2. R. Dreyfus (Bugatti 2,300 c.c.), 386.660 kms.

3. P. Bussierne (Bugatti 2,300 c.c.), 353.830 kms.

4. F. Montier (Montier Special), 299.305 kms.

Under 2,000 c.c.

1. Count Czaikowski (I3ugatti 2,000 c.c.), 367.524 kiss. Average speed 76.569 m.p.h.

2. Earl Howe (Delage 1,500 c.c.), 365.791 kms.

3. P. Veyron (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), 359.897 kms.

4. Jacob (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), 357.249 kiss.

5. J. Seaton (Bugatti 1,500 c.c.), 352.937 kms.

6. Renaldi (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), 351.633 kiss.

7. Domenici (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), 326.634 kms.

8. Vagniez (Maserati 1,500 c.c.), 324.042 kms. 9. Cattaneo (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.). 319.462 kms•

10. Abit (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.), 285.914 kms.