

The Dieppe Grand Prix.

AS we go to prelis we hear that the results of the Dieppe_ Grand Prix, held on Sunday, July 24th, were as follows : Over 2-litres.

I. Chilou (2,300 c.c. Bugatti), 501.863 lqns. 77.96 m.p.h.

2. Willitims (2,300 Bugatti), 482.166 kms.

3. Bouriat (2,300 c.c, Bugatti), 470.059 kms. Under 2-litres.

1. Czaikowski (1,990 e.e. Bugatti), 465.934 tuns.

2. Earl Howe (1,487 c.c. Deluge), 459.340 kms.

3. BuFsienne (1,990 c.c. Bugatti), 415.650 kms.

4. Antonio (1,496 c.c. Maserati), -410.617 kms.

5. Delorme .0,990 c.c. Bugatti), 408.676 kms. 6, Ivernel (1,990 c.c. Bugatti), 408.619 kms.

7. Mlle. He116-Nice (1,990 c.c. Buszattit, 407.500 km..s.

General Classification.

1. Chiron.

2. Williams.

3. Bouriat.

4. Czaikowski. .5. Earl Howe.

6. Bussienne.

7. Antonio.

A fully illustrated report of this race will appear in our September issue.

The Berkhampsted Club’s Speed Trials.

A very successful event was staged last month by the Berkh.a.msted and District M.C.C., over the drive of Lord Knutsford’s estate at Munden, Watford.

After some experiment, the course was fixed at about 400 yards, and proceedings were begun. A very excellent time apparatus was used, combined with a telephone, so that everything ran very smoothly, albeit without any hard and fast race-meeting rules. After most of the Club members had settled their little differences as to the relative merits of their machines, it was found that fastest time of the day had been made by K. Hutchison, with his very smart, red Frazer-Nash T.T. Replica model, and everyone voted the affair a great success.