

The thanks of all those interested in the mechanical working of automobiles are due to the Publicity Department of ShellMex & B.P. Ltd. for a most remarkable book called “The Modern Motor Car.” Briefly, the book contains six large coloured plates, each of which shows a different view of the outside and inside of a motor-car, in rather the same way as medical books show different parts of the human anatomy. A description of one of these illustrations will serve to show the comprehensive nature of this “anatomy examination.” If you lift up the flap

showing the complete motor car, there is revealed another picture which represents what you would see if part of the body were Stripped away. Lifting a second flap shows you the stripped chassis, and smaller flaps reveal minute details of engine, gear box, ignition system and in fact the complete” anatomy” of the car. To those, wanting to know how a modern motor is constructed the book will provide invaluable service. Experienced motorists cannot fail to be intrigued by it, and will find it extremely useful in teaching driving-pupils the function of the

mysterious pedals and levers they are told to depress and shift.

Artistically the book is a delight, being beautifully and lavishly produced. The covers are composed of two striking photographs of a certain well known racingdriver’s head, the lighting being particularly effective.

Any reader, on mentioning MOTOR SPORT, can obtain a copy of” The Modern Motor Car” from the Publicity Department, Shell-Mex & B.P. Ltd., Shell Mex House, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C.2.