


CLUB meetings at Brooklands have a different and less formal atmosphere than the big events which take on Bank Holidays, and the J.C.C. members day is always one of the best.

The principal event of the day was of course the High Speed Trial, which was run over a circuit starting at the Fork, up the Finishing Straight and round the outer circuit to a point opposite the far end of Vickers Shed. Here the competitors had to negotiate a hair-pin bend round barrels placed in the middle of the track, then a further hair-pin round Chronograph Villa brought the cars back to the Finishing Straight.

Two heats of 20 laps, or about 60 miles, were run off, the first comprising cars up to 1,500 c.c. The 750 c.c. cars were given two minutes start and the “eleven hundreds ” one minute over their larger rivals.

Strictly speaking the Trial is not a race, the object of the competitors being to maintain set average speeds, but Goodson and Chaplin on supercharged Austins did not worry about this, and set off with a will. Other quick cars were Powys Lybbe’s Alvis, a modern 12-60 with an antique body, and the Frazer Nashes driven by Sebag-Montefiore and Bellamy. Aldington, who usually performs well in these events, oiled two plugs, owing to having knocked on the tap of the auxiliary oil feed and flooded the sump.

Meanwhile rain had begun to fall, and those who had discarded their windscreens in search of ” that extra knot” looked a little unhappy. The cornering on the whole was surprisingly steady in the downpour, but Sebag-Montefiore on the blown Nash turned completely round at the Fork, one of his front wheels wobbling a good deal from a worn ball race. In spite of this he retained his lead and finished first. The second section of the Trial for cars up to 5 litres followed the first at 11.45, amidst heavy rain. Cars up to 3 litres were given a start of one minute. B acheher (2.3 litre Bugatti S) and Ivan Waller on his fast Silver Eagle Alvis were close the together the first time round, but Bachelier soon outdistanced the field. C. J. Turner handled his supercharged Bentley skilfully, and was fast round the hair-pin turn in spite of the car’s size and high bottom gear. He caught up Bachelier at the 16th lap and

finis hed first.

Other cars which were going well were Fairtlough’s old A.C. which later packed up with big-end trouble and Parson’s f.w.d. Alvis. Norman Black (Essex Terraplane 8) and Whalley (Ford V8) had a great duel, the former finishing 1 second ahead.

Results of the High Speed Trial. J.C.C. MEMBERS’ DAY RESULTS. Subject to official confirmation, the following are the results of the J .C.C. Members’ Day at Brooklands on Saturday last, June 24 :—

High-speed Trial (20 laps).

750 c.c.

Special Awards (53 in.p.h. minimum) : G. H. R. Chaplin (Austin S.), G. H. Goodson (Austin S.).

Standard Award (46 ra.p.h.) : N. A. Prince (Austin), P. W. Sherrin (Austin), L. Levy (M.G. Midget).

1,100 c.c.

Special Awards (54 m.p.h.) : G. Taylor (Alta), M. Collier (M.G. Midget), R. Davis (M.G. Midget), R. R. Jackson (M.G. Magnet S.). Standard Awards : P. H. Lim (M.G. Midget), A. C. Kelway (M.G. Midget), V. W. Derrington (M.G. Midget), H. C. Hunter (Riley), R. J. W. Appleton (Riley), A. A. Pollard (Riley). C. W. D. Chinery (Riley), N. H. Weddle (Salrason), W. B. Bryan (Salmson) , L . Sandford (Singer), J . G. Rutter (Singer)

1,500 c.c.

Special Award (56 m.p.h.) : C. H. Wood (Aston. Martin), H. P. A. Peaty (Frazer-Nash), A. SebagMontefiore (Frazer-Nash S.), R. I,. Bellamy (FrazerNash), H. J. Aldington (Frazer-Nash), N. E. Bracey (Wolseley Hornet) ,A. Powys-Lybbe (Alvis).

Standard Awards (50 m.p.h.) : . Monro (Invicta) , A. E. Curtis (‘Wolseley Hornet), F. S. Hutchens Wolseley Hornet).


Special Awards (57 m..p.h.) : 1,1. M. Waller (Alvis), R. G. Percival (Bentley), J. D. Firth (Bugatti), L. G. Bachelier (Bugatti S.), P. J. Field Richards (Lagonda).

Standard Awards (52 m.p.h.) : W. G. Battersby (0.1VI.), C. W. P. Hampton (Talbot).


Special Awards (59 m.p.h.) : C. J. Turner (Bentley S.), N. Black (Essex Terraplane), B. L. Clarke (Ford V),8 J. W. Whalley (Ford V8).

Standard Award (54 m.p.h.) : R. D. Tong (Lagonda).

No Awards.

J. B. C. King (Aston-Martin), G. K. Buckingham (S.S.1), A. L. Phillips (Avon-Standard), I,. F. Light (Chrysler).

Most Meritorious Performances. U p to 1,500 c.c.: A. Sebag-Montefiore (Frazer-Nash S.), 53 rains. 37 secs. (fastest man) for the 20 laps. Over 1,500 c.c: J. W. Whalley (Ford V8), 53 mins. 32 secs. Fastest man : C. J. Turner (Bentley S.), 50 mins. 25 secs. At the conclusion of the High Speed Trial rain began to fall with almost tropical force, but fortunately the luncheon interval was at hand. The start

of the afternoon’s programme was put off until 3 o’clock, by which time the rain had ceased. Looking round the paddock, we were interested to see Sebag-Montefiore’s Nash fitted with one of the first Jameson blowers. It is claimed to be unusually efficient at low engine speeds, and was

fitted with two oil pumps one for lubricating the bearings and the other for the blades. A less cheerful sight was J. Eason Gibson’s Riley. The crankshaft broke when it was running in the first part of the High Speed Trial, and laid about it with such vigour that the remote-control gear-lever came away in the driver’s hand.

The afternoon’s proceedings began with three one-lap handicaps. Cars of all sizes started in the first one, the limit man being Peaty (Frazer Nash) who got away well. Rayson’s Mercedes coupe was scratch, and the siren-note of his supercharger meant business. He advanced steadily through the field, just managing to pass Waller’s Alvis thirty yards from the line.

The second heat was less closely contested, Percival’s well-kept 3 litre Bentley beating Tong’s Lagonda by about 100 yards. Tautz (M.G.6) in the following lap won from Phillips (Standard) by about 150 yards.

Racing Events.

First One-lap Handicap : 1, E. K. Rayson (Mercedes S.), 82.31 m.p.h., 11 secs. handicap; 2, I. Waller (Alvis), 25 secs.; 3, J. W. Whalley (Ford V8), 22 secs.

Second One-lap Handicap : 1, R. G. Percival (Bentley), 70.14 m.p.h., 7 sees.; 2, R. D. Tong (Lagonda), 3 secs.; 3, R. J. W. Appleton (Riley), 15 secs.

Third One-lap Handicap : 1, G. Tautz (M.G. Six). 5 secs. 63.84 m.p.h.; 2, A. L. Phillips (Standard), 5 sees.; 3, L. Sandford (Singer), 19 secs.

First Two-lap Handicap : 1, I. Waller (Alvis), 80.20 m.p.h., 1 min. 4 sees.; 2, C. J. Turner (Bentley S.), scratch ; 3, Miss Id. Allan (Bentley), 58 secs.

Second Two-lap Handicap : 1, R. G. Percival (Bentley), 78.92 m.p.h., 3 sees.; 2, E. I,. Clarke (Ford V8), 6 secs. 3, R. I) . Tong (Lagonda), scratch.

Third Two-lap Handicap : I, R. J. W. Appleton (Riley), 67.94 m.p.h., 26 sees.; 2, L. Sandford (Singer Nine), 53 sees.; 3, A. L. Phillips( Standard), 26 secs. The first of the two-lap races was also interesting, with urner’s supercharged Bentley at scr atch. Waller’s Alvis got quickly into first position, with Miss Allan’s Bentley chasing it at a great pace. On the second lap the latter was seen to be about 100 yards ahead of Turner on the Byfieet

banking, with the second car rapidly coming up. When the unsupercharged car was only 100 yards from the finish blue smoke suddenly poured from the bonnet louvres—a smashed piston, and Turner rumbled by to gain second place. His car was one of the Bentley team cars, and his second lap speed was 110.68 m.p.h.

Percival was again successful in the B. race, and Appleton (Riley) won race C by a comfortable margin.

Appleton also won the One-lap handicap for Riley cars. A Wolseley Hornet One-lap event was closely contested by the first three, and Green on a Mont’fiery M.G. won his one-make race with a good amount in hand. One-make Races. (One-lap Handicaps.)

Wolseley Hornets: 1, A. J. G. Bochaton (12 sees.), 62.32 m.p.h. ; 2, A. E. Curtis (12 sees.); 3, N. E. Bracey (Scratch). M.O.s: 1, G. J. Green (747 c.c.), 64.76 m.p.h., scratch ; 2, G. Tautz (2,468 c.c.1, 8 sees.; 3, R. Davis (847 c.c.), 3 sees. Rileys : 1, R. J. W. Appleton (14 secs.), 62.87 m.p.h.; 2, H. C..Hunter (9 sees.); 3, J. W. T. Raynes (scratch).

A Driving Skill Competition, in which cars had to weave their way round a line of tubs put a premium on neatness and good steering lock. The best performances would have turned a London taxidriver green with envy !

Driving Skill Contest.

Class A (lift. wheelbases). R. Davis (M.G. Midget), 29 secs. Class B (wheelbases between llft. and 12ft. 6ins.) : M. H. Fortlage (8 h.p. Ford), 31 2-5 secs. Class C (wheelbases over 12ft. 6ins.) : H. C. Hunter (Riley), 33 4-5 secs. The final event was the Test Hill Sweep

stake. A pool of water near the start made conditions unpleasant for the later starters, and a number of drivers showed a natural dislike of leaping high into the air at the top of the hill. This did not deter Bachelier, Who made an excellent ascent.

Rayson’s Mercedes, surely a little unsuitable for this sort of thing, leapt high into the air, and driver and passenger hit the roof with some force. This buck-jumping exhibition brought the meeting to a close.

Test Hill Sweepstake.

Super-sports Class: 1, L. G. Bachelier (Bugatti S.), 9. 3-5 secs.; 2, E. K. Rayson (Mercedes S.), 10 4-5 secs.; 3, J. W. Whalley (Ford V8), 11 secs.

Sports Class: 1, I. Waller (Alvis), 12 2-5 secs.; 2, R. D. Tong (Lagonda),131-5 secs. ; 3, tie between N. E. Bracey (Wolseley Hornet) and R. J. W. Appleton (Riley), 13 2-5 secs.

Mr. Secretary Dyer is to be congratulated on an interesting and well-run show, and especially for his skill in inveigling the fine weather from the Hendon Air Pageant to Brooklands.