Club News, August 1932




WE have received the following letter from Mr. C. W. Inigo-j ones, who has written to us suggesting the formation of a Racing Club for Beginners. In the letter to MOTOR SPORT he says :

It might be of interest to some of your readers to know that a club is being formed to foster the spirit of motor racing in the younger generation.

Our objects are (1) to teach racing theory and practice to those who wish to take up the sport, but have not enough knowledge or backing to do so ; (2) To give support and organization to those who have racing or super-sports cars and wish to enter for races, trials, etc. ; (3) To Issue an ” A,” ” B” or ” C” certificate of driving to members ; (4) To buy one or two racing cars for practice, and to have a car entered for some of the classic races and driven by a well known racing driver, the club supplying the pit crew.

The proposed annual subscription is £5 for driving and LI non-driving members. I should like to hear from anybody who is interested and who would like to offer advice and assistance regarding the formation of this club, and also from prospective members, as, if possible, we wish to get as many members, both in England and Scotland, so as to be able to establish two branches. Yours faithfully,


Old Mill Cottage, Liss, Hants.


The fund for the erection of a suitable memorial to our late President, F. G. (” Freddy “) Hicks, which this club is raising, is not progressing in a manner which we should like to see.

As is well known, Hicks was killed while trying to make up time in the 1931 Tourist Trophy Races in the Isle of Man, and the club proposes to place a memorial over his grave.

Everyone in the motoring world knew and respected Freddy Hicks as a fine sportsman, an exceptionally talented rider, and a man destined to make his mark in the industry.

In’ these hard times’ we do not expect large contributions, but if all of those who knew him would only send a shilling or two, the memory of a great sportsman can be perpetuated in a fitting manner.

The joint Hon. Secs. will gratefully receive the smallest donations sent to their address below : Maldon Cot, Hempstead Road, Watford, Herts.


Gly’s Junior Handicap 121 inilcs).-1, J. M. Lees (II-litre Lea-Francis, scratch ; 2, L. M. Wilson (two-litre Talbot coupe). 16 ; 3, D. Haukey

(847 ex. M.G. Midgetl, 33 secs.

The W.A.S.A. Handicap (21 miles).-1 Hon. Mrs. A. D. Chetwynd (11-litre Lea-Francis, S.), 22 sees.; 2, Mrs. C. G. Scudamore (1,100 c.c. Triumph), 1 min. 6 sees.; 3, Miss E. Wheeler (1,140 c.c. Delage), 48 secs.

Guy’s Senior Handicap (51 miles).-1, D. M. Wilson (two-litre Talbot coupe), 29 sees.; 2, J. M.

Lees (11-litre Lea-Francis, S.), owed 12 3, D Hankey (847 c.c. M.G. Midget), 1 min. 5 secs. The Gala Short Handicap (61 miles).-1, T. B. Rose-Richards (two-litre Talbot), 1 min. 13 secs.; 2, K. D. Evans (1,100 c.c. Riley’, 1 min. 16 secs.;

3, J. R. Cobb (10-litre Delage), scratch.

The Gala Long Handicap (nine miles).-1, Sir H. R. S. Birkin (41-litre Bentley, S.), scratch ; 2, Hon. A. D. Chetwynd (747 c.c. M.G. Midget), 2 wins. 39 sees.; • 3, T. E. Rose-Richards (two-litre Talbot), 1 rain. 25 se.

The Duchess of York’s Trophy Race (women only-61 miles).-1, Miss E. Ellison (11-litre Bugatti), I min. 13 secs.; 2, Mrs. K. Petre (Wolseley Hornet), 1 min. 42 sees.; 3, Miss I. C. Schwedler (two-litre Alvis), 1 min. 21 secs.

The Duke of York’s Trophy Race (20 miles—I00 m.p.h. cars only).-1, A. F. Ashby (1,100 c.c. Riley), 2 mins. 15 sees.; 2, J. R. Cobb (10-litre Delage), 4 sees.; 3, B. E. Lewis (three-litre Talbot), 1 min. 16 secs. Guy’s Gala Mountain Handicap (18 miles).-1, J. C. Elwes (749 c.c. Austin, S.), 3 anus. 29 sees.;

2, T. A. S. 0. Mathieson (1)-litre Bugatti), 2 ntins. 40 sees.; 3, R. 0. Shuttleworth (two-litre Bugatti), 2 miss. 10 secs.