
S. LEWIS Racing, Flying & Motor Clothing Fame 27 Carburton St., LONDON, W.1 ‘Phone : Museum 4793 White Racing Suits, button front, all round belt 22/II „ „ „ fitted Zip front, all round belt 27/0 Unbleached Suits, Zip Fastener 22/6 Car Crash Helmets, our super quality, all colours 42/ cheaper quality … … 32/ White Linen Helmets, perfect fitting … 8/6 Racing Goggles, fitted Triplex Lenses, Rubber Eye Pads Meyrowitz Goggles 45/and 85/Aviation Mask Goggles, fitted Triplex Lenses 151 ft Duplex Safety Lenses 8/F.W.T. Pattern Goggles, Clear Triplex Lenses 13/ „ Duplex Lenses … 6/ Racing Visors, any style made … 6/6 TRADE SUPPLIED We make Racing Suits in any Colours to own requirements for a few shillings extra Actual Manufacturers

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