Club News, August 1931



THE Motor Cycling Club has now issued the results of their Land’s End-John o’Groats run. In, the car class there were twenty-nine starters, twenty-five of whom finished. The list of those who secured first class awards is as follows :— Stroud, H. J. (Alvis), Templeman, J. (Triumph “Scorpion “), Boote, R. S. L. (Lagonda), Mann, T. C. (Lagolada), Massey, R. H. (Austin), Bainbridge, J. B. (Rolls Royce), Tom, W. H. G. (Lagonda), Watson, W. J. (Austin), Strong, G. H. (Standard “Ensign “), Olive, G. W, (” Avon” Standard), Roberts, B. (Schneider), Budd, E. E. (Alvis ” Silver Eagle “), Payne, D. B. (Wolseley “Hornet “), Thorburn, A. H. S. (Roger), Bolton, F. W. J. (Morris Minor Page), Holland, W. E. (Lea-Francis), Thatcher, F. A. (Triumph), Robinson, C. I. (Alv:s), Quiver, C. L. (Salmson), Collier, G. K. (Talbot), Addis, J. J. J. (Invicta), Morley, R. J. P. (A.C. Acedes), Ga,skell, G. E. (Trojan), Tucker, E. H. P. (Frazer-Nash), The remaining fixtures for the 1931 season comprise the following :— Brooklands Meeting (Saturday, 26th

September)—Sporting Trial (Saturday, 17th October) — London-Exeter Trial (28th-29th December).

Approximately forty members, chiefly composed of the South Western Centre of the Junior Car Club, paid a visit to Messrs. The Firestone Tyre Co.’s factory on the Great West Road on the 1st July, and saw and had explained to them the various processes entailed in the manufacture of all classes of motor tyres.

The factory appears to be equipped with all modern and up to date plant. After a very interesting tour of the works the party were entertained, to lunch by the Directors of the company at the Osterley Park Hotel. Mr. L. J. Evans, the local Branch Manager presided and was supported by the Cuairman of tna South Western Centre, Mr. Thomas G. Hayter. Lunch being over the party then paid a visit to the Pyrene Co.’s works just across the road, and had the making of bumper bars, chromium plating and fire extinguishers explained to them. Various demonstrations were given of fire fighting, and. life saving, etc. The members were then entertained to tea by the Manage

naent of the Pyrene Co., after which followed a film display of large fires being extinguished.


Owing to the severity of the course, first-class awards were few in the Brightonto-Beer Trial. Thus, amongst the light car competitors, the only drivers to secure the award were R. C. Porter (Riley), A. G. Shepherd (Singer), R. C. Player (Riley), J. 8. Drewett (Austin Seven) and R. A. Stenhouse (Riley). Miss E. F. May (M.G. Midget) is to be congratulated upon winning the ladies’ prize, and a special award was made to A. F. Scroggs (Trojan) who failed in the brake and, acceleration tests, but drove the only car of the whole entry to climb all the hills non-stop. These hills, by the way, included the notorious Simms.

