The Skegness Affair


The Shegness Affair

IT was unfortunate that the weather did not favour the meeting that was held on July 17th and 18th, but, uninviting as it was, it failed to damp the enthusiasm of the competitors, and there was some close and lively racing on both days.

On the first day one-lap scratch races were the chief item of interest, with a 4lap and a 5-lap by way of variation.

There was no baby class race, and the ” 750’s ” had to take their chance that the 1,100 c.c. vehicles in the same class would pass away. ‘This duly happened, as Noble’s Salmson was the only car of the full capacity in the event, and after getting away well, he retired, and Thomson, in a blown Austin, scored accordingly. This was in the sports car event, and he also won the racing car event, though his time in this was actually 1 1/5th secs. slower.

The 2i-1itre event proved a win for Neville Carr, who has been motoring very quickly of late, with A. Conan-Doyle second. The latter (driving the famous Frazer-Nash, the “Slug 1) beat the redoubtable Spottiswoode by 2 3/5th secs.

A series of heats followed for the unlimited sports car race, the final of which was run off on the second day. R. J. Munday’s very quick Vauxhall won a heat, and H. H. Stisted’s Mercedes the next.

Theunlimited class 5-lap race for racing cars fell to N. A. Carr after a close race with Spottiswoode. These two Bugattis finished the seven miles only 4 secs. apart, with Pollock on another Bugatti in third place.

The second day was similar to the first in the matter of weather, but again racing was excellent. Raymond Mays produced the famous Villiers-Supercharge for the unlimited event, but was unable to hold Neville

Carr’s Bugatti after the first corner, and shortly gave up. Carr came home a comfortable winner, while Spottiswoode’s Bugatti and Stisted’s ” Merc ” fought for third place.

Then eight starters came to the line for the four-lap unlimited sports car event. Raymond Mays and Stisted soon sorted themselves out from the crowd and went round together till Mays’ Invicta developed trouble and retired, leaving the Mercedes an easy victory.

Spottiswoode and Carr then each won a heat of the 1-lap scratch event, the latter winning the final.

The unlimited sports handicap went to R. Way on the very fast new Rover which has been doing so well in speed events this last few weeks. The 4-lap handicap for sports cars gave us some fine racing in the heats between

V. W. Derrington on a very fast Wolseley Hornet and Way’s Rover, the latter winning the heat. SPORTS CARS UP TO 1,100 c.c -1, W. L. Thompson (Austin S.), 2 mins 6 1-5 secs. ;

2, B. G. Bailey (Austin S), 2 mins. 4-5 secs. 1 lap.

RACING OR SPORTS CARS UP TO 1,100 C.C.-1, W. L. Thompson (Austin S.), 2 mins. 7 2-5 sees.; 2, B. G. Bailey (Austin S.), 2 mins. 8 1-5 secs. RACING OR SPORTS CARS UP TO 24-LITRES.-1, N. A. Carr, (2-litre Bugatti S.), 1 min. 40 1-5 sees.; 2, A. M. Conan Doyle (If-litre Frazer-Nash ” Slug ” S.), 1 min. 40 4-5 sees; 3, A. N. Spottiswoode (2-litre Bugatti), 1 min. 43 2-5 secs SPORTS CARS, UNLIMITED C C.-1, R. Mays, 4i-1itre Invicta), 1 min. 50 secs. ;

2, R. J. Munday (41-litre Vauxhall), 1 min. 53 3-5 sees.; 3, D Conan Doyle (3-litre Austro-Daimler), 1 min. 53 4-5 secs. UNLIMITED RACING CARS (five laps)

1, N. A. Carr (2-litre Bugatti S.), 8 mins. 4 3-5 secs. ; 2, A. N. Spottiswoode (2-litre Bugatti), 8 mins. 3-5 sees.; 3, I. S. Pollock (Bugatti). SPORTS CAR UP TO 2,500 c.c. (one lap, scratch).-1, Gen. Sadlier Jackson (Bugatti), 1 min. 54 2-5 sees.; 2, E. Parley;

3, G. Casswell (Alvis).

UNLIMITED SPORTS, NOVICES (one lap, scratch).-1, H. H. Stisted (Mercedes), 1 min. 43 2-5 sees.; 2, Gen. Sadleir Jackson (Bugatti) ; 3, H. Harding (Vauxhall).

RACING OR SPORTS CARS, UNLIMITED C.C.(one lap, scratch).-1, N. A. Carr (Bugatti), 1 min. 35 1-5 sees.; 2, C. Spottiswoode (Bugatti) ; 3, H. H. Stisted (Mercedes).

UNLIMITED SPORTS (four laps, scratch). -1, H. H. Stisted (Mercedes), 6 mins. 57 2-5 sees.; 2, D. Conan Doyle (AustroDaimler) ; 3, R. J. Munday (Vauxhall). RACING OR SPORTS (one lap handicap). 1, N. A. Carr (Bugatti), 1 min. 352-5 sees.;

2, C. Spottiswoode (Bugatti) ; 3, R. J. Munday (Vauxhall). Unrrarrun SPORTS (one lap handicap). -1, R. Way (Rover), 1 min. 57 3-5 secs. ;

2, Gen. Sadleir Jackson (Bugatti) ; 3, R. J. Munday (Vauxhall).

ONE LAP OPEN HANDICAP.-1, R. J. Munday (VanYhall), 1 min. 51 4-5 sees.; 2, N. A. Carr (Bugatti) ; 3, E. Farley (Mvis).

FOUR LAP SPORTS HANDICAP.-1, Gen. Sadleir Jackson (Bugatti), 7 mins. 13 sees.; 2, W. L. Thompson (Austin) ; 3, R. Alderson (Bentley).

sees.FIvE LAP RACING HANDICAP.-1, A. N. Spottiswoode (Bugatti), 7 mins. 55 sees.; A. Carr (Bugatti), 7 mins. 36 2-5 es. FOR the second time the well known French sportsman, M. Jacques May, has had the excellent idea of organising a run for veteran cars in Prance in collaboration with several other members of the A.C.F. Last year, it may be remembered, the run was to Rouen, but this year the course consisted of a journey from Dreux to Versailles, a distance of about 40 miles, on 24th June, and on the following day a run on to the Pavilion Royal in the Bois de Boulogne. Seventeen veteran cars took part in the event, and sixteen came through with flying colours. The participants comprised Jacques May himself, who drove an 1895 Bugot, Jean and Pierre Terouanne, both on 1895 Leon Bollee tri-cars, a Peugeot of the same date driven by Pierre Delpeuch, and Jacques Delpeuch on an 1896 Delahaye, Louis Vernet on an 1899 Amedee Bollee, Roger Mengin on a De Dion Bouton tricycle, Pozzoli on

a car bat by a mechanic at le Mans in 1899, Rene Millaud and Richer on 1898 Panhards, Marcel Mengin on a 1900 De Dion Bouton, Maurice Luling on an 1899 Renault, Desrozier on another Renault of 1900 and Castex on the 1902 Paris-Vienna racer of the same make, Dutot on a 1900 and Barre on a 1902 De Dion Bouton. The last-named car was running on its original tyres, and between Vile d’Airay and Suresnes one of them burst, with the result that the car overturned. M. Barre and his passenger were thrown out, but received only minor injuries, and after righting the car went off and bought a new tube from a neighbouring garage. This they fitted, and arrived in the Bois de Boulogne less than half an hour after the main body of the procession.

The run was followed throughout by Mr. Ainsworth, who drove a 6-cylinder Hotchkiss built in 1906.

A French Veterans’ Run