The London-to-Cowes Race


The London-to-Cowes Race

Six Finishers in B.M.B.C’s Event.

THERE were eight starters for the British Motor Boat Club’s London-to-Cowes Race which took place on Sunday, 13th July. The start was from the Erith Yacht Club’s ship ” c,arson,” and the finish was opposite the ” Enchant” at Hythe, Southampton.

Weathev conditions were far from ideal for the competitors, and off Margate, where fairly heavy seas were running, the craft could be seen to be undergoing a pretty severe test for seaworthiness.

There were two retirements, and the competitors finished as follows :—(1) ” Dahinda ” (10.25 knots), (2) “Full Cry” (7.5 knots), (3) ” Waterbaby ” (6.85 knots), (4) “Gamecock III” (7.5 knots), (5) ” Nymphea II” (20.8 knots) and (6) ” Knock ” (18 knots). The winner receives the Braemar Challenge Cup, while ” Nymphea II” wins a cup for fastest time in the race.—B.

Record Attempts.

MR. PHILIP TURNER will shortly attempt the ” B ” class mile record with a Sharland 4stroke engine and a British hull. He will also attack the class ” C ” mile record on a Dunelt. In preliminary trials he has attained a speed of over

40 m.p.h. The attempt will be made at Medina, I.O.W., over the Admiralty measured mile. This will be the first time that the record has been attacked with a British engine and hull. Up to recently the Americans have predominated in this class. Mr. Philip Turner has every confidence that he will attain a speed of 43 m.p.h. The hull only weighs 37 lbs.