

RE,, “inside information” about light aeroplanes is provided by a most ingenious booklet just issued by ShellMex & B.P. Ltd. Entitled “The Modern Aeroplane,” it is in fact an anatomy of aeroplane construction. Flaps lift up to reveal interior mysteries, and illustrate direct to the intelligent

eye just how everything works.

The five pages of illustrations in colour disclose each working part. The working mechanism of the plane is explained to the novice, while the owner of a light aeroplane will find useful information as to the correct grade of oil or grease which should be used for the various parts. Of especial interest is the picture

model showing the full-length machine in flying position.

Not many of these booklets have been printed, and it will not be every aeroplane ” fan ” who can get one. First copies will go to those who write in at once to the Publicity Department of Shell-3/1ex & B. P. Ltd., Shell Corner, Kingsway, London, W.C.2.