
Their efforts could not catch the Mere., however, and Caracciola roared home to the deafening cheers of the crowd, who also gave a great ovation to Chiron and Varzi.

In the small class a great race had been in progress, and Scaron, who had led from the start, and entered his last lap with a six minute lead over the Riley, struck trouble and could only finish third behind Froy and Count Arco. Tn H supercharged Austin Seven, which did so well in the Italian 1,000 Mile Race this year, put up a splendid performance in the Susa Moncenisio Mountain Race held on July 5th, when driven by F. Tre N.-isan—the wellknown Italian driver—it secured first

place in the Sports Class for cars up to 1,100 c.c. at an average speed of 62 k.p.h.

The event is held under the auspices of the Automobile Club de Torino, and some idea of its severity may be obtained from the fact that the 22 kilometre course starts from Susa (490 metres above sea level) and climbs to Moncenisio (2,086 metres), a rise of 1,600 metres.

The Italian newspaper “La Stampa,” commenting on the Race said “A miraculous ‘ race from every point of view was accomplished by Trevisan uho, with the small Austin made a time which was the real surprise of the day. When one thinks that this machine, of pocket size, only 750 c.c. was able to beat the time of motors of over 3,000 c.c., the word Miraculous’ does not seem to be an exaggeration.”