Does Towing needs a Licence?


Does Towing need a Licence ?

SIR.,-It appears from the statement of the Controller of the Somerset County Council Local Taxation Department in the course of a recent case at ‘Punster, near Minehead, that before a motorist can tow another car he “would require to take out a licence to draw a trailer.” Surely this is not correct.

We raise the point because we feel that this is a question which needs immediate ventilation. Motorists frequently tow broken-down cars to our various factories for repair, and it would be an iniquitous state of affairs if they were prevented from helping their friends in this way. No regulations, so far as we are aware, restrict the towing of other vehicles by private cars in this way, On the contrary, we understand that under the Road and Rail Traffic Bill no licence will be needed to tow another car or a trailer behind a private car unless the towed vehicle is

being used for the conveyance of goods for hire or re ward. BARIMAR LTD.,

C. W. BRETT, Managing Director.

London, W.C.1.