Watches Built for Rough Treatment


Watches Built for Rough reatment

mOTORISTS are pampered creatures ; they have clothes specially designed for them, hats, spectacles—and now watches.

It all began with the now famous ” Schneider ” Watch, marketed by Roberts & Co., of 59, New Oxford ‘Street, W.C.1, who, we believe, was the pioneer of the 5/with order business for motorists’ watches. Then an improvement came with the new armoured, ” jumping figure” type of watch which has become so fashionable lately.

There are many of these watches now on the market, and in addition to the model sold by Roberts & Co., we have recently tested a watch of this type marketed by Arnold & Co., of 122, St. John Street, Ckrkenwell. This instrument is known as the ” Conqueror ” and is a beautifully finished piece of work. Our test has naturally been a short one, but we have formed a very high opinion of the accuracy of this timepiece.

Undoubtedly, the great appeal of these armoured watches to motorists is that there is no glass to get broken.

How often used the old type face to be smashed when one plunged one’s hand into the depths of the engine-tray in search of a dropped nut or spanner !

Another example of the type is to be found in the “New Century” Watch, marketed by Cuthbertson & Co., of Greville Street, Hatton Garden, E.C. Of the same clean pattern as the others, the “New Century ” fits snugly on the wrist, and is a worth-while investment for any motorist who is in the habit of doing odd jobs himself on his car.